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    The Maharal, zt”l, zy”a,
    in his Chidushei Aggados
    on Shas, asks the following
    question. When we say
    the primary Chanukah
    prayer of Al HaNissim,
    the focus is on the miracle
    of the conquest against the
    Syrian-Greeks, “T’mei’im
    b’yad t’horim – The impure
    into the hands of the pure, U’resha’im b’yad
    tzadikim – And the wicked into the hands of
    the righteous, V’zeidim b’yad oskei Sorasecha
    – And willful murderers into the hands of those
    who occupy themselves with Your Torah.” The
    miracle of the lone jug of oil which only had
    enough to light for one day but miraculously
    remained lit for eight days is not mentioned at
    all. Rather, we say almost casually, “V’tiharu
    es Mikdoshecha – They purified Your Temple,
    V’hidliku neiros b’Chatzros Kodshecha – And
    lit lamps in Your Holy Courtyard,” omitting any
    mention of the miracle of oil. On the other hand,
    the Gemora in Shabbos [21b], when it asks the
    seminal question, “Mai Chanukah – What is the
    essence of Chanukah?” zooms in exclusively on
    the miracle of oil.
    The Maharal gives the following fundamental
    answer. Of course, he explains, when giving
    praise to Hashem in the Al HaNissim liturgy,
    we focus mainly on the miracle of the saving
    of Jewish lives from the olympic hoards of the
    Syrian-Greeks. However, when making an

    analysis of the Chanukah saga, one can err by
    looking through the lens of history and saying
    that perhaps Matisyahu and Yehuda HaMakabi,
    together with his courageous warriors, pulled off
    a stunning and daring military victory. One might
    err that it was a ‘natural phenomenon’ orchestrated
    by shrewd generals and valorous combatants.
    After all, we know that there were many
    casualties on both sides, and even our hero Yehuda
    HaMakabi fell in battle. Therefore, the Gemora
    highlights the obvious extraordinary miracle of
    the pach shemen, the lone jug of oil which burned
    amazingly throughout the eight days to reveal that
    nothing was natural about Chanukah, neither the
    menorah not its military campaigns.
    The same mistake can be made about the present
    Gaza war. One could surmise that, of course, Klal
    Yisroel has the upper hand; the superior forces of
    the highly trained elite troops of the brave IDF,
    the amazing Israeli Air Force assisted by aircraft
    carriers such as the Gerald R. Ford, the most
    sophisticated aircraft carrier in the world. One
    can err and not see the Hand of Hashem in this
    battle. So Hashem has given us multiple miracles
    to reveal that He is with us every step of the way.
    A commander testifies that while he was inching
    forward with his men to eradicate a house full of
    weapons and explosives in a city already bereft
    of any animal life, a lone dove alighted in front
    of him causing him to pause momentarily. This
    pause was enough for one of his men to scream,
    “Don’t move!” He had noticed a tripwire that
    would have obliterated the entire platoon!

    On October 7, forty murderous terrorists broke
    into the city of Ofakim. Right in their path
    was a shul with 500 mostly unarmed people
    davening their Shabbos/Simchas Torah prayers.
    If the terrorists had entered, it would have been,
    G-d forbid, a mass slaughter. But, for some
    inexplicable reason (to the human eye), the
    terrorists veered off, entering the nearby town
    which had armed Israeli police, and they managed
    to liquidate the danger!
    Another soldier testifies that on October 7, he
    was davening in shul without a gun when he
    received an urgent page to immediately come to
    the base. There, he was handed a random gun.
    He explained that many of these haphazard guns
    which are handed down jam, and are almost
    useless. But, without any time, he went into battle
    and during the course of three days, the gun served
    him faithfully with which he terminated many
    would be assassins. When his tour was over, he
    went back to the base on Tuesday and took the
    gun to the range to practice with it. It immediately
    jammed. He cleaned it a bit and it jammed again.
    He took it to the armory where they dismantled
    it and told him that the gun was completely
    defective. But, when he needed it, with the help
    of Hashem, it served him faithfully!
    The stories of miracles continue to pour out.
    There is woman who, for the first time, was
    mafrish challah with prayers that her relative
    should be rescued from her captivity as a hostage.
    She received a phone call about the release of this
    hostage in the middle of being mafrish challah!

    There will be undoubtedly books written about
    the scores of miracles in this war.
    For us, the words of the Maharal ring true in
    our contemporary times! Hashem is revealing to
    us, notwithstanding the tragic and heartbreaking
    casualties of precious Jewish lives, that He is
    with us every step of the way. In the merit of
    our prayers and tehillim, our Torah learning and
    tzedakah, may Hashem bring victory speedily,
    and safety, security and tranquility for Jews
    worldwide, and especially in our Holy City and
    may He bless us all with long life, good health,
    and everything wonderful.