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    The Beis Yosef asks
    a well-known question
    to which hundreds of
    answers have been
    suggested. If a flask
    of oil was found that
    had enough for one
    night and it lasted seven extra nights for a
    total of eight, why is Chanuka, which
    seemingly commemorates a seven-day
    miracle, celebrated for eight days?
    ולילה הראשון שלא היה :writes Meiri The
    שם נס השמן מברכין על הגאולה ועל הודאת
    The .מציאת הפך ושאר הלילות על נס השמן
    answer is simple. We do only mark the
    seven nights that were miraculous with
    seven days of lighting. The first night,
    however, we are marking and celebrating a
    different miracle, the miraculous military
    victory and redemption. The Pri Chadash,
    in his commentary on Shulchan Aruch,
    gives a similar answer and writes if there
    were no miracle of the flask of oil, there
    still would have been a holiday established
    filled with Hallel and hoda’ah for the
    military victory.
    Our eight-day holiday of Chanuka is a
    celebration of two reasons to celebrate, two
    miracles that we mark in one blended
    holiday. Is there a connection between the
    two or did they both happen to overlap on
    the same days of the calendar, so we
    combine them into one holiday? Which is
    the main driver of this holiday and which is
    This week, my fellow BRS rabbis and I
    visited Shura once again. It is the base of
    the Rabbinate of the IDF, the place all fallen
    soldiers (and on October 7, civilians) are
    taken to be identified and prepared for

    burial. On our visit, the body of 22-year-
    old Ben Zussman, the second member of

    the greater Bendheim family (who have a
    remarkable 46 cousins currently serving) to
    be killed in battle, was being taken from the
    building into the car that would carry him
    to Har Hertzl for his funeral and burial. We
    were present for the first Kaddish being
    said on his behalf.
    Last month when we returned from our
    first visit, I told you about the literature,
    posters and tefilla cards for soldiers
    produced at Shura, how this is the only
    army in the world with a division for
    spirituality and faith. This time I saw
    Chanukah booklets published for soldiers,
    including addressing questions like how to
    light in Gaza in a tank, if you don’t have a
    home and Divrei Torah and motivational
    messages connected to Chanukah. In it, the
    following explanation of the duality of the

    Chanukah miracles is offered: The menorah
    of the Beis HaMikdash was lit in the
    Heichal and illuminated it all night. The
    Kohanim didn’t serve at night, there was no
    avodah so why did it need to be lit up? The
    type of person who regularly turns the
    lights off when nobody is in the room
    would go crazy seeing the Beis HaMikdash
    lights on with nobody in it all night, every
    night. What was the point?
    The Gemara in Shabbos (22b) explains
    that this was an unusual light; it wasn’t for
    illumination or to be able to see more
    ו ְכִי לְאֹורָּה הּוא צָרִיְך? ו ַהֲלֹא כׇ ּל אַרְבָּעִים .clearly
    שָׁ נָה שֶׁ הָלְכּו בְנֵי י ִשְׂרָאֵל בַּמִּדְבָּר לָא הָלְכּו אֶלָּא
    לְאֹורֹו! אֶלָּא עֵדּות הִיא לְבָאֵי עֹולָם שֶׁ הַשְ ּ ׁ כִינָה
    ׁשֹורָה בְּי ִשְׂרָאֵל. מַאי עֵדּות? אָמַר רַב: זֹו נֵר
    מַעֲרָבִי שֶׁ ּנֹותֵן בָּּה שֶׁ מֶן כְּמִדַּת חַבְרֹותֶיה,ָ ּומִמֶּנָּה
    .הָי ָה מַדְלִיק ּובָּה הָי ָה מְסַי ֵּים
    The light was a signal, a symbol that
    Hashem’s presence was dwelling among
    the Jewish people, that we have a special
    relationship and an exceptional mission.
    The Shem MiShmuel writes that the
    miracle happened specifically through the
    Menorah because the Menorah is the
    symbol of chochma, Jewish wisdom,
    values, culture, and knowledge. The
    Gemara in Bava Basra (25b) says הרוצה
    ידרים להחכים, if you want truth and wisdom
    turn south to the Menorah. The Syrian
    Greeks wanted to eliminate our unique
    Torah vision and values, to have us abandon
    our wisdom and culture and subscribe to
    theirs. They wanted to erase Judaism and its
    influence and impact on the world. The
    military victory enabled the rededication of
    the Beis HaMikdash and allowed us to light
    the Menorah once again. It was really a
    victory of our chochma, shinning our light
    over their darkness.
    The book of Chashmonaim describes that
    our enemies didn’t only eliminate the oil,
    they took away our Menorah. When we
    reconquered our Beis HaMikdash, they
    weren’t just missing pure oil, they were
    missing the Menorah itself. What did they
    do? Megillas Taanis (Perek 9) describes
    that the Chashmonaim took sheva shipudim
    shel barzel, seven iron rods that were used
    as weapons against the Yevanim and turned
    them into the Menorah.
    When they lit that original first flame, they
    weren’t just marking the miracle of the oil,
    but they looked at that Menorah made from
    their weapons and they were celebrating the
    miracle of the victory of the few against the
    many, the weak against the mighty, the holy
    and pure against the evil and wicked.
    The Menorah being crafted from the

    weapons of war was not a mere coincidence
    or necessary solution to having no
    candelabra to light in. It was an expression
    of how the light of the Menorah, the
    presence of Hashem, the drive to spread His
    light in the world, is what drove that small
    group of Jews to fight against all odds, to be
    tenacious, resilient, brave, courageous, and
    unstoppable. The two miracles are
    intertwined, they are indeed one and the
    same. The light of the Menorah fueled the
    army and victory, and the victory enabled
    us to keep the light going.
    The Sfas Emes asks, how did lighting the
    Menorah and having it be illuminated at
    night express the presence of the Shechina
    in Klal Yisroel? After all it was the Kohen
    who struck the match, set up the Menorah,
    lit the wick? Anyone who passed by
    wouldn’t be thinking of the Shechina but of
    the Kohen who lit it. Says the Sfas Emes,
    this is exactly the point. The evidence of the
    presence of Hashem doesn’t come from a
    revealed supernatural miracle but from our
    own hands, our own effort, our own
    initiative. The same was true with the
    military victory. With a moral clarity, a
    sense of purpose and resolve, a vision for
    representing Hashem, we fought, we
    battled, we had the courage to confront the
    enemy and take him head on. The
    successful result of that sacred mission was
    the evidence of Hashem’s presence among
    us, that His light shone through us.
    The miracle of Chanukah, what we truly
    celebrate, is the resilience and the drive of
    the הנצח עם, that when we come together,
    when we stand up with pride, when we
    fight, when we refuse to assimilate, blend
    in, or lay down, the result is we are the
    miracle, we are the manifestation and
    expression of Hashem, we are the light that
    illuminates the world. We aren’t a secular,
    political state, we are dedicated to the
    wisdom of the Menorah and we will forever
    fight to rededicate it over and over again.
    We met with retired Brigadier General
    Amir Avivi who gave great insight on what
    has happened, what is happening, and what
    he thinks will happen next. At the end we
    thanked him and he said I want to tell you
    one more thing. He doesn’t wear a kippa
    and isn’t observant but he told us he wants
    to end with a Dvar Torah:
    People often think of Chanuka as a small
    war with the Greeks and we won. They
    may picture a big battle, but most people
    don’t know we fought for 30 years, endless
    amounts of wars. Yehuda Macabee fought
    the first five big wars, he was killed and
    Yonatan took over and kept fighting. Yes,

    we celebrate that they liberated Beis
    HaMikdash. But the Greeks threw them
    out again and they fled to the desert and
    only then did they fight back and in the days
    of Shimon did we secure all the borders.
    What is amazing that in the history of
    warriors and leaders, in Jewish wars we
    never once hired mercenary armies. We
    have always been a people imbued with
    leadership and vision. We get our people
    again and again, we call them and they
    come, led into combat, without getting
    paid, just to save the Jewish nation, that is
    our DNA, that is who we are.
    That is why Al HaNissim focuses mostly
    on the military victory and only briefly
    references the miracle of the oil. The
    victory was the result of the endless drive,
    determination, will, positivity, faith, of a
    people who were fueled by the values,
    wisdom, and truth of the Menorah. It was
    their initiative, their efforts that reflected
    the presence of Hashem.
    On the border of Gaza, at a barbecue we

    made for 700 soldiers, we met a 51-year-
    old sleeping on the floor, eating army food,

    going in to fight. We asked him, how are
    you still in the active army? He told us he
    was released 11 years ago but refused to be
    finished. He negotiated with the army until
    they agreed that if he passes a physical each
    year he can continue to serve. We said,
    “what do you do, make the food, clean the
    guns?” He said, “No I drive a hummer into
    Gaza to our missions.”
    We met soldiers everywhere, on several
    bases, in Chevron, at new pop-up locations
    to feed and care for them. There is no such
    thing as a secular soldier. We found angels
    of Hashem putting on tzitzis, securing a
    pair of Tefillin, and going to fight for a
    cause they believe in with every fiber of
    their soul. Shem Shamayim Shagur Bfi the
    IDF, all of them telling us “Elokim
    Yishmor,” “Hashem Yaazor.” We met
    injured soldiers at Tel HaShomer hospital

    who are fighting to heal so they can return
    to battle. They are positive, upbeat,
    determined. We spent time with a father of
    a fallen soldier. He and his family are Olim
    and he told us he has no regrets bringing his
    family to Israel despite paying the highest
    price because it is what it means to be a
    Jew, it is why we live and sometimes what
    we need to die for.
    We toured Be’eri for three hours, walking
    the site of a pogrom, like visiting Poland
    the day after the Holocaust. We will never
    get that smell out of our nose or unsee what
    we saw. We saw burnt homes, bloody
    sheets, bullets on the ground, smashed
    windows. We heard stories of how two
    parents and a big brother leaned over three
    younger siblings to save their lives by
    paying with theirs, homes people were
    kidnapped from. A man named Yarden told
    us the story of his heroic brother, a medic
    who tried to save the injured and ultimately,
    Hamas terrorist shot him at blank range first
    saying out loud, a witness later shared, רק
    הכיף בשביל,” just for the fun,” before
    pulling the trigger.
    Naor, whose father-in-law was murdered,
    shared with us: “A strong message I remind

    myself, is when the same thing happened in
    Europe, we didn’t go back to Poland and
    Germany, but this is our house, our land,
    our country our people. We are going to
    come back. It doesn’t matter what you did
    to us, you cannot stop us. Buildings you
    can burn, but you can’t break our spirit. We
    will rebuild.”
    I think this is our part of the war from
    America. Yes, donate, support, visit, check
    in. But ultimately, the enemy around Israel
    is the same enemy sitting in the
    administration at Harvard, MIT and Penn,
    the same enemy in the offices of the New
    York Times, in some Congressional offices,
    and on streets of major cities. They all want
    להשכיחם תורתך ולהעבירם – thing same the
    רצונך מחוקי, for us to abandon our values,
    our mission, our way of life, our way of
    thinking. They are trying to extinguish our
    Menorah, our source of wisdom and truth,
    our Toras Chaim.
    We may be 6,000 miles away from the
    physical front lines, but make no mistake, if
    you saw the hearings in Congress in which
    the leaders of three prestigious schools of
    so-called higher learning couldn’t say
    calling for genocide against Jews is hate,

    we are very much on the battlefront. They
    want us to stop learning and living Torah?
    The response must be to learn and live it
    more. They want us to abandon our values?
    Lean into them, hold on to them stronger,
    tighter. They want to dim our candle? Add
    more fuel, make it burn brighter. They
    want you to hide your yarmulka, tuck in
    your tzizis? Get a bigger yarmulka, longer
    tzitzis. Someone asked me, if I had $100
    million to fight antisemitism what would I
    do? I said I wouldn’t buy ads on television
    or hire lobbyists in Congress. I would put
    every penny into reaching out to our Jewish
    brothers and sisters to stand taller, prouder,
    to live more Jewishly. I would send a
    mezuzah for every Jew and every Jewish
    student on a college campus to hang on
    their door. I would send candles for every
    Jew to light Friday night or for Chanukah.
    We cannot win a war if we don’t know what
    we are fighting for. We can’t have victory if
    we are in the dark without the light of the
    Don’t just take something upon yourself,
    become a better, bigger, and more practicing
    Jew as a merit for the soldiers on their front
    lines. Do it because it is how we fight on

    our battle front in this very same war. 150%
    of reservists showed up for this war, we
    have to show up at the same rate, give a
    150% effort. They aren’t afraid, we can’t
    be afraid, they have courage of their
    convictions, we must have the courage of
    ours. This war has multiple fronts. They
    are doing their job on theirs, will you show
    up, will you serve, will you be counted and
    will you be part of victory in our battle?
    We daven for the miracles today that we
    had yesterday, biggest among them not
    supernatural oil, but the miracle of believing
    in ourselves and believing in our cause and
    therefore having the determination to fight
    against all odds.