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    You must be living
    under a rock if you
    didn’t come across one
    of the thousands of
    videos and articles
    published recently
    about the Red Heifer
    (Para Adumah). It seems like everyone is
    nervous about it. What scares people so much
    about the Red Heifer?
    We are now in the month of Nissan, which
    was set as the month of the final redemption,
    as Chazal said(יא השנה ראש (:” In Nissan we
    were redeemed (from Mitzrayim) and in
    Nissan we will be redeemed when Mashiach
    comes.” Proceeding to the month of Nissan,
    we read the four special Haftarot. Starting
    with Shekalim, continuing with Zachor, which
    is to remember what Amalek has done to us
    and reaffirm our obligation of wiping out the
    seed of Amalek. Then we read the parasha of
    the Red Cow (Parah Adumah), and finally end
    with the sanctifying of the new month of
    Nissan. Is there a connection that passes
    through all of them?
    We are all familiar with the first Rashi in
    Parashat Chukat that says the red cow is
    named a chukah (a decree) since the nations
    harass us over it, saying, “What’s the reason
    for such a mitzvah?” Therefore, the Torah says

    it’s a chukah, meaning a mitzvah with a reason
    that isn’t known to us. For many years, I asked
    a couple of questions. The first is that Rashi
    continues later and gives a reason for the
    mitzvah, that it’s to atone for sin, what we call
    teshuva. Secondly, I asked that I never heard
    the nations ever harassing us over the red cow.
    I always explained that the nation’s harassment
    is over the concept of teshuva, as Christianity
    doesn’t believe in doing teshuva, and thus
    they tease us by saying that since the cow
    represents teshuva, it’s really false and has no
    Although that is a beautiful explanation,
    recent events have given rise to a new
    explanation as suddenly many harass us over
    the red cow. Since the war started in Israel,
    there have been literally thousands of videos
    about the red cow, called in English the red
    heifer. It seems like the whole world is busy
    with the red heifer except the Jews. Even
    Hamas spokesmen Abu Obeida, who appears
    once in a while with his face covered with
    keffiyeh, warned about the Jews planning to
    bring the red heifer.
    When Hamas spokesman spoke at the mark of
    the 100th day of the war, he explained to
    everyone’s surprise that the reason Hamas
    opened the war was because the Jewish people
    are preparing to bring the Red Heifer. It is

    truly strange that someone as
    important as a spokesman would
    speak about “spiritual myths”
    instead of talking about concrete
    reasons such as what they claim to
    be a war over the occupied land.
    But why is this happening, and
    why now?
    In order to understand this
    correctly, we need to look at the
    reading of the Shabbat before
    reading about the Parah Adumah
    (Red Heifer), when we read about
    Amalek. In Bilaam’s prophecy, he
    said(כ,כד במדבר (:” Amalek is the first among
    nations [to declare war against the Jews], and
    in the end, [at the final war], he shall be
    destroyed”, teaching that Israel’s first war was
    with Amalek and also the last war before the
    arrival of the Mashiach. That means that we
    are facing today a war with the same Amalek.
    But who is Amalek today?
    We are accustomed to thinking that only the
    Germans are the Aryan race, since the Nazis
    claimed to be the pure Aryan race. However,
    in reality, the original Aryan race is the
    Persian-Indo, showing an ethnic link between
    Germans and Iranians. Many are familiar with
    what many rabbis have said, that Germany is
    Amalek, apparently linked to Haman the
    Amalekite. Since Haman was Persian, we
    can see that the Persians, who are an Aryan
    race, are the same Amalek of Haman that
    continued to spread to Germany and Iran.
    If so, we can understand that when the Torah
    speaks of remembering Amalek, it’s pointing
    to the last war indicated by Bilaam that will
    take place with Persia. This is actually how
    the Gemara(ב ,ב זרה עבודה (points out that
    the last war will be between the Christian
    power and Persia.
    It’s fascinating to see that the Gemara points
    out the nature of today’s Persians, who are
    compared to a bear. They eat and drink
    copious amounts like a bear, they are fleshy
    like a bear, they grow their hair long like a
    bear, and they never rest, like a bear. The
    meaning of “eat and drink” is that they
    weren’t directly involved in wars but rather
    let their many proxies fight for them while
    they sit comfortably in their towns, eating
    and drinking. This is also the meaning of
    growing hair; obviously, it doesn’t mean
    they literally grow hair as it’s Hashem who
    grows the hair on a person. Rather, it means
    that they grow their proxies on all sides and
    over the Middle East, much like hair grows
    all over. This is the reason they claim to have
    fought many wars and not rest, as they mean
    they armed and controlled all those proxies.
    The Gemara continues to say that after
    Mashiach comes, Hashem will ask them,
    “With what did you occupy yourselves?”
    They will respond before Him: “Master of
    the Universe, we have built many bridges,
    we have conquered many cities, and we have

    fought many wars”, Indeed, as they do today,
    they build, arm, and prepare many nations to
    fight their many battles.
    The next Shabbat reading after Amalek is
    Parah because the Para Aduma (Red Heifer) is
    the only sacrifice brought outside the Beit
    Hamikdash (The Ramban mentions that the
    nations are bothered by the fact that the Para
    Aduma is brought outside the Temple), and
    this drives the world crazy. But why? Because
    they know that the majority of Jews don’t go
    into the Temple Mount, what they call El
    Aqsa, because they aren’t pure. Purity will
    only come once we have a Red Heifer and
    undergo the process needed to purify ourselves
    from impurity. Then we can all enter the
    Temple Mount. The Muslims are very scared
    of that event because they know that
    redemption will then take place once Jews
    enter the Temple mount, and they will be
    forever doomed. Since they feel this event is
    very close, they are extremely nervous and
    This fear is sincerely based on the
    who ,) הלכות פרה אדומה פ״ג ה״ד)Rambam
    fascinatingly records that there are 10 Red
    Heifers throughout time. The first was made
    by Moshe, the second by Ezra, seven others
    were made until the destruction of the Beit
    Hamikdash, and the last ten will be done by
    This is the reason for the thousands of videos
    and articles warning about the Red Heifer
    phenomenon. Moreover, this is the reason
    they started a war to prevent us from moving
    forward with the Red Heifer. This is evident in
    the name of the war – Tufan El Aqsa, the storm
    of El Aqsa. The war is all about the Temple
    We all know that this last war is a religious
    war between the evil forces of Iran, who we
    explained are Amalek, and Israel. This
    religious war remarkably is over the Temple
    Mount as they try to do everything to delay the
    coming of the Mashiach. But this doesn’t help
    them, as symbolized by the reading of the
    Haftarah of Hachodesh HaZeh, which comes
    right after the weekly reading of Parah. This
    symbolizes the new month, the month of
    redemption that comes with the victory of the
    Jewish nation over their enemies, after the
    purification done by the red cow and the
    destruction of Amalek.