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    Graveside funerals, or
    visits, often generate
    crowds around a
    grave, forcing people
    to search for space
    to stand. Are you
    allowed to step on
    someone else’s grave
    for a service or in order to get to the right
    place in the cemetery?
    I. Magical Cure
    The Gemara (Sanhedrin 47b) says that
    people used to take dirt from Rav’s grave
    to use as a cure for a one-day fever.
    Some observers told Shmuel about this
    practice and he said that it is permissible
    because they are taking from permanent
    dirt. Rav Ya’akov Ben Asher (14th cen.,
    Spain; Tur, Yoreh De’ah 364) quotes Rav
    Yeshayah who explains that “permanent
    dirt” is undisturbed. Dirt that is removed
    from the ground and then used to fill in
    the grave is not permanent dirt. Therefore,
    we are forbidden to derive benefit from
    the dirt used to cover the coffin, what
    we usually call the grave. Tur disagrees,
    and says that his father Rabbenu Asher
    (Rosh) disagrees as well. We are allowed
    to derive benefit from any dirt that is

    intended to remain there permanently,
    including what we commonly call the
    Rav Yosef Karo (16th cen., Israel;
    Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh De’ah 364:1)
    follows the lenient view of Rosh and
    Tur. Rema (16th cen., Poland; Glosses,
    ad loc.) follows the strict view of Rav
    Yeshayah. According to Rema, we would
    not be allowed to derive any benefit from
    a grave. Does this mean that we cannot
    stand or walk on top of it?
    II. Briefly Standing
    The Gemara (Bava Basra 101a) tries to
    understand the Mishnah’s description of
    graves inside a cave, in which people are
    buried in holes dug into the walls of a
    cave. One suggestion is that two graves
    are dug underneath the area near the
    entrance to the cave. The Gemara objects
    that then people will stand on graves.
    Rashbam (ad loc., s.v. ha) writes that
    when someone is buried in other graves,
    people will come and stand on the graves
    for a long time. However, Rashbam says
    explicitly, there is no concern if people
    stand on a grave momentarily while
    carrying someone to be buried.

    Rav David Ha-Levi (17th cen., Poland;
    Taz, Yoreh De’ah 364:1) quotes Rav
    Yisrael of Krems (15th cen., Austria,
    Hagahos Asheri, Mo’ed Katan 3:79)
    as saying that you may not walk on top
    of a grave. But he qualifies this with
    Rashbam’s view that we may walk on a
    grave briefly. Rav Avraham Eisenstadt
    (19th cen., Lithuania; Pischei Teshuvah,
    Yoreh De’ah 364:2) quotes Yad Eliyahu
    who argues that walking on top of a
    grave briefly does not constitute deriving
    benefit from the grave. The existence
    of the grave does not make your walk
    any easier. However, sitting on a grave
    constitutes deriving benefit, which is
    Rav Shlomo Zalman Braun (20th cen.,

    America; She’arim Metzuyanim Ba-
    Halachah, Bava Basra 101a s.v. i) quotes

    Rav Nesanel Weil (18th cen., Germany;
    Korban Nesanel, Ta’anis, ch. 2 22:3) who
    disagrees with Taz and says that there
    is no proof from the Rashbam in Bava
    Basra. The Gemara is discussing graves
    within a cave. People who stand on a
    grave there are standing on dirt that was
    never disturbed, which everyone agrees
    is permissible. The question is about
    graves with dirt that was refilled.
    III. Replanting
    Rav Naftali Tzvi Yehudah Berlin
    (Netziv, 19th cen., Lithuania; Meishiv
    Davar, vol. 2, Aveilus (end of volume),
    no. 5) quotes a debate between Rashi
    and Tosafos in Avodah Zarah (45b).
    The Mishnah (45a) says that the ground
    (e.g. a mountain) cannot be forbidden
    as an idol even if people worship the
    ground. The Mishnah says that a tree
    used as an idol (asheirah) is different
    because it is planted by human hands.
    The Gemara (45b) adds that there is
    a debate about whether a tree that is
    planted for permissible purposes and
    then worshipped becomes forbidden
    as an idol. Rashi (ad loc., s.v. ilan)
    says that the debate is about a tree
    that is planted from a seed because
    that is created in part by human hands.
    But taking a sapling from one place
    and planting it in the ground is not
    really planting it. Tosafos (ad loc.,
    s.v. ve-hacha) disagrees and considers
    replanting a tree the same as planting
    it for the first time.
    Netziv seems to understand Rashi as
    saying that a replanted tree is not fully
    connected to the ground because it did
    not originate there. Therefore, such a
    tree can become forbidden as an idol.
    Tosafos believe that a replanted tree is

    as connected to that ground as if it was
    planted there for the first time. Shulchan
    Aruch (Yoreh De’ah 145:1) follows
    Tosafos. Netziv argues that dirt that was
    dug up and then refilled is like a tree
    that was dug up and replanted. Tosafos
    (Sanhedrin 46b s.v. telishah) could be
    read as supporting this. Therefore, since
    we follow Tosafos, dirt that is used
    to refill a grave is like unmoved dirt
    and therefore we may receive benefit
    by standing on a grave. While Rema
    disagrees with this conclusion, Netziv
    argues that he only means this as a proper
    stringency, a chumra, but for any mitzvah
    need we may rely on the lenient view and
    walk on, or even stand on, a grave.
    Rav Avraham Eisenstadt (Pischei
    Teshuvah, ibid.) further quotes Yad
    Eliyahu as saying that while he believes
    that there is no prohibition of receiving
    benefit from a grave, there is still a
    concern for the deceased’s honor. You
    may not step on a grave because that
    disgraces the person buried there.
    However, if there is no other choice,
    then you may do so. In his conclusion,
    even though not in his reasoning, he
    effectively agrees with Netziv. Similarly,
    Rav Nesanel Weil (Korban Nesanel,
    ibid.) reaches the same conclusion but
    for a different reason. He believes that
    it is forbidden to receive benefit from a
    grave. However, when you have no other
    option but to walk on a grave, you are not
    considered as benefiting from it.