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    Rav Motel Katz, zt”l,

    who was the Head of

    the Telshe Yeshiva in

    Cleveland for many

    years, had a very

    difficult life. He lost

    most of his family in

    Europe. He came to

    America and had to rebuild not only a

    Yeshiva, but his own family as well. The

    following poignant vignette describes the

    man and his life. Someone once walked into

    Rav Motel’s study in the middle of the day

    and found him crying. The visitor inquired

    as to why he was crying. Rav Motel

    explained that he had 10 children in Europe

    who were all killed during the Holocaust

    and now he was beginning to forget their

    names. He began to cry when he could not

    remember the names of his own martyred

    children. This gives us a picture of the very

    difficult personal life that he led. Rabbi

    Abba Spero from Cleveland told me an

    incident involving Rav Motel Katz. When I

    told him that I could not believe that the

    incident occurred, he responded that he had

    documentary proof of the incident. He sent

    me a copy of the incident described by Rav

    Motel himself in his own collected writings.

    I received permission from the son of Rav

    Motel, Rav Yakov Velvel Katz to publicly

    relate this incident, which I will in a

    moment. The basic idea that Rav Motel

    wished to illustrate by documenting this

    incident is an idea to which everyone

    subscribes. The idea is that there is no ONE

    way to raise a child or to educate a student.

    Chinuch [education] is a very

    individualized and dynamic type of activity.

    It is ever changing. There are really no hard

    and fast rules. That which works for one

    child will not necessarily work for another

    child. That which works in one situation

    will not necessarily work in another

    situation. Parents and educators must

    always understand the demands of the

    situation. “Sometimes,” Rav Motel writes,

    “‘Educating’ requires ‘not Educating’”.

    Sometimes a parent or teacher must NOT

    react. Even though the situation really

    demands that something be said –

    sometimes it is counter-productive to react.

    This idea is really from the Talmud: “Just as

    it is a Mitzvah to say something (rebuke)

    which will be heard and accepted, so too it

    is a Mitzvah to not say something which

    will not be heard and accepted” [Yevamos

    65b]. Rav Motel explained that this

    principle is illustrated in Parshas Shlach.

    The pasuk [verse] says, “Shlach LECHA” –

    send out FOR YOURSELF [Bamidbar

    13:2]. Rashi explains that Moshe was

    instructed to send out the spies “for

    your own sake”. In effect Hashem was

    telling Moshe, “I know that no good

    will come of this. Spies are not

    necessary; they will ruin things; they

    really should never be sent out… But

    if you want to send – then you go

    ahead and send them to satisfy your

    needs.” Rav Motel asks, if it was so

    clear that this was not the way to

    proceed and that the mission had all

    the markings of a disaster, then why

    didn’t Hashem say straight out “Do

    not send the Spies!”? Forget the

    people’s clamoring and yelling that

    they DO want spies; if it was clear to

    Hashem that it was a bad idea then He

    should have forbid them from sending out

    spies! He could have told the people,

    “Sorry. I am Hashem. I know better!” The

    answer, says Rav Motel, is that the people

    were not on the spiritual level where they

    were ready to hear that. It would not have

    helped. Moshe could have given the people

    that message from Hashem but they were

    not spiritually sophisticated enough to

    appreciate the message. They would have

    countered, “What do you mean that we are

    not sending spies? Everyone knows that the

    way to conquer a country is by sending

    spies and gathering intelligence!” Under

    such circumstances, there was no other

    choice but to let them have their way.

    Objections would fall on deaf ears.

    Anyone who has a child who is older

    than a toddler and certainly anyone

    who has adolescents or older children

    will understand this concept. Often, we

    as parents know what is good and what

    is right, but we know that our children

    will not listen to us. Sometimes, as

    difficult as this is for a parent, we must

    simply keep quiet. We can hint or

    suggest or perhaps provide incentives.

    But in the final analysis, our children

    have to make the decision themselves.

    It sometimes just does not help to say

    anything. This was the situation with

    the Spies. The ‘right’ thing to do would

    have been to tell the Children of Israel

    ‘No Spies’! But that approach would

    not have worked. The incident that Rav

    Motel related occurred at the Telshe

    Yeshiva in Cleveland [presumably

    sometime in the 1950s]. The incident,

    which was an applied example of the

    above lesson, was as follows: “I was

    asked by the students of the Yeshiva to

    permit them to daven Ma’ariv [conduct

    evening prayers] early. They requested

    that the established schedule of the

    Yeshiva be changed for the evening.

    Why did they wish to change the

    Yeshiva’s prayer schedule? So that

    they could listen on the radio to the

    Championship Prize Fight in New

    York to hear who wins.” Imagine if

    students came to the Rosh Yeshiva

    [Dean] today to ask that the Yeshiva

    prayer times be changed because of the

    NBA Playoffs!! Rav Motel explained:

    “I knew full well that it was

    inappropriate to change the time of

    Ma’ariv and the Yeshiva’s schedule

    for a Heavyweight Prize Fight between

    people who are trained to hurt and

    injure one another.” But what did this

    great product of Lithuanian Yeshivas —

    this product of Telshe in Europe — decide

    to do? What did Rav Motel respond to the

    request to daven Ma’ariv early so they could

    listen to the fight on the radio? “I could not

    stop them and prohibit them from doing

    this. I knew that this was not the time to say

    no. Famous and respected people come

    from all over the country to be present at a

    Heavyweight Championship Fight, to get

    ringside seats. A thousand people come

    from all parts of the country! This prizefight

    was viewed by the masses as an event of

    major proportions! It is difficult to forbid it.

    I could not say no because they would not

    know where I was coming from and they

    would not understand my reasoning.” The

    majority of students in the Telshe yeshiva in

    the 1940s and 1950s came from public

    schools. They came to Telshe from small

    isolated communities. High level Torah

    study was just beginning to take root in

    America. They had not achieved the

    spiritual level whereby they could

    understand the idea that watching two

    people hitting each other in a boxing ring is

    a foolish pastime. To get up in the Yeshiva

    and castigate such activity as stupidity and

    nonsense would fall on deaf ears. Rav Motel

    could not consider what his teachers in

    Europe would think about changing the

    time of Ma’ariv to accommodate such an

    event, because he knew that HIS students

    were not at the level of his teacher’s

    students. His students at that time were not

    ready to fully appreciate priorities based on

    Torah values. That is Chinuch: Knowing

    when to say and when not to say —

    knowing one’s children and one’s students

    and knowing the time and the mentality

    prevalent in the era in which one is teaching.

    That is Chinuch! In the great Yeshiva of

    Telshe, ‘Chinuch’ in that situation was to

    schedule Ma’ariv early so that the students

    could listen to a prizefight on the radio. I

    would not have believed this story if I had

    not seen it written by Rav Motel himself.

    This is a great tribute to the pedagogic

    wisdom of Rav Motel Katz, zt”l. It is a

    tremendous insight into the meaning of

    being an educator or a father or a Rebbi or a

    Rosh Yeshiva. Sometimes it is necessary to

    say “Yes”. But sometimes it is just

    necessary to not say anything at all! This is

    what we pray for when we recite the prayer

    (in Shmoneh Esrei, the Amidah) for wisdom

    and understanding. We are asking Hashem

    to grant us the wisdom to do what is right in

    the education of our children, our students

    and our community.