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    Dear Editor: 

    Can somebody explain to me why girls do not have school on Sunday? If the boys have school, so should the girls.

    Nechie Y.

    Editor’s Note: It’s very simple.  Boys need to learn Torah, girls don’t. If you’re looking for a babysitter for your girls, there are some nice Sunday programs out there.



    Dear Editor:

    What is your opinion concerning those who go to demonstrate against the Israeli day parade? Are they making a chilul Hashem? Are they entitled to their opinion? Is a parade a Jewish thing? Anyone who participates in the parade might also be making a chillul Hashem as a Jew’s way is hatznea Leches.


     Editor’s Note: The demonstrators are making a huge chillul Hashem.



    Dear Editor:

    So much for Trump moving the embassy. A politician bleibt a politician. He talks and talks but just does nothing. I hope that we take a lesson from this and internalize “Al tivtechu bi’nedivim.”

    Morris M

     Editor’s Note: You gotta give the guy a chance! All he did was sign a waver. He may still move the embassy later on. All he is doing now is trying to negotiate a peace deal.




    Dear Editor:

    It seems like Lakewood was embroiled in a hotly contested voting for primaries this past Tuesday. I have a kabala from my great grandfather that it is not good for a Jew to be in public office because if he is successful he does not get the credit. If he is unsuccessful he just intensifies Chillul Hashem.

    Yitzchok G.

     Editor’s Note: You may be right. But it’s a double-edged sword. If we don’t have politicians working on our behalf, we definitely have no chance.




    Dear Editor:

    I don’t understand why some people need to daven from their cell phones when they can walk over to the bookcase two feet away and there are a bunch of siddurim there. I feel that the siddur on your phone should only be used when davening in a place that has no siddurim. Can you imagine learning the daf from your phone instead of a Gemara?

    Yaakov Weinstein

     Editor’s Note: You are a hundred percent right. There is no need to daven from a cell phone. One should rather daven from a siddur that was written b’kedusha.



    Dear Editor:

    Enclosed please find a tweet from President Trump, “At least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and Mayor of London says there is “no reason to be alarmed!” I don’t think it is appropriate of a President to try to energize fear and chaos to a different country when the Mayor of London is trying to do his job and calm his constituents down and try to get their lives in order.

    Yaron B

     Editor’s Note: Remember! A politician promotes his side of politics and it is in is best interest to promote havoc sometimes.