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    Moshe Not
    Mentioned In
    Tezaveh: The
    Tribute of
    There is a very
    famous statement of the Baal HaTurim
    in this week’s parsha. The Baal
    HaTurim notes that this is the only
    Parsha in the Torah after the birth of
    Moshe that does not mention his name.
    He attributes this to Moshe’s offer
    “Erase me from your book that you
    have written” when he was pleading
    on behalf of the Jewish people after
    the sin of the Golden Calf.
    When a wise man utters a curse —
    even a conditional curse — the curse is
    destined to be fulfilled. This is the
    fulfillment of Moshe’s self-curse.
    Ironically, every year the reading of
    this parsha falls out during the week of
    the Yahrtzeit [anniversary of the death]

    of Moshe Rabbeinu.
    This is a strange Baal HaTurim.
    Moshe’s pleading on behalf of the
    Jewish people was a very noble deed.
    As a result of his efforts, the Jewish
    people were saved. The Succas Dovid
    cites a Zohar that if Noach would have
    waged such a forceful argument to G-d
    on behalf of his generation, the Flood
    would have never occurred. It doesn’t
    seem fair that Moshe should be
    punished for such heroic efforts.
    The Succas Dovid consequently
    explains that the omission of Moshe’s
    name in Parshas Tezaveh is not a
    punishment. It is the price, however,
    that he was willing to pay. He knew
    that offering “erase me from the Book
    You have written” was going to cost
    him. But he said, “I do not care. I am
    more worried about the Jewish people
    than about my honor.”
    Parshas Tezaveh is not a punishment.

    It is the tribute to the
    self-sacrifice of Moshe
    Rabbeinu, who was
    willing to have his name
    erased from the Torah,
    in order to save the
    Jewish people.
    There are two places
    where the Torah
    mentions accolades
    about Moshe. One place
    is in Parshas BeHaaloscha after
    Miriam and Aaron apparently spoke
    against Moshe and G-d chastised
    them. The other place is in Parshas Zos
    HaBracha where the Torah relates his
    final obituary. Seemingly, these are the
    only two places where the Torah
    provides testimony to Moshe’s
    The Baal HaTurim is telling us that
    there is a third parsha that speaks
    volumes about the character and

    qualities of Moshe Rabbeinu. Parshas
    Tezaveh shows us how much Moshe
    Rabbeinu loved the Jewish people. He
    loved them so much that he was willing
    to forgo having his name in the Torah
    in order to save them. Parshas Tezaveh
    provides ‘silent testimony’ to the
    greatness of Moshe. It illustrates the
    ultimate self-sacrifice that the leader
    had for his people. That is why it is not
    ironic, but most appropriate that this
    tribute should be paid to Moshe,
    specifically on the week of his