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    Dear Editor:

    If you want to know about the Flatbush eruv and who is responsible for it, or if it is checked, you are welcome to look on their Web site (erub.org) or to call their hotline on Friday afternoon before Shabbos (1-718-339-5904). This is not an endorsement of the eruv, but merely a response to your question. 

    It is true that the eruv has been endorsed by Chacham Ovadia Yosef and Rav Menashe Klein zt”l, and has NOT been endorsed by Rav Belsky zatzal. 


    Editor’s Note: Thanks for the information.



    Dear Editor:

    This is the letter I sent to my elected representatives today.

    I am your constituent.  I live in Fairfax County.  This is the first time I’ve contacted you concerning any issue.  I am appalled by President Obama’s shameful abandonment, at the UN yesterday, of America’s staunchest ally, Israel.  What motivated the President to do this – pique; shortsightedness; or something else – I can’t say but let me be clear: by doing so, Obama harmed the security of our country and of the world, along with Israel’s.  Even if one honestly believes the Israeli settlements are wrong, by allowing the UN to pass that resolution, President Obama dimmed the chances for Middle East peace very significantly.  For why in the world would the Palestinians ever see it in their interests now to return to the negotiating table with Israel?  And even if they did, what is Israel left with to negotiate?  My concerns extend further to the Administration’s disgraceful abandonment of Syria by lacking any coherent diplomatic and military strategy for the conflict, setting false “red lines,” and accepting UN inaction there while 200,000 people died.  By doing so, the United States abandoned our moral principles while allowing Syria to become a Russian-Iranian client state, making us irrelevant in the Region.  This, too, is a cost of UN’s immoral fixation on Israel and President Obama’s empowerment of it yesterday – it sucks the oxygen out of the organization, making meaningful progress to address any other issue impossible.  Never in a million years would I have predicted I’d change my mind concerning Trump’s ascension to the White House and actually now be looking forward to it but, against all odds, President Obama succeeded in getting me to do so.   As the Trump Administration assumes the Presidency next month, I’ll be watching closely what it proposes to do to counteract President Obama’s failed Middle East approaches.  Importantly, I’ll be watching equally closely how you, personally, respond to President-Elect Trump’s proposals.  Please act responsibly for America and our allies.

    Editor’s Note: We must remember that we are in golus and every so often Hashem reminds us of that fact.



    Dear Editor:

    It is with great dismay that we heard the UN pass the resolution against Israel with the US helping it pass by not vetoing it. The true colors of Obama are coming out. Who knows what other damage he can and will inflict on the Jews as he leaves office? We need to be mispallel that our President-elect Donald Trump does not follow his foot steps.

    Dismayed in Flatbush

    Editor’s Note: Lev melachim v’sorim b’yad Hashem.



    Dear Editor:

    Why is the U.N. busy with Israel, but not passing resolutions against Syria?

    Boruch Weiss

    Editor’s Note: Check out what type of people make up the majority of the U.N. What is their religion? You will then have your question answered. I say, give every state of the Untited States a vote in the U.N. like every small Arab country has a vote. Then you’ll see a difference.




    Dear Editor:

    We need to daven for one of our Gedolei Hador, Rav Shteinman, who is in the hospital. His name is Aharon Yehuda Leib ben Gittel Faiga. I don’t need to write and explain Rav Shteinman’s greatness. We all know he is a Gadol Hador so let us be mispallel for him.


    Editor’s Note: May our tefillos go straight up and be niskabel.



    Dear Editor:

    I would like to remind everyone that despite the fact that there is a minhag to eat oily foods on Chanukah, it should still be done in moderation. We are becoming an over weight nation. Pikuach nefesh is first and foremost.

    Brachy Feld

    Editor’s Note: Moderation is the key in all aspects of life. Thanks for the reminder.



    Dear Editor:

    I read your magazine this weekend. I noticed the advertisements and the articles, but no listings. I pick it up for the TV listings. Please put them back. Thank you.

    Editor’s Note: The Vues posted a disclaimer last week apologizing for any missing content.




    Dear Editor:

    Why do some places have a minhag to throw towels at the person lighting the Chanuka candles in Shul?

    Yanky Friedman

    Editor’s Note: The reason is that they want to show that the person lighting the menorah in shul is not really fulfilling his obligation and needs to do the mitzvah again at home.



    Dear Editor:

    On October 13, 2016, Brooklyn Borough President Adams announced a “Faith-Based Initiative” that would provide $2,250,000 to churches across the borough of Brooklyn. [See http://www.brooklyneagle.com/articles/2016/10/13/borough-hall-puts-faith-and-funding-affordable-housing-central-brooklyn.] Upon learning of same, I wrote to the borough president, inquiring about any assistance to synagogues in Brooklyn. More than two months have passed and I have not received any response thereto, or to several follow-up calls.

    Any officer of a shul who wishes to join in a formal complaint may contact my office at AaronTykLaw@Gmail.com.This is patently unacceptable. There are many shuls in our community that should have received similar funding. I encourage The Vues readership to call the borough president’s office at 718.802.3795 and let their voice be heard.

    Aaron Tyk, Esq

    Editor’s Note: It seems like the website you included actually refers to funding for affordable housing. Who would like their shul to become housing? Unless money is given to buy housing elsewhere, I am a little confused.