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    Gefen Puff Pastry
    Chopped Shawarma
    Caramelized Onions
    1 Egg
    Sesame Seeds


    I had made Shawarma for dinner one night this week and had
    leftovers, so rather than go to waste, I decided to repurpose
    them into a Shawarma roll. This recipe only has three
    ingredients and is so simple and delicious to make. It’s a
    change up from the usual deli roll.
    I always keep some caramelized onions in my freezer- they are
    a great flavor boost to many dishes.
    Roll out your puff pastry on a parchment line baking
    sheet. Make diagonal slits on the sides. Put your chopped
    shawarma down the middle and top with some
    caramelized onions. Crisscross the puff pastry across the
    top. Brush with an egg wash and sesame seeds.
    Bake on a 350° oven for approximately 45 minutes until
    golden brown.
    Gefen brand of puff pastry roll is actually enough to make
    two rolls, so I made one for now and one for the freezer. It
    freezes beautifully!