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    Even those who work
    many hours a day, they
    can also attain
    erudition and expertise
    in Torah. If they devote
    time to Torah each day,
    they will be surprised by
    how much Torah they
    will acquire. One’s
    age notwithstanding,
    as the following story
    There were two
    bachurim who were
    both very successful
    in their Torah studies.
    The Beis Yisrael zt’l
    once said about them, “It will be interesting
    to see which one of them will end up being
    a greater talmid chacham.”
    Years later, these two men met. They
    reminded one another what the Beis
    Yisrael said. One of them said, “Nu, so
    which of us ended up being more
    successful in Torah?”
    The other replied, “We aren’t finished yet.
    We’re still in the middle.” Because
    regardless of one’s age, with a good Torah

    program, one can make great strides in
    acquiring Torah knowledge.
    Tzaddikim of Slonim zt’l described the
    importance of designating times for Torah
    study. They would say: Each hour of the
    day that passes without Torah study is a
    zero. Each hour of Torah study is a one. If
    you place the “one” before all those zeros,
    it becomes a huge number.
    How does one place the one before the
    zeros? Perhaps the zeros will come before
    the one? The tzaddikim of Slonim zt’l
    said, if the hour you designated for Torah
    study is the most important hour of the day
    for you, then that hour is counted first, and
    all the zeros come after it, and it is like you
    have a vast number. But if you find your
    financial pursuits to be the primary part of
    your day, you are left with many zeros,
    and then the “one” comes at the end.
    The Gemara debates whether the Torah
    was given on the 6th or the 7th of Sivan.
    But all opinions agree that the Torah was
    given on Shabbos. This is hinting that just
    as no one would consider desecrating
    Shabbos, chalilah, so one mustn’t
    desecrate the times set aside for learning
    Torah. No financial gains should draw us

    away from the times designated for Torah
    The Ramchal zy’a says one should
    consider his set times for Torah as though
    he is in the middle of Shemonah Esrei. He
    simply cannot interrupt. (Similarly, when
    you see others learning Torah, don’t
    interrupt them, as you wouldn’t interrupt
    someone who is davening Shemonah
    Reb Binyamin Rabinowitz zt’l was the
    rosh yeshiva of Toldos Aharon. On Shiva
    Asar b’Tamuz, a student saw Reb
    Binyamin Rabinowitz learning for hours
    straight, without interruption! Generally,
    on a fast day, people are weaker, but he
    was learning with hasmadah the entire
    day, without taking any breaks. The
    student was amazed, and he asked Reb
    Binyamin how he did it. He replied:
    “I didn’t begin studying eight hours
    straight. I started with a kabbalah that I
    wouldn’t interrupt my learning for five
    minutes. I kept this kabbalah for several
    months. Then I added another five minutes.
    A few months later, I added another five
    minutes. Now I’m an old man. Those five
    minutes have accumulated. Now, I’m up

    to learning eight hours straight, without
    The father of the Shlah Hakodesh, Reb
    Sheftel Ish Levi zt’l, teaches that just as
    we daven each day, and we wear tefillin
    each day, studying Gemara, Rashi, and
    Tosfos each day is no less of an obligation.
    A day shouldn’t pass when one isn’t
    involved in Torah study.
    Sometimes people feel that they need
    every minute of their day to earn money,
    and they don’t have time for Torah study.
    We remind them of the Gemara (Avodah
    Zarah 19) that says, “Whoever studies
    Torah, Hakadosh Baruch Hu fulfills his
    desires…. Whoever studies Torah, his
    assets prosper.” Thus, Torah study is
    mesugal for wealth and success.