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    Dear Vues Master:

    Is it just me or does it seem that the

    entire heimishe world is in Florida

    right now? I just heard that Disney

    is now charging $180 a day per

    person for the basic plan. How do

    people spend that much money?

    If you have a family of seven or

    eight people between the flight,

    lodging & activities it’s at least

    $10k to go to Florida for Yeshiva

    winter break. If you’re going to

    spend that type of money, I think

    you should go to Eretz Yisrael.

    I’m just fed up with inflation &

    how much everything costs these

    days. Just venting. Sorry.


    Vues Master’s Note: You forgot

    another expense they all had to

    buy winter coats as the weather is

    freezing in Florida!


    Dear Vues Master:

    A Big Yasher Koach for all the divrei

    Torah that are found in the Jewish

    Vues. In honor of your Achdus edition

    I thought you would like to put

    this letter from Rav Felder Shlita.

    Bracha VeHatzlacha VeChol Tuv

    And the Yidden encamped there near

    the mountain The word the Torah

    uses encamped, Vayichan, is in the

    singular this says Rashi is because

    they were as one unit as one person

    with one heart. Reb Yeruchem Levovitz

    said that from here we see that

    love of our fellow man is needed

    for accepting the Torah. How can

    we help bring more Ahavas Yisroel?

    Perhaps if we keep in mind the following

    letter written by reb Shmuel

    felder Shlita a well known posek in

    Lakewood it will help us bring more

    ahavas Yisroel.

    Hashem told Avraham Avinu that

    anyone who gives a bracha to Avraham

    will receive a bracha from Hashem

    This applies to all of Avraham’s

    descendants for all generations. You

    only have to give a bracha to another

    Yid. When you say “Good Morning”

    and “Good Night” if you mean what

    you say then it is a bracha for the person

    to have a successful morning and

    evening. Therefore if you say “Good

    Morning” to ten people you receive

    ten brachos from Hashem! That , in

    itself, is amazing, but there is more!

    In the Sefer Avodas Hamelech it says

    that every time a person has the intention

    of giving a bracha he is mekayem

    the mitzvah of “veahavta lereiacha

    komocha.” So by saying Good morning

    to ten people you get ten brachos

    and ten mitzvos DeOraysa and you

    are mechazek the person you wish

    good morning. This is a win-win situation!


    Vues Master’s Note: Great Dvar Torah

    I wish you both a Good morning

    and a good night!


    Dear Vues Master:

    Mottel the tailor had a meeting with

    his store’s new banker. Afterwards,

    his partner asked him what kind

    of man he is. “I would say he’s 42

    long,” Mottel replied.


    Vues Master’s Note: This gives a new

    meaning to size up a person!


    Dear Vues Master:

    On January 23rd, 2022 we honor and pay tribute to Larry King, a Jewish Broadcasting Legend who sadly died one year ago on January 23rd, 2021 at the age of 87 after a half-century in broadcasting that included interviews with presidents, movie stars and ordinary Joes.. Although Larry King was not a comic, his style of interviewing celebrities was very unique and entertaining.

    Many years ago Larry King met Rabbi Noah Weinberg from Aish Hatorah. They got into a spirited discussion about spirituality, with Larry the skeptic. Reb Noah finally asked him why he doesn’t believe in G-d. He told him that growing up in Brooklyn he was a big Dodgers fan and one year they were in the World Series against the Yankees. He said he prayed so hard the Dodgers would win, and they lost. Reb Noah, also from Brooklyn, leaned across the desk and said, “Larry, I was praying for the Yankees.” It is the 13th yahrzeit of Reb Noah, and Larry King joined him in the Next World to continue their talk….for eternity.

    Vues Master’s Note: I always prayed for rain because I used to sweat out there in right field!


    Dear Vues Master:

    A lion in Africa was getting married and invited all the animals in the jungle to celebrate with him. Among those who came was a little mouse. The mouse approached the lion and congratulated him, saying “Mazel Tov my brother, Mazel Tov !” The lion said “Thank you for the congratulations, but how can you call me your brother? You’re a mouse and I’m a lion, King of the jungle.” “Yes,” the mouse answered, “Before I was married, I was also a lion.”


    Vues Master’s Note: Yea! They say marriage is made in heaven. I say, so is thunder and lightning!


    Dear Vues Master:

    Did you hear about the coach that canceled his High School football team practice so they could shovel snow for their elderly or disabled neighbors? I believe that this is the key to raising well balanced children. They must be taught to help those in need with no expectation of any payment other than knowing they made the world a better place. Let’s all try†to†figure†out†how†at†least†once a week we can help out those in need.


    Vues Master’s Note: Great letter! What an inspiration! I bet you they lost their next game as we know the phrase good guys always finish last!


    Dear Vues Master:

    Rav Lipa Margulus ZTL

    Rav Slomo Feivel Schustal shlita was maspid the Rosh Hayeshiva ZTL Sunday at the levaya held in Yeshiva Torah Temimah, and said over a great maaseh. A parent took his kid out of yeshiva during the zman to go for a vacation in Florida. Of course, Rav Margulus was unhappy, and sent the boy out of Yeshiva. The father came running to the Rosh Hayeshiva to complain that it’s not fair that his child should be punished if it wasn’t up to him. The Rosh Hayeshiva agreed and told the father that his son can come back on condition that you the father must come to learn in yeshiva for a month for night seder with your son.


    Vues Master’s Note: YYes Chinuch applies to adults also! Wow! What an inspirational story!!


    Dear Vues Master:

    Mrs Borger borrowed a dozen eggs from her neighbor.

    Mrs.Borger may not pay her back 12 eggs.

    If Mrs. Borger borrowed a dozen eggs and found a blood spot in one of the eggs she is not required to pay back for the egg with the bloodspot. Since she is not required to pay for it if she does she will be



    chan Aruch Choshen Mishpat 232:19)

    “If someone sells eggs to his friend and it was found to be spoiled and inedible,

    It is considered a טעות

    מקח†,(mistaken sale) and the

    money must be returned. Today we don’t rule like this. And

    a Minhag is מבטל†(nulli

    fies) a Halacha” (The buyer is stuck with the spoiled eggs)

    Rav Y.S. Elyashiv & Rav S. Wosner zt”l both hold that this Minhag/Halacha is not applicable when a person borrows the eggs. Therefore there is no need to repay for the spoiled eggs.

    R. Wosner (Shevet Halevi 10:133) writes that since there is no need to repay the eggs you may not repay it otherwise it’s ™רבית™†דרבנן


    Vues Master’s Note: I heard that by the time they got the answer to the question the egg cracked in half and they each got half of the yolk I mean Joke!


    Dear Vues Master:

    A Talmid Chacham was asked: “Why is it that a stretcher used to carry the dead has two poles but a חופה

    under which a חתן†and כלה

    get married has four poles?” He answered: “What kind of question is that? On the stretcher we take only one person to bury, while under the חופה†we’re burying two.”


    Vues Master’s Note: Are there Poll bearers or Pole bearers?


    Dear Vues Master:






    into two.



    week a new Parsha starts with†Æ†אם†כסף†תלוה

    Now we can understand the אברבנאל†’s†הקדמה†on†שמות





    Vues Master’s Note: If they had split it up I might have had an

    easier time with Shnayim mikra!


    Dear Vues Master:

    My friend called me up at night to tell me that his mother passed away, and if I had the Mourning in Halacha -English Artscroll book? I raced to the seforim store in BP that was still open till 10∫30pmƆI†had†perhaps†10†minutes to go before they closed. I found parking in front of the store which is a miracle in Double Park-Boro Park. I darted down the stairs where the English halachas are displayed, but I couldn’t find†the†book†what†I†was†looking for. They had everything else from Bris, Pidyon Habeiin. Finally, someone [Malach Gavriel? Eliyahu Hanavi?] who was downstairs, helped me out B”H. I was looking in the wrong section. It was in the Cookbooks†&†Mourning†section°†Don’t ask me why? Perhaps the immigrant worker who doesn’t speak a word of English thought it was Breakfast in the MORNING? I bought the last copy by closing time and rushed over to my friend to give him the Halacha in Mourning Sefer. Whoever can tell me why the Mourning books are in the Cookbooks section?


    Vues Master’s Note: Who cooked up that idea. I guess one morning he decided to cook up a storm!


    Dear Vues Master:

    In your discussion about using a hotel microwave, (Vues, parshas Yisro) you wrote that even if you kasher it, you should try to double wrap your food.

    If you double wrap your food, is it necessary to kasher the oven?

    Also, when you double wrap, is it necessary to cover the sides, or is it sufficient to cover top and bottom?


    Vues Master’s Note: My suggestion is call up the OU and leave him a message. He will get back to you!Wow! What an awesome story! Thanks for the inspiration!


    Dear Vues Master:

    Question 1 (Yisro) asked for sedrahs named after non-descendants of Avraham. In answer you list Noach and Balak. How about Chayei Soroh?


    Vues Master’s Note: Maybe the question was supposed to be male descendants. Or Chayei is not part of the name so it does not count. I feel like I am being medayek in a Gemara!



    My name is Mendel Ginsberg, I run the Tzivos Hashem chapter based in Boro Park.

    Tzivos†Hashem†definitely†still†exists! We Kah have close to 7¨000†children†signed†up†from†all over, boro park, williamsburg, lakewood, monsey, new square!

    Children can sign up to our chapter†by†calling†718≠682≠2222

    It’s amazing that you rose to the†rank†of†general°†∫®

    Do you have any interesting memories of being in Tzivos Hashem that you’d be able to share?


    Vues Master’s Note: Oy! It was so long ago. It was great. Keep up the good work! Kids need to find excitement!



    I want to bring awareness to the community that most, if not all

    children’s liquid Tylenol motrin etc. Are treif! They contain glycerin from pig or beef.

    Watch your kitchen and ask your rabbi in which circumstances it is allowed to be used.

    There is a company ADWE which is a small kosher pharmaceutical company that has kosher options available. It usually comes into stores before purim for pesach.


    Vues Master’s Note: Was this letter sponsored by?? Thanks for the Public Service Announcement!



    Frieda and Miriam were having coffee, when Frieda mentioned†that†her†50th†wedding†anniversary was approaching and she was disappointed because she thinks her husband no†longer†finds†her†to†be†attractive. “He hardly looks at me anymore,” she complained. “It’s the opposite for me,” Miriam said. “My husband†finds†me†more†and†more†attractive the older I get.” “Sure,” Frieda responded, “Your husband is an antiques dealer.”


    Vues Master’s Note: I thought that her husband thinks she is getting younger!



    I asked ten teenagers the following†questions∫†If†someone says your father has poor judgment, is this an opinion or a fact? They said an opinion. What if a rabbi said it? Half said an opinion and half said a fact. What if the rosh yeshiva said it? One said an opinion and the others said a fact.

    I asked a follow up question, who will you go to when you start dating? They said their rosh yeshiva. I asked why, and they said because he knows me better. I asked in astonishment, how can he know you better, your father raised you and knows how you are when you’re angry, tired and everything in between!? They said you’re right but my father is nogeia†b’dovor†©emotionally†invested®Æ†I†said†that’s†a†problem for judges presiding over a court case but not for your parents who want happy and healthy grandchildren.

    I told them that one day your dad is going to grab you by the arms, hoping to shake some sense into you, and you’re going to be thinking, “Opinion and emotion vs fact and detached.”

    I would like to suggest that “fact” and “nogeia b’dovor”, are based on a misunderstanding from a phrase in the Torah∫

    It†says†in†Kiddushin†42b†“When†there†is†a†conflict†between the words of the Master†©iÆeƨ†G≠d®†and†the†words†of†the†student†©iÆeƨ†a†human†being®†whose†words†should†be listened to?”

    If you ask your children to translate the Hebrew,




    late†it†as†master†©as†in†age†and†wisdom®†and†student†©as†subordinate®†but†as†rabbi†and†layman. Which means if his seventy year old father says

    build†and†a†twenty≠five†year†old rabbi says destroy he’s going to destroy because the Torah†doesn’t†say†master†©father®†but†rabbiÆ

    They think that because there is no equivalent phrase in the Torah, such as “The words of the father and the words of the rabbi, who do you listen to?” They think the father’s words which are nogeia b’dovor ©emotionally†invested®†can’t†contend with the rabbi’s words which are emotionally detached.


    Vues Master’s Note: I always thought that teen ager is a yiddish word that is the age vos men ken teen vos men vill! Go get a guy who speaks Yiddish to translate for you!



    A shul in Queens had a casino night fundraiser. Pearl decided to try her luck at the roulette table. She asked the dealer what was the best way to pick a number. He suggested putting her bet on the number corresponding to her ageƆSo†she†put†§10†on†number†26ƆWhen†the†number†33†came up, she fainted.


    Vues Master’s Note: Age is just a number and jail is just a room! Yea right!