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    In this issue we will
    discuss the halachos
    that apply to the nine
    days. During the nine
    days we are not allowed
    to do many more
    actions than those that are
    customarily not done from
    Shivah Asar B’Tammuz
    through during the time
    before Rosh Chodesh
    Av. Issues such as painting, buying clothing,
    showering, swimming, cutting nails, eating
    meat, washing clothing and many other halachos
    will be discussed in this issue. (Please note:
    Hhaircuts, Wweddings, Mmusic and reciting a
    Shehecheiyanu apply to the complete three- week
    period, and we will not be discussing them in this
    Rosh Chodesh Av – Less Joy
    The month of Av is a sad time for Jews, so we
    refrain from many activities. One reason that the
    restrictions begin from Rosh Chodesh is that when
    the Beais Hamikdaosh stood, Rosh Chodesh was
    a Yom Tov, when koarbanos were brought. It was
    a day that all Jews were unified. We are saddened
    today when the Beais Hamikdaosh is not here,
    so we start the mourning from Rosh Chodesh.
    Many have the custom to call this month as
    Menachem Av, in order to bentch each other that
    this month should not be a month of mourning.
    The Mishnah says that when Rosh Chodesh Av
    is upon us we lessen our joy (see footnote). This
    is codified by the poskim as well. Activities of joy
    include business dealings, building and planting.
    Each one of these will be discussed below. All
    these activities are permitted on the tenth of Av.
    An interesting question arises as to whether the
    restrictions begin from shekiah of Rosh Chodesh
    Av or from tzeis hakchochavim. The custom is
    to refrain from shekiah. Those who wait until
    seventy-two minutes for other areas in halachah
    can do the same here as well. One who has a court
    date with a non-Jew should push it off until after
    the nine days have passed since it is a time of
    bad mazal. SomeOthers say to push it off until
    Rosh Chodesh Elul, while others say until Tu
    B’Av. One should not undergo surgery during
    the nine days because of bad mazal. According to
    the lenient opinion, one would be allowed to have
    surgery after Tishah B’Ava’v.
    Business Dealings
    According to the Shulchan Aruch one should
    lessen his business dealings from Rosh Chodesh
    Av until after Tishah B’Aav. However, the custom
    is that regular business dealings are permitted
    since only dealings of joy are forbidden. Based
    on the above, the Aruch Hashulchan says that
    we conduct our regular business dealings during
    the nine days. Others permit regular business
    dealings because we need the business for our
    livelihood. If abstaining will cause a loss because
    the opportunity will not present itself again, then
    it is permitted.
    Building – House Decorating
    From Rosh Chodesh Av until after Tishah B’Aav
    (refer below until when this is avoided) we do not
    construct a joyous building. This includes a home

    for a newlywed, or a beautiful design. One may
    not paint, put up wallpaper, or install a carpet or
    tiles during the nine days. A structurally damaged
    wall may be repaired, even if there is no danger
    of injury. A car wash is permitted during the nine
    days. Any construction that is for pleasure but is
    not essential should be avoided during the nine
    days. One who is in need of an extension because
    his home is too small or he needs a porch may
    do so. Fixing a chair or table is permitted. One
    should not buy furniture during the nine days
    since it beautifies the home. If one hired a non-Jew
    before Rosh Chodesh Av to do a project, then the
    non-Jew may continue even during the nine days.
    This is permitted since the non-Jew is acting on
    his own. One who rented an apartment or bought
    a house may paint and make necessary repairs if
    occupancy will not occur until after the nine days.
    Building for a Mitzvah
    Building for a mitzvah is permitted during the nine
    days. Therefore, a ma’akeh (fence in a dangerous
    place) may be built during the nine days.
    Furthermore, building a shul or beais meidrash is
    permitted. In addition any public need is defined
    as a mitzvah need.
    Planting which brings one joy is not permitted
    during the nine days. This includes planting
    flowers to beautify the lawn. Overgrown grass
    may be trimmed if it impedes normal walking. If
    the mowing only serves to beautify the lawn, it
    is forbidden. Planting a tree or plant during the
    nine days is permitted since it does not bring joy.
    Watering plants is permitted during the nine days.
    Clothing – Laundry
    According to the Ashkenazi custom, clothing
    may not be washed during the nine days even if
    they will not be worn until after Tishah B’Ava’v.
    This applies to ironing as well. Clothing worn for
    a mitzvah is permitted. The reason for the issur
    is because it shows that one is not thinking about
    the aveilus. Others explain that wearing freshly

    laundered clothes brings joy. Therefore, a non-
    Jew may not wash a Jew’s clothes (see below).

    One who does not have other clothes may wash
    them in honor of Shabbos. Some say that one may
    begin a load of laundry on the afternoon of eErev
    Rosh Chodesh, even if the load is not completed
    until night. One who needs to wear nice clothes for
    his job may do so during the nine days.
    Spot Cleaning and Other Cleaning
    The opinion of many poskim is that even spot
    cleaning a stain on a garment is considered
    washing clothing and is prohibited. However, it
    seems that the custom is to be lenient with regard to
    this. One may dust off a garment, or use a brush or
    scratch with a fingernail to remove a stain. Using a
    vacuum cleaner during the nine days is permitted.
    Washing a Sheitel
    There is a discussion in the poskim whether
    washing a sheitel is defined as washing clothing.
    Some poskim prohibit this. However, the custom
    of many is to permit this, but it is still preferable
    that one should still wait until after Tishah B’Aav.
    Going to the Cleaners
    One may not drop off clothing at the cleaners from
    Rosh Chodesh Av until after Tishah B’Aav, even
    if the cleaners were told to clean it after Tishah

    B’Aav. However, the clothing may be delivered
    before Rosh Chodesh Av even if they will be
    cleaned during the nine days. Some say that one
    may pick up clothes during the nine days, as no
    one might think that the clothes were dropped off
    during the nine days.
    Non-Jewish Help
    A non-Jewish maid may not wash clothes during
    the nine days.
    Wearing Laundered Clothes – Making them
    One may not wear freshly laundered clothing
    during the nine days. There are a number of
    means to prepare clothing for the nine days. One
    option is to wear the garments before the nine
    days start. There is a difference of opinion as to
    how long one has to wear the garments. Some
    say that any amount of time is good, while other
    opinions require one hour, a half hour, orand
    fifteen minutes. One may wear many garments
    at the same time. Another option is to throw the
    garments on the floor in a way that it they gets
    somewhat dirty. One may step on them as well.
    Throwing it them on a clean floor is insufficient.
    Freshly laundered linen is also considered
    laundered clothing. Some say that one who stays
    in a hotel may sleep on the fresh sheets, but should
    put them on the floor beforehand if possible (see
    above). One should notify the cleaning crew not
    to change the sheets throughout his stay. Others
    say that most people are disgusted by sleeping on
    soiled linen, so one may prepare freshly laundered
    linen for a guest.
    Changing the sheets is permitted in a hospital or
    nursing home since it is done for the health of the
    patients. According to some poskim, if one did not
    have time to prepare his clothing before Shabbos
    Chazzon, then he may do so on Shabbos Chazzon
    as along as he does not say that he is doing it for
    the nine days. Sephfardim wear laundered clothing
    until the week of Tishah B’aAv. During this period,
    an Ashkenazi may ask a Sephfardi to wear clothes
    for him, and then he may wear them.
    What Is Included and Not Included in
    “Laundered Clothing”
    The poskim say that “kli pishtan” may be worn
    during the nine days, as they are worn close to the
    flesh. Therefore, the sweat is not removed when
    they are ironed, so they do not look new. Some
    say that handkerchiefs and tablecloths should not
    be laundered during the nine days, while others
    argue with this premise. Nonetheless, since we
    have tissues today one should be stringent with
    handkerchiefs. According to many poskim one
    may not change his undergarments during the
    nine days if they were not worn beforehand (see
    above), while others are lenient with this. Most
    people follow the first opinion. The same dispute
    applies to socks and undershirts. The custom is to
    permit the use of freshly laundered hand towels.
    Jewish-Owned Cleaners
    During the week ofthat Tishah B’Aav, a Jew may
    not wash the clothing of a non-Jew because of
    maris ayin, for people think that he is washing a
    Jew’s clothing. Some permit the operation of a
    store in a non-Jewish area; otherwise, one should
    close his store during the nine days.

    If One Has Only One Garment
    One who only has one garment may wash it
    until the Shabbos before Tishah B’Aav. If one
    miscalculated his supply of undergarments, he
    may wash them until the week of Tishah B’Aav.
    This does not apply to other clothing such as pants
    and shirts.
    Going Away
    One who is going on vacation or to a friend for
    the nine days should bring enough garments to last
    nine days. Others say that it if it is a big bother one
    may wash his clothes. Nonetheless, it is better to
    avoid this and one should bring enough clothing.
    Washing Children’s Clothing
    Children are notorious for soiling their clothing. Is
    it permitted to clean their garments or do they have
    the same halachos as adults? An adult may not
    wash children’s clothing during the week of Tishah
    B’aAv. However, clothing of a child that gets dirty
    may be washed, because this washing does not
    bring joy. Nonetheless, the clothing should be
    washed in private if possible (see footnote). There
    is a debate concerning the maximum age for this
    leniency. Some limit it to children who are 2-3
    years old, others say 3-4 years old, and others
    permit until 6-7 years old. The accepted custom
    is that as long as the children dirty their clothing,
    they may be washed regardless of age. Some say
    not to wash too many garments together, but
    today with the advent of the washing machine, the
    custom is to wash many garments together. There
    is a discussion in the poskim if it is better to buy
    new clothes or to wash clothing. The consensus is
    that washing is preferred. It should be stated that
    when one washes children’s garments, he may not
    add any other clothing to the machine.
    Washing Floors
    There is a discussion in the poskim whether
    washing the floor is permitted during the nine
    days. Some say that one can be lenient in honor
    of Shabbos. If children will be rolling on the floor
    and getting dirty, then the floor may be washed.
    The custom is that a non-Jew may clean the floor
    even if it is not for the honor of Shabbos. However,
    the custom is to be lenient even during the week.
    Waxing the floors is prohibited
    Shoe Shining
    There is a discussion in the poskim if shoe shining
    is permitted during the nine days. Some poskim
    are stringent and some are lenient, while others
    are only lenient in honor of Shabbos.
    Wearing Shabbos Garments (during the week)
    One may not wear Shabbos clothing during the
    nine days.
    Bris and Other Simchos
    When a bris takes place during the nine days,
    the mohel, father, mother , and sandek may wear
    Shabbos clothing. The kevatter may not wear
    Shabbos clothes. All other people who have
    kibbudim (holding the baby during the recital of

    the name, etc.) may not
    wear Shabbos clothes.
    Some say that other
    relatives who would
    normally wear Shabbos
    clothing to a bris may
    wear them to a bris which
    falls out during the nine
    days as well. Shabbos
    shoes are permitted if they
    are not new. At a pidyon
    haben, the kohen and the parents of the child may
    wear Shabbos clothing. At a bar -mitzvah, the bar
    -mitzvah boy and his parents may wear Shabbos
    clothing. One who has a date with a prospective
    girl may change his clothing during the nine days.
    One should not wear Shabbos clothing or newly
    laundered clothes while posing for professional
    Wearing Shabbos Clothing on Shabbos
    The opinion of some poskim is that one does not
    change his clothing even for Shabbos Chazzon,
    except for his undershirt because it is full of sweat
    from a whole week. Shabbos clothing is defined as
    clothing which one wears only for Shabbos, but not
    on other festive occasions such as Chol Hamoed
    and Purim. The reason is that the crease is still
    recognizable in the clothing, and it is considered
    like new clothing. If Rosh Chodesh Av falls out
    on Friday or Shabbos then Shabbos clothes are
    permitted. According to all opinions, one may
    change “clothing that is worn close to the body.”
    The custom today is that all Shabbos clothing is
    worn on Shabbos, and the custom to wear weekday
    clothing on Shabbos has been discontinued.
    The reasoning for this is detailed in the Aruch
    Hashulchan (this applies even if Shabbos clothing
    have the same style as weekday clothing but are
    simply nicer). ). Although the custom is to wear
    Shabbos clothes on Shabbos Chazzon, some say
    that one should avoid changing one garment. New
    garments are forbidden unless one does not have
    anything to wear. Some are of the opinion that
    one should not change into his Shabbos clothes
    on Erev Shabbos until plag haminchah, while
    others say from chatzos. Some permit this even
    before chatzos. Many poskim say that one does
    not have to remove his Shabbos garments right
    after havdalah.
    Washing One’s Body – Showering
    One of the main issues regarding the nine days is
    showering and bathing. It is a widespread custom
    to refrain from washing even with cold water
    from Rosh Chodesh Av until after Tishah B’aAv
    (see below when the restriction expires), while
    others have the custom to refrain from washing
    only the week of Tishah B’Aav. The custom of
    the Ashkenazim follows the first opinion. It is
    permitted to wash for a mitzvah (i.e. a woman
    who has to go to the mikvah) even with hot
    water. A pregnant woman in her ninth month
    may bathe even in hot water. The reason is that
    this washing is for health purposes and not for
    enjoyment. Similarly, one who is actually dirty
    may wash since he is not doing so for pleasure.
    The custom is to refrain from washing one’s entire
    body, but washing one’s face, hands and feet is
    permitted with cold water without soap. Children

    are usually washed every day, and they are not
    included in this prohibition (see below regarding
    swimming for children). Based on the above, there
    would be no heter to wash more than one’s face,
    hands and feet during the week with cold water.
    Why do most ofmany in kKlal yYisraoel shower
    and wash their whole body with hot water and soap
    during the week? The logic is as follows. Bathing
    which is not for pleasure is permitted even with
    hot water. Others say that only cold water may
    be used. Some limit washing to the sweaty areas
    only. One who is an istanis (delicate person) is
    permitted to take a shower with cold water during
    the nine days, but without soap if the sweat can
    be removed without it. Therefore, since we shower
    to remove dirt or sweat we may do so with hot
    water, and if the sweat cannot be removed without
    soap, then soap is permitted as well. Showering
    is permitted during a heat wave even with soap
    if one cannot remove the sweat without it. Some
    say that a if a rebbi can teach Torah if he removes
    the sweat, then he is permitted to shower his entire
    body with cold water since it is considered like a
    Showering for Shabbos Chazzon
    The custom to refrain from showering applies to
    Shabbos Chazzon as well. One may use hot water
    for his face if he does so every Erev Shabbos, but
    without soap. However, using even cold water
    for his entire body is prohibited on Erev Shabbos
    Chazzon, even if one does so every Erev Shabbos.
    If Rosh Chodesh Av falls out on Erev Shabbos then
    one is permitted to wash his whole body even with
    hot water, if he does so every Erev Shabbos. Based
    on this rule, how can we shower on Erev Shabbos
    Chazzon with hot water and soap?Some say that
    if the sweat cannot be removed without soap then
    it is permitted. Some argue that since today we
    all have showers in our homes and we shower
    frequently, it would be a bitul of oneg Shabbos if
    we did not shower, especially if one did not shower
    since Rosh Chodesh Av. Technically, this would
    only permit cold water, but we rely on the opinion
    that if washing is not for pleasure then even hot
    water is permitted. Some say that the reason it is
    permitted is because washing on Erev Shabbos
    is a mitzvah. Showering or mikvah should be
    completed l’chatchilah by midday. The custom
    seems to be lenient with this since it is very hot in
    the summer and one would need another shower
    before Shabbos to remove his sweat.
    One who goes to the mikvah every Erev Shabbos
    may do so on Erev Shabbos Chazzon as well.
    Many say that this is only permitted with cold
    water. In any case, one should not linger in the
    water but he should do what he has to and leave.
    So too, a woman in her ninth month may go to the
    mikvah as a segulah.
    The custom is to refrain from going swimming in
    rivers and streams during the nine days because
    it is enjoyable and it is like washing one’s entire
    body. One who needs to swim every day for
    medical reasons may do so even during the nine
    days. The opinion of many poskim is that children
    may go swimming during the nine days. However,
    this should only be done in private. Similarly,

    young children may play with a sprinkler, but one
    should not do it in public. Additionally, one should
    not go canoeing during the nine days, as he may
    fall into the water and wash his entire body.
    Brushing Teeth
    Brushing teeth is permitted during the nine days.
    Buying Clothing Etc.
    A common question arises during the nine days
    is regarding the purchasing of new clothing.
    Purchasing new clothing is not allowed during
    the nine days. This includes, shoes, socks, suits,
    shirts, underwear, linen, towels, pants etc. even if
    the garments are for children. This applies even if
    one does not intend to wear the garments until after
    Tisha B’av. Second hand clothing are included in
    this as well if they give the buyer pleasure. One is
    allowed to buy clothing for a baby born during the
    nine days if there are no other clothes available.
    Clothing that are on sale at a considerable discount
    may be purchased if the item will not be available
    at that price after Tishah B’av. If someone needs
    an item that can only be purchased in a certain
    location comes to that location during the nine
    days, he does not have to wait until after Tishah
    B’av, but may purchase it while he is in that
    vicinity. One is allowed to buy slippers etc for
    Tisha B’av during the nine days. In addition, one
    is allowed to purchase a tallis kattan and tefillin
    as well. One who will be traveling after Tishah
    B’av can be lenient and purchase new clothing if
    it will be difficult to do so after Tishah B’av. One
    whose eyeglasses broke, and he has no others,
    may purchase new ones during the nine days. The
    Mishnah Berurah allows a chassan and kallah to
    purchase wedding clothing during the nine days.
    One may return bought items for a refund or store
    credit (to be redeemed after Tishah B’av) during
    the nine days. However, returned items may not be
    exchanged for other new items until after Tishah
    B’av. Some refrained from purchasing new
    sefarim during the nine days, while the custom is
    to be lenient.
    Fixing Clothing
    One is not allowed to sew, weave, knit, or tailor a
    new garment during the nine days even if it will
    not be worn until after Tisha B’av. If a garment
    tore and needs repair it may be repaired during the
    nine days. Girls may weave as a camp activity.
    Women should not sew just to pass the time.
    Some permit needlepointing or embroidery of
    non-clothing items such as a tablecloth etc if they
    are not expensive. Sewing a name tag on clothing
    during the Nine Days (applicable if the child will
    be going to camp during or after the Nine Days)
    is permitted.Sewing lessons may not taught during
    the nine days if the material used in the practice
    will never be completed as a usable garment. A
    Jewish tailor or seamstress who earns a livelihood
    from sewing etc is allowed to do so during the nine
    days . However, the material or the clothing to be
    worked on should be given to the tailor etc before
    Rosh Chodesh Av. During the week in which
    Tishah B’av occurs it is preferable that the tailor
    refrain from such activities. One may not ask a
    non-Jewish tailor to make or repair a new garment
    that will be ready after Tishah B’av.
    Eating Meat and Drinking Wine
    Since meat and wine bring joy, the custom

    is to refrain from them during the nine days,
    including Rosh Chodesh. This is the custom of
    the Ashkenazim. One should not be lenient with
    this. The Sephfardim only practice this restriction
    during the week of Tishah B’aAv. The custom
    applies to meat and chicken alike. Vinegar is
    permitted during the nine days. A sick person may
    eat meat during the nine days.
    Meat on Shabbos Chazzon
    The custom to refrain from eating meat does not
    apply to Shabbos. Meat left over from Shabbos
    Chazzon may not be eaten during the nine days.
    Some say that if one did not intend to leave over
    meat then he may eat the leftovers during the nine
    days, but if he purposely cooked more meat than
    he needed for Shabbos then it is forbidden.
    Siyum during the Nine Days
    As mentioned before, the Ashkenazim do not eat
    meat or drink wine during the nine days. The
    Reama says that at a seudas mitzvah like a bris
    milah, pidyon haben or “seudas siyum” one
    may eat meat and drink wine. If one was not
    planning onmaking a siyum during the nine days,
    he should not hasten the
    Cutting Nails
    There is a discussion whether cutting nails is
    permitted until the week of Tishah B’Aav, or even
    forbidden from Rosh Chodesh. Some say that one
    should avoid cutting nails unless Tishah B’aAv
    falls out on Shabbos (in which case one may cut
    his nails on Friday) or a woman who needs to cut
    her nails for tevilah. However, the custom of some
    is to be lenient with this. Biting nails is permitted
    according to all opinions. learning in order to
    finish it during this time. Some are lenient with
    this. However, one should follow the first opinion.
    Those who attend the siyum may eat meat even if
    they did not learn the maesechta. When a siyum is
    made in a camp or yeshivah, all those present may
    eat meat; this includes both women and children.
    One may not bring the food outside of the place
    where the siyum is taking place. One may not
    hear the siyum and then go make a barbeque in a
    different location (this is common in camp). The
    poskim debate whether the maesechta may be
    divided between people in order to make a siyum
    during the nine days. One who was not present
    at the siyum, but came after the actual siyum was
    made, may still eat meat.
    Nine Days Until When?
    Eating meat, drinking wine, washing the
    body, doing laundry, washing freshly laundered
    garments, and buying new garments are all
    allowed after chatzos the morning after Tishah
    B’av. If it is necessary one may launder children’s
    clothing after Tishah Ba’v. One who is traveling
    right after Tisha Ba’v and does not have any
    clean clothing may launder his clothing right after
    Tishah B’av. When Tishah B’av is on Shabbos,
    and we fast on Sunday, then all activities besides
    for eating meat and drinking wine is allowed right
    away on Sunday night after the fast.