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    Dear Editor: 

    In your latest article by Rabbi Steinfeld titled “Cooking for a Slave on Yom Tov”, you write the following:
    “…one may cook on Yom Tov for “lachem”, it includes cooking for animals. It would stand to reason that this would include one’s non-Jewish slaves.”
    Where’s your seichel? Do you have any? You must realize that what you write is printed in the Vues and distributed all over our neighborhoods. Do you think that the magazine, available for all, is not read by non-Jews? Do you not stop to think of what a goy’s reaction would be to a Jewish publication comparing them to animals?
    It will be on your shoulders, for the rest of your life, if harm befalls any Jew because of such irresponsible writing.

    Yechiel Aberbach

    Rabbi Steinfeld responds: Yale University recently removed a name from a campus building because the person had been pro-slavery.  It is interesting to note that people are constantly trying to rewrite History. The Torah discusses the concept of slavery and how one should treat one’s slaves. One cannot rewrite the Torah. There is nothing wrong with writing halachos, even if they may not apply today. In addition, how can anyone be offended by what was written if there are no such thing as slaves today? When an article about Halacha is written how can offense be taken?



    Dear Editor:

    Look at the difference between Trump and Obama. Trump went to Saudi Arabia and his wife and daughter did not cover their hair. Obama’s wife did. Trump went to the Kosel he wore a black yarmulka his daughter covered her hair but Obama never went to the Kosel while he was President.

    Interesting, no?

    Reuven S.

     Editor’s Note: I don’t know where you get your information from, but that is untrue. Michelle Obama did not cover her hair in when visiting Saudi Arabia in 2015. In fact, Trump criticized her at the time, and his wife and daughter did not cover their hair upon their recent visit.



    Dear Editor:

    How do you say asher yatzar (or other brachos) when you are in public?

    For example, if you are at work and you need to say asher yatzar or a bracha on thunder/ lightning, how would you do it? Would you cover your mouth with your hand? Would you pick up the telephone and pretend that you are talking on the phone?

    Or would you just say it normally and not care about the stares of the goyim?


     Editor’s Note: You have to know your time and place. Use your common sense. It may be possible to explain your behavior to regular workmates if you are seen pausing to say something to yourself.



    Dear Editor:

    Should frum children be permitted to have a library card or go to the public library unsupervised as to what reading material they choose?

    Yachi K.

     Editor’s Note: Absolutely not! There is access to the internet in the library and one would be a fool to allow a child to surf on the internet unattended.



    Dear Editor:

    It seems like schools are not requiring the students to write in script anymore. I realize that with technology everything is typed and printed but shouldn’t children learn everything they can?

    Mr L.

     Editor’s Note: It is foolhardy to be lax on the children when they are learning skills that will be available to them for life. I am aware of some schools who have a policy of not allowing reports to be submitted unless they are handwritten and in cursive. This is to enforce the skill in the students while they are able to still learn them. Beautiful cursive does not have to be a thing of the past if the adults of today insist on getting more from the children.