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    Dear Vues Master:
    I just wanted to give a big public THANK YOU to Bob
    Moskowitz & Tzvi Weil and the entire Flatbush Shomrim
    for all they do. The world is crazier than ever. There is more
    antisemitism on the streets of Brooklyn than ever before.
    The people that volunteer & their families deserve a big
    Hakaras Hatov. They work tirelessly for the tzibur & for
    that I just want to say Thank YOU!
    Vues Master’s Note: And most of all we should thank
    Hashem who is up 24-7 watching over us!

    Dear Vues Master:
    I thought I’d send in a suggestion of a few things that

    people could do to help those in Eretz Yisrael. First, Shela-
    He has sponsored Tehillim Unite, where a participant is

    assigned a few kapitlach of Tehillim to say at home every
    night at 9pm. When done, the person should say the acheinu
    tefilla. Thus, all are united by saying these tefillos at the
    same time. This group can be reached at 732-334-0050
    or at Shela-he.org/tehillim. Then there is tehillimlechayal.
    org. This provides upon request an individual kapitel of
    Tehillim along with a name of a chayal assigned to it. One
    can then say the kapitel in the z’chus of the chayal or ask for
    a different kapitel. When done, you indicate that the kapitel
    was said. Then, you can either ask for another kapitel
    assigned to a new chayal or leave the site. The advantage
    of this is that it is very convenient, as you can say a kapitel
    whenever you have a free minute or two. However, it is
    only available online. Finally, I recently heard about Tikkun
    Hagadol. Formulated by the Shela Hakodesh in his sefer
    “Shenei Luchot Habrit” in Tractate Tamid – Ner Mitzvah –
    Chapters 93 – 95, this tikkun is supposed to have the power
    to hasten the redemption and to sweeten evil judgments.
    The kapitlach are to be said as follows (from left to right):
    79, 80, 137, 25, 51, 90, 89, 98, 107 and 96. The Shelah
    specified that the kapitlach must be said in the above order.
    Each kapitel is said to signify a different sefira, a matter
    discussed at great length in Kabbalah. I hope people find the
    above helpful. May the geulah come bimhayra biyamanu.
    Vues Master’s Note: Thanks for sharing. As Sharing is

    Dear Vues Master:
    Henry Kissinger was one of Israel’s biggest supporters

    in the American government. While Secretary Kissinger
    supported Israel, he pressured Israel to take on policies
    it didn’t feel was in its best interests. As the first Jewish
    American secretary of state, he made it kosher for future
    American diplomats to use whatever means possible to
    pressure Israel into taking steps it felt weren’t in its best
    Vues Master’s Note: A self hating Jew.

    Dear Vues Master:
    I recently saw this email someone sent Rabbi Lazer Brody
    & I wanted to share it with your readers. Dear Rabbi, why
    does the Jewish religion seem to fuss over insignificant
    details? How much Matzah do we have to eat, which
    spoon did I use for milk and which for meat, what is the
    right way to tie my shoelace? It seems to me that this
    misses the bigger picture by focusing on tiny trivia. Is this
    nitpicking what Jews call spirituality? I actually already
    sent you this question over a week ago and didn’t receive
    a reply. Could it be that you finally have been asked a
    question that you can’t answer?! Signed, Rob (Rabbi
    Lazer Brody’s answer) Dear Rob, I never claimed to
    have all the answers. There are many questions that are
    beyond me. But it happens to be that I sent a reply that
    same day despite the fact that I’ve been away from home
    on a rigorous speaking tour in the USA. I sent you a reply,
    but I wrote your email address without the ‘dot’ before the
    ‘com’. I figured that you still receive the email, because
    after all is only one little ‘dot’ missing. I mean come
    on, it is not as if I wrote the wrong name or something
    drastic like that. Would anybody be so nitpicky as to
    differentiate between ‘yahoocom’ and ‘yahoo.com No, it
    is not ridiculous, because the ‘dot’ is not just a ‘dot’. It
    represents something. That ‘dot’ has a meaning far beyond
    the pixel on the screen that forms it. To me it may seem
    insignificant, but that is simply due to my ignorance of the
    ways of the web. All that I know is with ‘dot’ the message
    gets to the right destination, without it the message is
    lost to oblivion. Torah observance and Mitzva fulfillment
    contain a world of symbolism and every ‘dot’ counts.
    When the Mitzvot are performed with precision a spiritual
    vibration is emailed throughout the universe all the way to
    G-d’s inbox. If you want to understand the symbolism of
    the ‘dot’ study cyber tech. If you want to understand the
    symbolism of Judaism, study Torah.
    Yours always, Rabbi Lazer Brody
    Vues Master’s Note: An oldie but a good one period!

    Dear Vues Master:
    How do these bakeries charge more than $5
    for a donut over Chanukah? Why does anyone
    spend that type of money on a donut? Two or
    three dollars for a specialty donut I understand
    but $10?? Crazy!!
    Vues Master’s Note: It is called supply and
    demand! As long as there are people ready to
    pay for them they will be sold at those prices!

    Dear Vues Master
    The price of a Jewish concert these days is off
    the charts! Why should it cost my family of 6
    over a thousand dollars to go to a concert this
    Chanukah season? Why? To make the singers
    wealthy? I understand it’s there parnasah but
    to pay them over 10k to sing for an hour or
    Vues Master’s Note: Again, it is called supply
    and demand! As long as there are people
    ready to pay for them they will be sold at
    those prices! Most concerts these days benefit
    a tzedakah or an organization so they are
    trying to raise money and that’s in part why
    they charge so much.

    Dear Vues Master:
    1. In 2005 Israel unilaterally pulled out of
    Gaza. Palestinians had a chance to create a
    functioning and peaceful democracy. They
    2. In 2006 Gazans elected Hamas and in
    2007 Hamas staged a coup and overthrew the
    Palestinian Authority. Hamas started to attack
    3. Hamas is recognized as a terrorist
    organization by countries all over the world.
    Its charter calls for the destruction of Israel
    and the death of Jews. Hamas is funded by
    Iran and Qatar.
    4. Instead of developing a functioning
    government for the betterment of its people,
    Hamas diverted funds from international aid
    to build tunnels and weapons. They didn’t
    build bomb shelters for their people.
    5. In response to Hamas attacks, Egypt and
    Israel shut their borders to Gaza. Israel carried
    out three operations in 15 years to respond to
    Hamas attacks and developed Iron Dome to
    defend against Hamas rockets.
    6. Even though Israel faced continuous
    terrorist attacks from Hamas, Israel allowed
    25,000 workers from Gaza to enter Israel
    everyday to gain employment. These same
    workers would be the attackers against Israel
    on Oct. 7th Over 85% of Palestinians support
    the Oct 7th attacks.
    7. On Oct 7th, on Simchas Torah, Hamas,
    and other 11 other terrorist organizations,
    along with thousands of Palestinian civilians
    attacked – with no Israeli provocation –
    Israeli civilians. They killed 1,200, injured
    over 5,000, kidnapped 240 people, and have
    held hundreds of people, including children

    hostage ever since.
    8. The Palestinian terror attacks of Simchat
    Torah were some of the most brutal ever
    imposed on a Western country. It included
    raping, beheadings, burning people alive,
    torturing men, women and children, and
    summary executions. Over 300 bodies are too
    devastated for proper identification.
    9. In response Israel has declared war on
    Hamas and Palestinian terrorists in Gaza.
    They have gone further than their legal
    responsibility under international law to
    protect innocent lives in Gaza. Israel is using
    its superior weapons and skills to eliminate
    their enemies. The nations of the world have
    come out in support of Israel’s right to defend
    itself. Numbers of Palestinians killed are only
    known from Hamas press releases and are
    highly exaggerated.
    10. Israel didn’t want this war. It didn’t choose
    to go to war. Hamas has said they will commit
    the same massacres over and over. Israel must
    eliminate Palestinian terrorists. This war could
    end immediately with Hamas’s surrender and
    the return of Israel’s hostages. Hamas uses its
    civilians as human shields. Any consequences
    of this war, including innocent Israeli and
    Gazan deaths, are the responsibility of Hamas.
    Vues Master’s Note: This is a narrative which
    is constantly repeated and yet has much of
    the world disagreeing so why bother trying to
    placate the US and the UN.

    Dear Vues Master:
    Since the Iron Dome is now prominently in
    the news, I think it is worth looking at through
    “Torah eyes.” Specifically, I have seen the
    Iron Dome, which protects Israel by shooting
    down rockets headed its way, compared to the
    ananei hakavod, which surrounded the Jews
    while they travelled in the desert and protected
    them from predators. There is much that we
    can learn from this analogy. The Lubavitcher
    Rebbe explained that the ananei hakavod
    were created by the collective breaths of klal
    yisroel. He stated that their breaths would
    fuse together, becoming one. The Rebbe said,
    however, that when the Jews did not get along,
    failing to give kavod to one another, their
    breath could not so fuse. The emphasis on not
    speaking loshon hora in the sukkah, meant to
    symbolize the ananei hakavod, and the fact
    that these Clouds accompanied Klal Yisroel
    in the merit of Aaron Hakohen, known for his
    love of every Jew, support this view. Finally,
    although I cannot track down the source, I
    have seen it written that the ananei hakavod
    were literally comprised of the praise each
    Jew gave to the other. So I think that it would
    be helpful to the Jews in Israel and worldwide
    that whenever you hear about the Iron Dome,
    you see in your mind’s eye a huge dome over
    Israel made entirely of words of praise of klal
    yisroel – and then add some of your own.
    Vues Master’s Note: I am holding my breath
    waiting for your next dvar Torah!

    Dear Vues Master:
    The ע“שו/טור and other פוסקים start with
    Hilchos Pesach & continue in order of the
    year’s calendar, Shavuos,Rosh Hashana,
    Yom Kippur Sukkos, Chanukah & ends
    with Purim. The Rambam has Hilchos מגילה
    (Purim) before Hilchos Chanukah. Perhaps
    we can explain the Rambam’s reason for
    placing Purim before Chanukah. In none of
    the other Yamim Tovim does the Rambam
    teach us the story behind the Yom Tov. *The
    one exception is Hl. Chanukah. The Rambam
    not only teaches us the Halachos of Chanukah
    but he also adds the story of Chanukah.
    In other words, Hilchos Chanukah is also
    a lesson in history. Perhaps, the Rambam
    wants to be historically accurate by placing
    the story of Chanukah after Hilchos Purim
    which happened 200 years before Chanukah.
    אמבצי* Harav Hagaon R..Y.B. Soloveitchik
    zt”l (Boston) explains: Why did the Rambam
    feel it was important to teach us the story &
    reason we celebrate Chanukah? (unlike all
    the other Yamim Tovim) The Rambam in his
    הקדמה writes the reason he called his Sefer,
    “תורה משנה “because if you learn ך“תנ and
    his Sefer (תורה משנה (you won’t need any
    other Seforim. For all the other Yomim Tovim,
    the Torah gives the reason why we celebrate
    it. For Purim, we have the מגילה. The only
    Yom Tov not mentioned in ך“תנ is Chanukah.
    Therefore. the Rambam needs to write the
    story of Chanukah.
    Vues Master’s Note: I could use some great
    Purim Torah!

    Dear Vues Master:
    Yitzchak walked into his clothing store and
    saw that his partner’s hand was bandaged.
    Before he could ask his partner what
    happened, the partner said “Mazel Tov. I sold
    that rainbow colored suit we thought we’d
    never get rid of.” “Great,” said Yitzchak,
    “It was the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen. But
    what happened to your hand?” His partner
    replied: “Well, as soon as I sold the suit to the
    customer, his guide dog bit me.”
    Vues Master’s Note: I guess the salesman got
    bit off more than he can chew!

    Dear Vues Master:
    The prime minister of Canada recently
    blasted Israel for accidentally killing civilians
    in Gaza— even though the Canadians
    deliberately killed German civilians in World
    War II. Hypocrisy? Cynical indifference to
    the historical record? Perhaps a little bit of
    both. The Canadian Royal Air Force was
    a participant in the Allies’ strategy of “area
    bombing” in World War II, the policy of
    attacking civilian areas in order to undermine
    the German public’s morale. Canadian
    bombers took part in some of the war’s most
    famous strikes on civilian targets—including
    the bombing of Hamburg in July 1943, which

    left 40,000 dead, and the attack on Dresden in
    February 1945, which killed tens of thousands
    more. The bombings were reported in
    the Canadian press at the time, and nobody
    protested. The Hamilton (Ontario) Spectator,
    for example, reporting on July 30, 1943 about
    one of the attacks on Hamburg, noted: “A
    great many Canadian bombers participated in
    this attack as they have in every Hamburg raid
    since the round-the-clock bombings began last
    week-end.” And that’s not all. Canadian
    troops fought a storied urban battle in World
    War II that had more than a few similarities
    to the situation in Gaza today: enemy
    fighters holed up in underground tunnels,
    savage house to house fighting, booby-traps
    everywhere—and more than a few civilian
    casualties. In late 1943, Canadian troops
    pushing through Italy took aim at German
    forces situated in the quiet seaside town of
    Ortona. Many of the town’s 10,000 residents
    fled after the Germans took over, but some
    remained, as the Canadian military historian
    Mark Zuehlke made clear in his book, Ortona:
    Canada’s Epic World War II Battle. Prime
    Minister Justin Trudeau recently demanded
    that Israel stop “this killing of women, of
    children, of babies” in Gaza, asserting that
    “the price of justice cannot be the continued
    suffering of all Palestinian civilians.” Yet
    the suffering of innocent Italian civilians
    was regarded by Canada as a just price to
    pay for the wholesale destruction of Ortona
    in 1943. Trudeau told Israel to “exercise
    maximum restraint,” warning that “the world
    is watching.” The world was watching in
    1943, too. The New York Times provided a
    day-by-day, blow-by-blow description of the
    battle during the final week of 1943—yet
    nobody urged the Canadians to show restraint.
    “Mines, demolitions and booby traps”
    planted by the Germans “are steadily taking
    [a] toll” on the Canadian troops, the Times
    reported. Holed up in “cellars and sewers,”
    German snipers would pop up, shoot at the
    advancing Canadians, and then disappear
    underground again. “You can hardly stick
    your head around a corner without hearing a
    sniper’s bullet zing by,” one Canadian soldier
    remarked. The Nazis “have defended the
    town street by street and almost house by
    house,” the Times explained. Utilizing the
    city’s underground railroad tunnels, the
    Nazis had turned Ortona into “a veritable
    underground fortress.” The Canadians
    responded with a new military tactic called
    “mouse-holing.” To avoid venturing into the
    streets, they used explosives to blast their way
    through the interior walls of adjoining houses,
    moving from house to house through the
    rubble. The Canadian officer in charge of
    the massive bombing operation “never gave a
    thought to the destruction he was wreaking on
    Ortona with his explosives,” historian Mark
    Zuehlke recounted. “There was a job to do,
    so he did it.” When the battle was over,
    “Hardly a building was left intact” in “the
    once pleasant coastal resort,” the Times noted.
    One thousand, three hundred and seventy-

    five Canadian soldiers were killed. So were
    more than 1,300 innocent Italian civilians.
    Considering the similarities between what
    the Canadians faced in Ortona and what
    the Israelis are facing in Gaza, you would
    think Prime Minister Trudeau might show a
    little more understanding. And considering
    the huge number of German civilians whom
    Canadian pilots deliberately helped kill in
    World War II—by contrast with Israel’s
    careful and risky efforts to avoid killing
    civilians—the prime minister might be
    a little more restrained in his comments.
    Perhaps he needs to brush up on his own
    country’s history.
    Rafael Medoff
    Vues Master’s Note: Waste of time arguing
    with liberal pigs. You both end up in mud
    but the liberals enjoys it!

    Dear Vues Master:
    It might seem counterintuitive to suggest
    that the daf yomi the Shabbat before
    Chanukah this year was particularly relevant
    to this particular Chanukah since it is well
    known that, unlike Purim, Chanukah does
    not have its own tractate in the Talmud.
    Not as equally obvious, I have it on good
    authority that Chanukah is not mentioned
    even once in the Mishna, and it is only
    referred to incidentally eight times in the
    Talmud. (One for each day of the holiday?)
    But the page in the daf of the Talmud
    read on the Shabbat before Chanukah
    this year was one of those eight times.
    The incidental reference to Chanukah on
    page 30 of Baba Kama discusses the issue
    of liability when an animal in the public
    domain catches fire when brushing against
    a Chanukah menorah placed outside of a
    building. The owner of the menorah is
    exempt since the menorah was put there
    with the implicit permission of the court.
    But the Talmud proceeds to specify that the
    menorah was placed with the permission of
    the court only because it was placed there
    to perform a mitzvah. Most Jews place
    their Chanukah menorah in a window – and
    in some cases in more than one window –
    to publicize the miracle, but the ideal way
    to perform the mitzvah, as presumed in the
    time of the Talmud, is to place the menorah
    outside of the house, as is still done (in
    special glass cases to shield them from the
    winds) by many religious people (if not
    quite necessarily a majority) today. The
    main justification – and maybe the only
    official one — for not placing the menorah
    outside the house nowadays is in order
    not to antagonize non-Jews – even before
    October 7 – though there happen to be some
    compelling practical considerations as well
    – so that the flames will not be blown out
    by the wind or transmitted because of the
    wind in conjunction with passing people
    or animals or vehicles (self-driving or
    otherwise) as described above. Returning
    to the main justification identified above,

    we can segue back to the present Chanukah
    and why the placement of the menorah is
    more of a hot issue this year than on most
    other celebrations of Chanukah in modern
    Although blood on the doorpost was
    enough to cause the Angel of Death to
    pass over Jewish households at the time
    of the Exodus, at most other times of
    upheavals affecting the Jews, the mezuzah
    on the doorpost – without even getting
    to the menorah — has all too often been
    seen by some as an invitation to violent
    anti-Semites rather than the protector of
    Jewish households it has generally been
    considered to be.
    Thank G-d we haven’t come close to the
    atmosphere of the Inquisition, so far (blee
    ayin horah) when mezuzot were concealed
    by some Marranos (or “crypto-Jews)
    inside of statues or amulets of the Virgin
    Mary, though we may have surpassed
    the conditions on Irish campuses in 2021
    when a Chabad-Lubavitch rabbi in Ireland
    invented the camozuzah (the mezuzah
    camouflaged in an apparent security alarm
    system). Ingenious Jews have continued
    to find ways to enable the contents of the
    mezuzah to provide protection from above
    and from within.
    On the flip side (of the dreidel?), we can at
    least share some of the positive examples of
    goodness that have begun to shine through
    the darkness of the pro-terrorist supporters
    that have blackened the reputations of
    some of our Ivy League colleges and
    many mostly young people whose level of
    sophistication is limited to the sound bites
    of the tik tok of a clock run amok.
    A few weeks ago, when a mezuzah
    was deemed the likely cause of serious
    vandalism in Studio City, California, some
    non-Jewish neighbors proposed putting
    up their own mezuzah. Shades of “I am
    Spartacus” when good-hearted Romans
    sought to protect the identity of a heroic
    figure, and then the period of the holocaust
    when the King of Denmark is said to have
    remarked that “if the Germans would
    introduce the yellow star of David to
    Denmark, “perhaps we should all wear it.”
    As a sign of the times, a non-Jew in Toronto
    wishing to put up a mezuzah as a sign of
    identification with Jews and an attempt
    to confound people with unfounded
    hatred had the added sensitivity to ask
    a Jew whether this would be considered
    insensitive. Sure enough, at least one Jew
    has already responded to this well-intended
    sign of solidarity by saying it smacked of
    cultural appropriation!
    Similarly, many Jews and non-Jews have
    vowed to decorate their houses and yards
    this year in particular with elaborate and
    well-lit decorations commemorating
    Chanukah and supporting Israel, in many
    cases larger, lighter, and brighter than ever,
    though there has also been a concern that
    they might lead to activities worse than

    vandalism or theft, G-d forbid.
    In 1993, a brick was thrown through a
    window in front of a menorah in Billings,
    Montana. The Billings Gazette published
    a drawing of a menorah, and it was said
    that a thousand people (non-Jews as well
    as Jews) hung makeshift menorahs in
    their windows, and Billings, Montana is
    no Borough Park. This year, on the 30th
    anniversary of that incident, a full-page
    ad appeared in that paper suggesting that
    history should repeat itself – in a positive
    I think we can safely assume that Chabad
    won’t hold back on their menorah displays,
    and the Shine a Light Coalition will shine
    many lights to counter the darkness of the
    Gaza tunnels and the people who built and
    supported them. Let us hope and pray that

    the solidarity in support of the modern-
    day Maccabees will not wane like the

    Chanukah lights of Beit Shamai but will
    grow with each passing day like the lights
    of Beit Hillel, and will not stop at the end of
    Chanukah, or at the end of the War in Israel
    and Gaza, but will continue to grow and
    strengthen until the time of the Moshiach.
    And finally, returning to the daf yomi,
    anti-Semitism has been around since well
    before the Torah was given at Mt. Sinai, yet
    even at the time of the Gemorah, placing a
    menorah not merely in one’s window but
    outside in front of one’s window or door
    was considered a standard way to publicize
    the miracle of the few in the face of the
    many. Let us hope and pray that the Jews
    who observe this level of observance today
    will not be deterred from doing so even in
    the current climate, and will never have
    reason to regret it.
    Vues Master’s Note: Thanks for your lesson!

    Dear Vues Master:
    An older person was in the safe room for 22
    hrs until the IDF knocked on the door. He
    didn’t know if he can trust them. Perhaps it
    was Hamas? He told them to answer him,
    and he said Shema Yisroel. They answered;
    “Hashem Elokeinu Hashem Echod! Another
    grandfather told everyone to hide in the safe
    room, while he read a paper on the couch.
    The terrorist killed him and didn’t bother to
    check the safe room, so he sacrificed his life
    in order to save his family. A retired general
    took his gun and went with an Israeli
    soldier to save his family while killing the
    terrorist B”H. There are people putting
    on tzitzis Teffillin and lighting candles
    keeping Shabbos. There was a Jew who
    people were mekarev him in Uman to try to
    keep Shabbos. He left the musical festival
    before Shkiah and was saved on Oct 7! A
    Sofer called the mother of Yagel Yaakov
    about his Teffillin for his bar mitzvah. She
    had bitochon that he would get freed. My
    brother counted 53 days that he was in
    captivity and kapital nun Gimel has “Yagel

    Yaakov”Yismach Yisroel! Young boys are
    starting to say ShmahYisroel. A frum person
    helped out a non frum person stuck on the
    side of the road. He later invited him and
    his family from their kibbutz for Shmini
    Atzeres and he was saved. Another kibbutz
    had built a gate wall around the kibbutz for
    shmiras Shabbos, so the terrorist could not
    get in B”H. I will never forget as long as I
    live seeing the billboard on the Outerbridge
    crossing of the young hostages and on the
    yellow medallion taxicab. I never cried so
    much as when I saw the young girl wearing
    a yellow sweater being the first hostage to
    go onto the bus and be freed! Hashem; I beg
    of you-No more tears! Where is Kfir? Save
    Vues Master’s Note: Keep on Davening and
    have faith in Hashem, he can do anything!

    Dear Vues Master:
    In Shulchan Aruch, there is no mention
    of eating on Chanukah foods fried in
    oil .(Latkes & donuts etc.) In Shulchan
    Aruch (Rema) it does say to eat cheese on
    Chanukah. Probably the first & only מקור
    (source) for Donuts on Chanukah is from
    a copy of a יד כתב) manuscript) that Rav
    Y.M. Toledano z”l found. In his Sefer ופליט
    שריד, he quotes from a יד כתב of R. Maimon
    (Rambam’s father) where he mentions the
    Minhag of donuts on Chanukah. It seems
    Rav Toledano himself wasn’t convinced of
    this יד כתב to be authentic. Somehow the
    location of his find is unknown. Donuts
    or Pizza? It seems, that the מסורה of our
    mothers (fried foods) has precdence over
    הלכה in ערוך שלחן) cheese) Rav Toledano
    was a Rov in Tel Aviv & also the minister of
    religion in Ben Gurion’s Government.
    Vues Master’s Note: I’ll take em both in no
    particular order!

    Dear Vues Master:
    A man who was asked to be the principle
    speaker at a dinner refused. When asked
    why, he explained “The principle is what’s
    left after all the interest is gone.”
    Vues Master’s Note: I kind of wish there
    were more people like him so we would
    suffer less and not have to listen to