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    Please note that the author of Speak Your Vues is in no way affliated with the
    publisher of this paper. The author of this column is an independent third party
    contributor. The views and opinions expressed by this author may not refect the
    views and opinions of the publishers. If one has any issues with any of the views,
    please write a letter to the Vues Master.


    Dear Vues Master:
    Offcially there are close to seven million Jews in
    Israel. Nearly one million of them poured into Bnei
    Brak to attend the funeral of Rav Chaim Kanievsky,
    and most of the rest probably feel some measure of
    guilt that they didn’t. Think about that. It’s staggering. There is not a single rock star, movie star,
    professional athlete, or other celebrity on the planet
    whose loss would be felt by such a high percentage
    of ordinary people. They have tens of millions of
    “followers” who idolize them, but that’s the thing –
    they are idols, not the real deal. Idols are a dime a
    dozen and are easily replaced when they fade from
    glory or pass from this world. Even during their
    lifetimes, they have a short period of greatness during their prime years, after which they coast on the
    fame they achieved. If they pass away in their nineties, very few people outside of historians will be
    moved by their death. After all, it will have been
    many decades since they were relevant. The longer
    a secular celebrity lives, the fewer people will care
    when he dies. His true death occurs when a younger
    star eclipses him, and his physical passing is a mere
    technicality. Rav Chaim Kanievsky was 94 years
    old. He was not eclipsed by younger rabbis. If a Jew
    studies in his entire life what Rav Kanievsky studied
    in a single year, he will be considered a great scholar. Torah scholars do not retire after a few years of
    greatness and then rest on their laurels. They continue to learn and grow, making the most of every precious moment until their very last. Even if physical
    frailty prevents them from public activities – even if
    they can barely speak – they remain relevant just as
    they were decades earlier in their physical primes.
    Probably more. This is why a million Jews went to
    the funeral of an elderly sage. They understand that
    a Torah sage cannot be replaced. They understand
    that Rav Kanievksy achieved a level of Torah greatness that is simply unfathomable to ordinary people.
    They understand that everything there is to know
    about everything is contained in the Torah, and Rav
    Kanievsky absorbed about as much of this divine
    wisdom as is humanly possible in our time. However much or little Torah the average Jew knows,
    they understand that this is what it’s all about. That’s
    why Israel stopped. Despite the viciously anti-Torah
    ruling class, the ongoing assaults against authentic
    Judaism, the sanctity of the Jewish family, and God
    as our King, Israel stopped for an elderly Torah sage
    like it would stop for no one else. Can you imagine a million people out of seven million attending
    the funeral of any military or political leader, past or
    present? They are fortunate if so many people aren’t
    glad to be rid of them, let alone mourn their passing.
    They are fortunate if people care at all. No world
    leader will ever know honor like this. In some countries they force people to attend funerals and pretend
    to mourn. That isn’t honor; it’s the biggest disgrace.
    These “mighty rulers” are pathetic. An old man with
    no offcial position, who lived in a simple apartment, had no worldly pursuits, and devoted his life
    to Torah study earned the respect of the masses. No
    guns required. A moment like this is a rare teaching
    opportunity for the world. Most people spend their
    lives chasing money, fame, power, material rewards.
    They dream of greatness, but they don’t know what
    greatness really is. They want to be rich and famous,
    but rich and famous people are almost universally
    miserable. The more they stuff themselves, the more
    empty they feel, the more they need just to feel momentary satisfaction. Celebrities have many fans
    and followers, but the masses loathe them even as
    they envy them. When a celebrity has a downfall,
    as they so often do, the masses cannot kick them
    fast enough. It isn’t the person they love – it is the
    money and fame. Shallow people idolizing other
    shallow people who have more shallow things. The
    passing of Rav Kanievsky is a reminder to the world
    what real greatness is. Greatness isn’t found on big
    screens, big stages, or social media. It doesn’t conform to the latest trends or concern itself with the
    faux morality of the day. It doesn’t seek attention
    or approval. Greatness is studying Torah, teaching Torah, living a life that is guided by the Torah.
    Greatness is seeing every moment as an opportunity
    to get closer to God, impart wisdom, blessings, and
    assistance to others, and hasten the redemption. We
    can’t all live an ascetic lifestyle completely devoted
    to Torah study. But we can recognize that true greatness is there, aspire to it, and do a little better.
    Vues Master’s Note: We all feel the loss of this great


    Dear Vues Master:
    Imagine a person who dedicated 94 years
    to, well, anything. An artist who painted
    for 94 years. An athlete who trained for
    94 years. A professor who studied for
    94 years. We are talking about a man
    who lived in materialistic poverty but
    was a spiritual billionaire. He was a Torah scholar of unparalleled proportions.
    The man completed a cycle every year
    in which he fnished the 5 books of the
    Torah, the entire Talmud, the entire Kabbalah (Zohar), and endless commentary
    on all of those books. He basically learned
    the entire Torah every year. It takes people
    a lifetime to do that and most don’t even
    succeed. Every. Single. Year. The man
    studied the Torah 24/7 besides the time he
    spent giving people brachos. Hundreds of
    thousands of people went to meet Rabbi
    Chaim Kanievsky and get a blessing, even
    if it was one word. There was nothing
    about the Torah this man didn’t know. It
    was almost supernatural. I never met him.
    I now wish I did. Even if you’re not religious in the traditional sense of the word,
    I’m sure you can appreciate that level of
    dedication. I’m sure you can appreciate
    that level of righteousness. I’ve already
    heard so many stories about this giant
    that we lost. I’m sure we’ll hear more as
    time passes. I heard a thought about Rav
    Kaniefsky from Sivan Rahav. One of the
    many things that were unique about him
    is that he was not charismatic, he was
    not a political leader, and he had no formal offcial position or title. And despite
    that, he had millions of people who were
    impacted by him and his Torah. The man
    was pure humility, pure dedication, pure
    righteousness, and just a fountain of Torah knowledge. One story I heard, and I’m
    paraphrasing. There was another big rabbi
    who was extremely learned. He famously said that there are 12 (I think it was
    12) things that Maimonides said and he
    couldn’t fnd a source for them. He didn’t
    know what Maimonides was basing them
    on. He went to see R’ Chaim and without
    hesitating or finching, R’ Chaim named
    the source for all 12. Now mind you, these
    were not sources that were easily accessible. Otherwise the other rabbi would
    have found them. These were things that
    were hidden deep down in the depths of
    the Torah and R’ Chaim was able to name
    them all in a split second. You don’t have
    to be ultra orthodox to understand what
    we lost on Friday, we lost a true giant.
    This man was more angel than he was human and for me, my takeaway is that I can
    be a little bit better. I’ll never be him but
    I don’t think I’m supposed to be. I’m supposed to be the best me and a man like R’
    Chaim just shows me how much potential
    we have as human beings. BDE.
    Vues Master’s Note:I am lucky to have met
    him. He was the nicest person. He had a
    great sense of humor! Notwithstanding all
    other accolades!
    Dear Vues Master:
    I just read this Electric Vehicle Fact Sheet
    this past week. It said that 61% of electricity was generated from fossil fuels in
    2021. China is among the largest producers of lithium for EV batteries. $60,000
    avg price of an electrical vehicle. In other
    words, we are benefting China alot by
    purchasing electric cars. Does this make
    sense to you?
    Vues Master’s Note: Look the squad is pro
    Arabs who are the worst offenders when it
    comes to women’s rights! Does that make
    sense to you?
    Dear Vues Master:
    There has been a nationwide manhunt
    for those who stormed the US Capitol.
    My question is this, why is there no nationwide manhunt for the people who
    burned and looted Seattle and Portland for
    over 150 days. Why no manhunt for the
    people who burn down federal buildings?
    Why no manhunt for people who burned
    churches? Why no manhunt for people
    who threw Molotov cocktails, chemical
    irritants and explosives at police offcers?
    Why no manhunt for people who toppled
    statues? Why no manhunt for people who
    looted and burned private businesses?
    Why no manhunt for people who brutally
    attacked elderly people merely for trying
    to defend their livelihood?
    Vues Master’s Note: Because they did not
    threaten the cowards living in the Capital.
    Pelosi is a hypocrite who is scared of anything that will usurp her power!
    Dear Vues Master:
    I had a really nice Purim and my family
    really was very happy! It was just so hard
    to hear about Rav Chaim zt”l on Shushan
    Purim. It ruined my whole weekend. How
    does one go from one extreme emotionally to the next?
    Vues Master’s Note: It is the same Ribbono Shel Olam who wants us to be happy,
    as who does things to remind us that our
    generation was not zocheh yet to have
    Moshiach come!
    Dear Vues Master:
    People who suffer from atypical anorexia
    can be at any weight, even what some
    people might categorize as obese or fat.
    Diet culture tells them that they have to
    lose weight. Others compliment them
    when they lose weight. It is a serious eating disorder, a form of anorexia. Yes, you
    can be fat and anorexic. Pursuing weight
    loss cannot support recovery. A plus sized
    sufferer of atypical anorexia was recently
    cyberbullied after sharing her diagnosis. Not only does this gatekeeping harm
    her, it reinforces the anti-fat-bias in the
    minds of all eating disorder sufferers.
    Your “classic” anorexic, the emaciated
    white teenage girl, hears this and becomes
    even more fearful of gaining weight and
    becoming fat. If you don’t want people to
    starve themselves, stop sending them the
    message that weight is inversely correlated with worth.
    Vues Master’s Note: I always say I am in
    shape! Round is a shape! I like fat as there
    is more to love!
    Dear Vues Master:
    On Purim last week my family was enjoying their seudah when a neighbor knocked
    on the door & asked if we could come
    by in a few minutes to make a minyan
    for Maariv. They were 7 and we were 5
    people. We didn’t have dessert yet, so we
    did not bentch but had in mind that when
    we came back we would fnish our meal
    & bentch. During Maariv I realized that
    we do not say Al Hanisim anymore and
    I didnt know whether to say Al Hanisim
    when I bentched after Maariv. I remembered that the Jewish Vues once ran an article with this question with Rabbi Moshe
    Elefant. I asked a Rav at the minyan and
    he at frst was not sure. He thought that
    we should NOT say Al Hanissim after
    maariv when bentching at the seudah. He
    looked it up in the Mishnah Berurah & the
    Shulchan Aruch and changed his mind &
    said that we should say Al Hanisim when
    we bentch. I just thought that your readers
    would be interested in hearing this. Keep
    up the good work. We love the Jewish
    Vues Master’s Note: Just remember that
    davening Maariv does not escort the new
    day unless it is Friday night!
    Dear Vues Master:
    What a loss! There is a story of four Israeli paratroopers approaching the Kotel in
    Yerushalayim immediately after the Israeli
    army had liberated and United Jerusalem
    in 1967. Three of the paratroopers were
    Torah observant, one was not. Overcome
    with emotion of the moment, the four soldiers began weeping. One of the Torah observant soldiers turned to his friend who
    wasn’t Torah observant, “I know why
    we’re crying; the Kotel means a great deal
    to us because of our Torah lifestyle, why
    are you crying?” His friend responded,
    “I’m crying because I don’t know what to
    cry about.” I have a sense many Jews don’t
    understand why millions of Jews around
    the world are mourning the death of one
    Rabbi in Bnei Brak. Only great people
    should eulogize a scholar as great as Rav
    Kanievsky and I’m not a great person but
    as an educator, I feel I have a responsibility to inform people of the great man the
    Jewish people just lost. People unfamiliar
    with Religious leaders, especially Jewish
    religious leaders from the Charedi world,
    sometimes assume there’s something untoward or cultish about Haredi Rabbis
    with followers in the millions. Fear is usually borne out of ignorance and unfamiliarity; with a little background into how
    Haredi leaders become leaders, everyone
    can appreciate the value of these special
    Rabbis. Rav Kanievsky wasn’t a leader or
    infuencer in the classic sense of a politician, a war hero, movie star or athlete.
    He wasn’t elected by the Jewish people
    or a council of scholars to lead them. He
    didn’t have super powers or claim to be
    a miracle worker. He didn’t have a special connection to God, or prophecy. What
    made Rav Chaim Kanievsky great was
    that he was the greatest Torah scholar of
    his generation. To become the greatest
    scholar requires a supreme intellect and
    great teachers. Rav Kanievsky had both.
    But many people have those qualities.
    To become the greatest scholar requires
    an intense level of study unparalleled
    by scholars in other felds. This level of
    study involves 18-20 hours a day, six and
    a half days a week. Sleeping, eating and
    socializing is kept to a bare minimum and
    wasting time is considered sinful. Rav
    Kanievsky was best known for his Torah study schedule; he completed more
    works in one year than 95% of Torah students complete in their lifetimes. Just one
    subject of his studies, Talmud, takes the
    average person studying one page a day,
    having someone teach them, 7 ½ years to
    complete. Rav Kanievsky completed the
    Talmud every year. The Torah world will
    miss Rav Kanievsky and his scholarship.
    Besides being a brilliant halachic decider,
    his door was open to people seeking his
    decisions, advice and blessings. I pray that
    G-d grants the Jewish people scholars to
    fll his void.
    Vues Master’s Note: I would like to point
    out that we need to appreciate these Gedolim when they are alive and not just realize the loss when they are no longer alive!
    Dear Vues Master:
    The U.S. Senate, a body known in recent
    years for decisive inaction and knee jerk
    partisan division, somehow managed a
    unanimous vote last week on a measure
    making daylight saving time year-round.
    The Sunshine Protection Act, if enacted
    into law, would mean that the semiannual
    chore of changing clock hour hands would
    be called off in 2023. Legislation doing
    away with the clock-changes has been
    a regular feature in the Florida Legislature going back some 14 years. Always
    popular at session time when the days are
    growing longer. And it’s been something
    of a seasonal hobbyhorse for the U.S.
    Sen. Marco Rubio who sponsored the bill.
    While in recent years various states have
    passed pieces of legislation that would extend daylight saving time hours, this vote
    by the US Senate is the biggest move yet.
    If the legislation proceeds to the House
    and then the president, Americans will no
    longer have to change their clocks twice
    a year. (It’s not currently clear that the
    House will take on the legislation at all.)
    The benefts of extending daylight saving time to year-round — or just keeping
    standard time all year — are more widespread than avoiding the hassle of resetting
    clocks (even if many timepieces these days
    do this automatically). As a frum jew I’m
    worried. This will mess up my davening
    schedule. People that daven early in the
    morning before going to work are going to
    have a major problem. They won’t be able
    to daven parts of the year until 9am or later.
    Shabbos isn’t going to be over until 9pm
    for a good part of the year as well. What
    can be done?
    Vues Master’s Note: Have you ever noticed
    that stores in Boro Park open late and stay
    open late? Well that is what will happen to
    all Jewish workers that will not roll into
    the offce until 10:30 AM.
    Dear Vues Master:
    I enjoy your publication immensely,and
    fnd it a positive and respectful medium.
    As a mother of a son and aunt of two
    women in their late forties,I think an article about this forgotten age group would
    be timely appropriate.Much is written
    about the 20 plus age group shidduchim.
    It is well known that there are over fve
    hundred older persons of both genders in
    the shidduch parsha.There are many forty
    years plus yeshiva working singles with
    proper hashkafos and equally women who
    desire to establish a torah oriented home.
    Are we writing off these persons of both
    genders?Many of them are children of Holocaust survivors. Many of their operating
    systems functioned with the hope of seeing
    future Doros. Many, including myself, lost
    their parents in crematoria. Let us reach
    out to older singles. Let us give them a
    smile ,and invite them for the Purim Seuda
    & Pesach seder. May HASHEM help all
    those in need!
    Thank you,
    Vues Master’s Note:You are right. Sometimes though it could feel like we are singling them out! There needs to be a happy
    Dear Vues Master:
    There was a certain daf in Bava Basra
    where every Daf Yomi Maggid Shiur told
    a story that happened with Maran, Rav
    Chaim ztl. He was once awakened after
    anesthesia,and the doctor gave him a blank
    paper to sign his name to see if he was
    fully awake & alert. HaRav Chaim, the Sar
    Hatorah, wrote down instead on the blank
    piece of paper the number of a certain Daf
    in Bava Basra, where the Gemara speaks
    about not signing your name on a blank
    page, since someone else can use it as an I
    owe You! They then knew that Rav Chaim
    was fully awake and alert! Zchuso Yagen
    Aleinu on Ganst Klal Yisroel. Yehi Zichro
    Baruch! He should be a Melitz Yosher for
    all of us!
    R’ Moshe Leib Halevy
    Vues Master’s Note: It is amazing what it
    means that a person “ligt” (literally lays)
    in learning. Even in his grogginess he
    thinks in learning. Wow!
    Dear Vues Master:
    An Am Haaretz asked his friend: “Moshe
    Rabbeinu was born on the seventh of Adar.
    That means that his Bbris was on the fourteenth, which is Purim. I was wondering
    what the order was. Did they frst read the
    Megillah or did they frst have the Bris?”
    After thinking about it for a few moments,
    his friend responded: “The city of Goshen
    was surrounded by a wall from before the
    days of Yehoshua Bin Nun and therefore
    the Megillah was read on the ffteenth of
    Adar and not on the fourteenth and so there
    is no basis for the question.”
    Vues Master’s Note: Purim Torah is always
    great! Just wish I had heard it last week so
    I could have used it!
    Dear Vues Master:
    There’s a certain supermarket/grocery store
    in a Jewish neighborhood that is engaging
    in unfair business practices. They built an
    extension in front of their store that takes
    up most of the sidewalk together with their
    three trailers. The sidewalk traffc is a nuisance. In addition, their employees, mostly
    men, block the little space there is, causing
    women to have to walk through a crowd of
    men. Unfortunately, some of their employees behave in a way that is not so refned.
    I also noticed that some of the prices in
    the store are mislabeled, so, for instance, I
    picked up an item that was marked $1.50,
    but I was charged $1.80 at the register. I
    didn’t complain because I was in too much
    of a hurry, but for those who are less privileged and have to count every penny, this
    is more than an inconvenience. (I am actually fairly certain that this practice is illegal, but I choose to believe it was an honest
    mistake. Still, the store needs to be vigilant
    in ensuring that this mistake does not happen in the future). The employees (I’m not
    sure whether or not this is with permission
    from the store management) also often
    throw away discarded produce in the storm
    drains. This is not only an eyesore, it is a
    source of a terribly unpleasant odor that
    can be detected from several feet away.
    Vues Master’s Note:I hope what you are
    saying is an isolated happening. If it isn’t,
    we should not patronize them!
    Dear Vues Master:
    What an appropriate timely front page
    Cover with Rav Chaim being niftar on
    Erev Shabbos Shushan Purim! It’s as if
    Rav Chaim himself is telling you to still
    have a Freilichen Purim & Shushan Purim!
    Menucha V’Simcha Ohr L’ Yom HaShabbos! I know but it still gives us Chizuk!
    It’s now the cover photo of my phone!
    It is such a nice memory! Thanks, it was
    Menachem me. (Better than another paper
    that had Hillary Clinton on the Front page
    Vues Master’s Note: I guess that’s why the
    paper is called the Jewish Vues. We will
    miss Reb Chaim!
    Dear Vues Master:
    What do you do when you miss your mother in law? Reload and shoot again
    Vues Master’s Note:You better hope you
    have the opportunity to re-load. She might
    shoot you frst! Oy if looks can kill!
    Dear Vues Master:
    Avi Avi……Maran Harav Chaim ZT”L! I
    heard the shocking devastating news that
    Rav Chaim was niftar and it felt just like
    when I had heard the news that Rav Moshe
    was niftar around this time of the year. I
    felt so alone today as if my Father, Mother,
    Zeida, passed away. How can I be happy
    on Shushan Purim when the Godol Hador
    is no longer with us? Who is going to daven for us? Who is going to hear about our
    tzoros and give us brochos? We all feel like
    Yesomim Aveilim-Yesomim Hayinu V’Ein
    Av! We have Avinu Sh’Bashamayim. We
    can’t daven or learn like Rav Chaim,
    but at least we can still cry-Shaarei Dimaos Lo Ninalu-our tears go up to the
    Kiseh Hakovod. My Rav in Monsey says
    that Hashem comes down lower than 10
    tefachim to aveilim. After the Rebbetzen
    was niftar, Rav Chaim was the Father and
    Mother of Klal Yisroel. Perhaps his heart
    couldn’t take any more the Tzoros of Klal
    Yisroel; Meron, Stolin, Ukraine etc. Like
    Rav Moshe’s last words; Ich Hub Nisht
    Mer Kein Koach! Rav Moshe’s levaya was
    on Shushan Purim in Eretz Yisroel. Rav
    Chaim will now join his father the Steipler
    Goan learning Bchavrusa in Shomayim.
    They both together with Rav Moshe and
    Rav Yaakov who were niftar in Adar zman
    of Marbeh B’simcha will still be Melitz
    yosher for all of us. My Rav says that the
    more bitochon you have the more you can
    be marbeh b”Simcha. Please listen to My
    Rav in Monsey Purim night cry his eyes
    and heart out for Klal Yisroel on Kol Haloshon [718 906 6400 press 3,1,1,1]. He
    says that I’m Al Tachrishu Tachrishu, that
    if you’re silent now then in the next world
    they will silence you and you won’t have
    any defense why you were silent in this
    world and crying out for the tzoros of Klal
    Yisroel. I never had the zechus to meet Rav
    Chaim, but I felt like I knew him my entire
    life. All the Tzeddaka letters and brochures
    that came in the mail would have his picture on them. I also read the Artscroll book
    written by my friend Naftali Weinberger
    on the Rebbeitzen Kanievsky that became
    a bestseller. I had a cute story with his father, the Steipler Gaon. I went to him on
    Sunday night and wrote that I’m leaving
    Eretz Yisroel back to the States on Yom
    Shlishi. He said that azz du forst morgen
    ich daf der bagleiten. I yelled into his ear
    that I’m not leaving tomorrow but Tuesday Yom Shlishi. He said yea Morgen! I
    thought to myself that they’re not letting
    me on the plane morgen but Dinstig. But of
    course he was right, since it was Sun night
    after shkiah so it was yom sheni and I’m
    leaving MORGEN! My 9th grade rebbe
    in MLB, said to me B’derech Tzachos,
    that perhaps the Steipler wanted to make
    sure that I left! My brother just texted me
    that Rav Chaim must have fnished this
    year Kol Hatorah Kulo, since there was
    an extra month of Adar Sheini. Moshiach
    has to come today Not Morgen! With the
    war going on [Gog Umagog?] and Rav
    Chaim gone, why can’t he come NOW?
    The Chofetz Chaim in Shaar Hischazkus
    in sefer Shem Olam, the last 3 perakim
    speak about Ikvasa D’mishicha-the tzaros
    are Chevlei Ledas Moshiach and Al Tisyayesh! Asmachta Geula L’Geula. Imo
    Anochi B’tazrah. Ein Lanu Lhishaen Ela
    Al Avinu Sh’Bashamayim. Who is going
    to learn Rav Chaim’s Hischayvus? Rav
    Galinsky used to say that people should
    come to him for brachos, since he would
    give Rav Chaim a bracha every year
    that he should fnish Kol Hatorah Kulo
    each and every year and it would be mekuyem. L’shana Haba Beyurushalyim
    im Mo9shiach Tzidkeinu B’binyan Beis
    Hamikdash B’Mehera B’Yameinu. Please
    ask Eliyahu Hanavi by Shfoch Chamascha El Hagoyim; What’s Taking So Long?
    “Hamokom Yinachem Osanu B’soch
    Shaar Avelei Tzion V’Yerushalayim-Bsuros Tovos-Simchos”!
    Rabbi Moshe Shochet
    Vues Master’s Note:We cry for our loss not
    for the fact the Tzaddik was niftar! We are
    at a loss!
    Dear Vues Master:
    As Adam HaRishon was walking in Gan
    Eden with his sons, he noticed that Hevel
    was going Begiluy Rosh (head uncovered.) He asked Kayin to place his hand
    on Hevel’s head. Kayin responded: “Am I
    my brother’s kippa?”
    Vues Master’s Note: Sounds like a coverup to me!
    Dear Vues Master
    Mottel went to the cemetery and saw a
    man crying bitterly over a grave and saying “Why did you have to die? Why did
    you have to die?” Curious, he asked him
    who the deceased was. “My wife’s frst
    husband,” the man responded.
    Vues Master Note: I think there is a song
    like that why did dai why didi dai!