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    Solar Eclipses In Judaism

    On August 21, 2017, parts of North America will experience a total
    solar eclipse for the first time in decades. Many enthusiasts are
    traveling to locations where they can experience the rare natural
    phenomenon. What does the Torah have to say about solar eclipses?

    I. Blessing on Eclipse

    The Mishnah (Berachos 54a) lists phenomena on which someone who sees
    them recites a blessing. Among these are incredible sights such as
    mountains, seas and lightning. There is no mention of a solar eclipse.
    Should someone who sees a solar eclipse recite a blessing such as
    “Oseh ma’aseh bereishis, Who performs acts of Creation”?

    Dr. Jeremy Brown has an article on this subject in the journal Hakirah
    (vol. 23). Dr. Brown quotes the Rav Menachem Schneerson, the
    Lubavitcher Rebbe, as saying that you should not recite a blessing on
    a solar eclipse (Iggeros Kodesh 15:1079). He offers two reasons.
    First, the Talmud does not mention a blessing on a solar eclipse and
    we must follow that precedent. Second, which is really an explanation
    of the Talmudic omission, is that a solar eclipse is a bad omen, as we
    will discuss shortly. We should pray for the bad omen to be annulled
    rather than bless the occurrence.

    Dr. Brown also quotes Rav Chaim David Ha-Levi (Responsa Aseh Lecha
    Rav, 150) as ruling similarly based on the first reason. While he
    cannot approve a new blessing, he suggests saying the verses of
    “Va-yevarech David” (1 Divrei HaYamim 29:10) and adding to the end
    “Who performs acts of Creation.” Dr. Brown quotes Rav David Lau,
    current Ashkenazic Chief Rabbi of Israel, who suggests reciting
    Tehillim 19 and 104 on seeing a solar eclipse.

    II. Allegorical Meanings of Eclipse

    The Gemara (Sukkah 29a) says two things about solar eclipses. The
    first is that solar eclipses are a bad omen for whole world. Another
    opinion is that they are a bad omen for gentiles while lunar eclipses
    are a bad omen for Jews (since the Jewish calendar is lunar while the
    Gentile calendar is solar). Additionally, the Gemara says that four
    things cause solar eclipses: 1) a deceased head judge who is eulogized
    insufficiently, 2) a betrothed woman who is attacked and not saved, 3)
    homosexual relations and 4) twin brothers killed at the same time.

    The Rema (Toras Ha-Olah 1:8) asks how the Sages can attribute reasons
    to a solar eclipse, which is a natural occurrence. Whether or not
    people sin, the solar eclipse will happen. He quotes the Akeidas
    Yitzchak (Vayechi, ch. 32) and Yesod Olam (3:17) who each interpret
    this passage allegorically. The Akeidas Yitzchak explains that solar
    eclipse really refers to the death of the righteous, the lights of our
    community who are extinguished. Yesod Olam goes in the other
    direction. He understands the four reasons for a solar eclipse as
    allegories for the movement of the moon. For example, the two brothers
    who die refer to the sun and the moon who both lose their light, so to
    speak, during a solar eclipse. Rema offers a different allegorical
    interpretation, connecting the four reasons to the movements of the
    astrological signs relating to a solar eclipse.

    Centuries later, Rav Chaim Elazar Shapiro (Divrei Torah 6:93) offered
    an additional allegorical interpretation. He compares the moon’s
    receipt of light from the sun to the Jewish people’s receipt of divine
    attention or overflow. When that is blocked in any way, it signifies a
    distance from God.

    Significantly, Rema explains that a solar eclipse can be a bad omen
    even though it is a natural phenomenon. The basic premise of astrology
    is that there are times of the year that are good for certain things
    and bad for other things, which can be determined by examining the
    stars. While great rabbis debated the legitimacy of astrology (e.g.
    Rambam was against, Ibn Ezra was in favor), Rema explains that a solar
    eclipse is no different. It is a natural phenomenon like the movement
    of the stars, which those who accept astrology recognize as meaningful
    to people. Centuries later, the Aruch La-Ner (Sukkah 29a) and Ben
    Yehoyada (Sukkah 29a) explained the bad omen similarly, as a time when
    bad things happen naturally.

    III. Other Explanations

    Maharal (Be’er Ha-Golah, ch. 6, p. 106) explains that the Gemara is
    offering reasons why God established nature in such a way that there
    would be solar eclipses. If people did not sin, we would merit eternal
    light. However, because God knew people would sin, He created the
    world in such a way that solar eclipses would happen. The Gemara is
    not offering the reason for a solar eclipse (which is nature) but the
    reason behind the reason (why nature is that way). The Shelah (Hagahos
    to Bereishis, quoted in Sedeih Tzofim, Sukkah 29a) explains similarly.

    Some authorities believe that the Gemara is not talking about solar
    eclipses. Rav Yonasan Eybeschutz (Ye’aros Devash 2:10) suggests that
    the Gemara is referring to sunspots. Solar eclipses can be predicted.
    However, he argues, sunspots cannot and are caused by sin.  Rav
    Yehosef Schwartz (Divrei Yosef 1:9) suggests that the Gemara is
    discussing unexpected atmospheric phenomena. He says that on 28 Iyar
    1838 in Jerusalem at 4pm, the sun turned dark red for about an hour.
    Everyone was amazed by the sight. Over the next three months,
    Jerusalem experienced a terrible plague with many deaths. Rav Schwartz
    says that this was an example of the Talmudic phenomenon.

    Dr. Brown quotes the Lubavitcher Rebbe (Iggeros Kodesh 15:1079) as
    explaining that the Gemara refers to weather patterns.  He also quotes
    Rav David Pardo (Chasdei David, Sukkah 2:6) who claims that while
    eclipses are natural in general, they can occur supernaturally, as
    well. Those eclipses are caused by sin.