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    The first Rashi in the
    parsha notes that the
    pasuk [verse]
    beginning “And
    Yaakov departed”
    appears to be a little
    out of place. At the end of Parshas
    Toldos, the pasuk already said, “So
    Yitzchak sent away Yaakov and he went
    toward Paddan-Aram to Lavan, son of
    Besuel, the Aramean…” [28:5].
    Parshas Vayietzei should not begin
    with Yaakov’s itinerary, because we
    already know where he was going. The
    parsha should begin with the pasuk “He
    encountered the place and spent the
    night there because the sun had set…”
    [28:11]. What is gained by repeating
    that which we already know?
    Rashi explains that the pasuk had to
    “reset the narration,” so to speak,
    because it was sidetracked at the end of

    Toldos. Eisav saw that Yitzchak sent
    Yaakov away from home to find a wife
    because he was not pleased with his
    Canaanite daughters-in-law whom
    Eisav had married. Therefore, Eisav
    went to marry his cousin, Machlas the
    daughter of Yishmael [28:9]. This
    tangential story diverts our attention
    from the main narrative of Yaakov’s
    journey, making it necessary to repeat
    the basic details of that journey before
    continuing on with the story.
    But we must stop and ask ourselves,
    why did we get off the track? This story
    was not narrated by a speaker departing
    from his prepared text. The narration
    comes from the Master of the World.
    There must be an important reason for
    inserting the detail regarding Eisav’s
    marriage to Machlas at precisely this
    Rav Yosef Salant provides an

    interesting insight in his sefer, Be’er
    Yosef. Our patriarch Yaakov is the
    prototype of exile [galus]. As we have
    quoted on many occasions, “What
    occurs to our forefathers foreshadows
    that which will occur to their
    descendants.” The children are able
    to persevere in difficult circumstances
    by virtue of the fact that their
    ancestors already successfully
    experienced — to some extent — the
    same trials and tribulations.
    As Jews of the exile, Yaakov Avinu —
    more than any of the other Patriarchs
    — is really our role model. He lived the
    life of a Jew living in exile — outside
    the Land of Israel. He lived a life of
    constant troubles, one thing after
    another happening to him and his
    family. Yaakov’s departure from the
    Land of Israel began in this parsha when
    he left Be’er Sheva. Since this parsha
    represents the beginning of the exile
    and the beginning of the troubles
    for Yaakov, the pasuk emphasizes:
    This is where it all began.
    Eisav and Yaakov were brothers.
    They received a similar
    upbringing. They both had
    righteous parents. Eisav wanted to
    find a match. What did he do? He
    went to his uncle Yishmael, he
    married Yishmael’s daughter
    Machlas. It went one two three.
    He had it easy.
    Yaakov Avinu wanted to find a
    match. He had to travel a great
    distance to reach his uncle Lavan.
    Lavan forced Yaakov to work for
    seven years for the wife that he
    wished to marry. Then after the
    seven years, Lavan switched
    sisters and forced Yaakov to work
    for another seven years. Yaakov
    had trouble with shidduchim
    [match making]. It took him years
    to marry the woman he wanted to
    This was the beginning of
    Yaakov’s sojourn in exile.
    Therefore, the pasuk interrupts the
    narration to contrast how easy it
    was for Eisav to be able to marry
    the woman who he was seeking,

    compared with how difficult it was for
    Yaakov to marry the woman who he
    was seeking. In spite of all the troubles,
    Yaakov accepted his lot. He never
    bemoaned the fact that his lot was a
    much more difficult one than that of his
    twin brother. He never questioned G-d’s
    justice; rather he accepted it with love.
    Rav Matisyahu Solomon adds a further
    insight to the words of the Be’er Yosef:
    Where do we see that Yaakov did not
    bemoan his lot and willingly accepted
    what G-d had in store for him? Rav
    Solomon says this is explicit in the first
    pasuk of this week’s parsha: “And
    Yaakov departed from Be’er Sheva and
    went to Charan.”
    The Haftorah of this week’s parsha
    describes what actually happened to
    Yaakov a bit more bluntly: “And Yaakov
    fled (vaYivrach Yaakov) to the field of
    Aram…” [Hoshea 12:13]. It was not
    really “Vayetzei Yaakov” implying that
    he leisurely left Be’er Sheva. No! It was
    “VaYivrach Yaakov.” Yaakov was
    fleeing for his life. Even in the Torah
    itself, when Rivkah told Yaakov to
    leave, she did not say “Go have a nice
    trip”. She said “Arise, run for your life!”
    (kum, berach lecha) [Bereishis 27:43].
    That described the actual situation.
    But how did Yaakov view the event?
    “And Yaakov went out (vaYietzei) from
    Be’er Sheva and he journeyed
    (vaYelech) to Charan.” He went, at his
    own pace, with confidence that G-d
    would watch over him. This is the key
    to Yaakov’s existence in Galus. It may
    appear like he had to run for his life, and
    that is in fact what happened. But he did
    it with calm and equanimity, knowing
    that he would be protected by G-d. It is
    that faith that has stood us well through
    these long years of exile.