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    Dear Vues Master:
    Hamas is holding American hostages (likely in
    Rafah) and rather than telling Israel, do whatever
    it takes, we will give you whatever you need to
    get the hostages home, President Joe Biden has
    essentially told Hamas, no need to compromise
    or make a deal, I am withholding what Israel
    needs to come get you and to put pressure on you
    to release our citizens. I’m outraged tonight for
    Israel. I am outraged also as an American. My
    brothers and sisters in Israel deserve better. My
    fellow citizens in America deserve more.
    Rabbi Efrem Goldberg
    Vues Master’s Note: Democrat Socialist

    Dear Vues Master:
    This past Sunday was the first year that my wife
    & I have a child on Mothers Day. I did not get
    my wife a Mothers Day card & she was very
    upset. I grew up in a house where we said every
    day is Mothers Day. My wife grew up in a house
    where they always made a big deal on Mothers
    Day. I believe that I should get my mother a card
    if I’m going to get a card at all, not my wife. On
    my anniversary & Erev Yom Tov I get my wife a
    card & a gift. Now, I’m in the dog house. Help!
    Vues Master’s Note: Ah! Get used to it! My
    doghouse has a mezuzah as it is a diras keva!

    Dear Vues Master:
    Outside of Shulamith, Yeshiva of Flatbush,
    Magen David & some of the Syrian yeshivas,
    how many yeshivas in Brooklyn celebrate Yom
    Haatzmaut? How many say hallel? Just curious.

    Vues Master’s Note: There are many people
    that say hallel in Brooklyn on Yom Haatzmaut.
    I honestly do not know who does & doesn’t. All
    I could say is that the geulah should come very
    soon so that we can ALL agree to say hallel with
    a bracha together!

    Dear Vues Master:
    My son just informed me that he wants to stay in
    Eretz Yisrael to learn for a third year. I’m having
    a very hard time with that. I want him to go to
    college & get a degree & move on with his life.
    I don’t think he wants to go into chinuch & I’m
    pretty sure he’s not learning in the Beis Medrash
    full time. What should I do?
    Vues Master’s Note: Nothing! He probably won’t
    listen to you. So let him figure it out on his own!

    Dear Vues Master
    If my shul on Shabbos morning ends at
    10:45/11am & we invite company over for
    lunch, is it wrong to tell the company that we
    are starting lunch at noon? This past Shabbos we
    had to wait for our company to arrive until 1pm.
    I really wanted to take a shluf & by the time the
    meal was over it was after 5pm. I promised my
    son I would learn with him on Shabbos afternoon
    and I got no shluf because the meal ended so
    late. When I get no sleep Shabbos afternoon I’m
    wiped the entire week. I told my wife that I don’t
    want to invite anyone for lunch anymore & she’s
    not happy with me. What should I do?
    Vues Master’s Note: There has to be some sort of
    compromise. There are therapists out there that
    deal with this!

    Dear Vues Master:
    Rav Boruch Brull writes a story. Louis
    Herman was a young Jew who lived
    in Canada during World War II. After
    hearing about the terrible things that
    were happening to the Jews in Europe, he
    decided to enlist in the army to fight against
    the Germans. When he finished his training,
    young Louis was transferred to Italy. As a
    sergeant in the army, he was assigned to
    the front, in the midst of heavy fighting.
    Throughout the difficult months of the war,
    Louis kept as many Mitzvos as he possibly
    could. On the day of his mother’s Yahrtzeit,
    despite being many miles away from any
    Shul, Louis wanted to say Kaddish for
    her. This prayer, however, would require a
    Minyan, and finding ten Jews in the middle
    of a battlefield in Italy was not going to be
    easy. Louis knew of only five other Jewish
    soldiers in his unit. Louis approached
    the army chaplain, who was a priest, and
    explained his predicament. Louis asked the
    chaplain if he knew of any other Jewish
    soldiers in the area. To Louis’s surprise,
    the chaplain not only knew where he could
    find other Jewish soldiers, but he also
    understood the meaning of a Minyan. “See
    that area over there?” The chaplain pointed
    to a tall observation tower. “That is where
    our soldiers guard our unit and watch for
    advancing German soldiers. When they
    see any activity, they radio the information
    back to the artillery unit to help us aim our
    bombs more precisely. There are four Jews
    who occupy positions in the observation
    tower. If you’d like, I can put in a call
    to them and ask that they come over to
    our area for your Minyan.” Louis was
    overjoyed. He would have exactly the ten
    men required to make up a Minyan! And to
    his great relief, the soldiers were happy to
    oblige. Louis was able to say Kaddish on
    his mother’s Yartzeit with a Minyan. After
    they finished Davening. Louis thanked
    everyone for joining him and enabling
    him to fulfill this meaningful personal
    obligation. As the four soldiers turned to
    walk back to the observation tower, they
    suddenly heard a loud explosion and saw a
    most startling sight. The entire observation
    tower and its contents had just been blown
    up! Only the four Jewish soldiers, who had
    just ‘happened’ to be busy doing a very
    important Mitzvah, had escaped certain
    death! Rav Brull adds, “The Gemara
    teaches us (Pesachim 8b) that messengers
    who go to do a Mitzvah are saved from
    harm. Not only do acts of Chesed help
    others, but those very acts can also save
    Vues Master’s Note: What a Maaseh!

    Dear Vues Master:
    Shortly after the 1948 War of Independence,
    a few days before the holiday of Pesach,
    a young fellow was tragically killed in
    Jerusalem in an artillery barrage launched
    by the Jordanian legion on the holy city of
    Jerusalem. His distraught widow was left to
    look after her three young children alone. R’
    Yehoshua Heschel Brim zt”l, the venerable
    Rosh Yeshivah of the Bohush Chassidus
    in Jerusalem, assumed responsibility for
    the family’s welfare. He asked a talmid of
    his to come to the bereaved home on the
    night of Pesach to conduct the seder for
    the widow and her young children. After
    Maariv, R’ Yehoshua Heschel walked from
    the shul to the home of the family to ensure
    that the young fellow had arrived and that
    their needs were well taken care of. To his
    dismay, he saw that the bochur had failed
    to show up. After waiting a short while, he
    stood up, made Kiddush for the family and
    proceeded to conduct a beautiful seder for
    them. To the widow’s joy, he shared with the
    children the story of the Yetzias Mitzrayim
    and delighted them with a reenactment of
    the ten makkos. It was late at night when the
    children finally fell asleep around the seder
    table, at which point he left the widow’s
    home to take care of his own family. He
    entered his home, greeted his family and
    began once again conducting the seder
    and fulfilling the mitzvah of Sipur Yetzias
    Mitzrayim. His Rebbetzin and children,
    however, were agitated over his long
    absence and the anxious and frustrating
    wait they had endured. After the meal,
    when emotions were calmer, he explained
    to them the reason for his extended delay.
    His Rebbetzin, still troubled, remarked, “It
    was very nice that you performed such a
    mitzvah, but what about the family waiting
    at home? Doesn’t chessed begin at home?”
    The Rosh Yeshivah sighed and responded
    by relating a story about a time, two years
    earlier, when he had visited the great
    Chazon Ish zt”l, who exhorted him to find
    a suitable mate for a friend of his, an older
    bochur who had still not found his bashert.
    R’ Yehoshua Heschel introduced his friend
    to a wonderful young girl from Tel Aviv
    and the two scheduled their engagement
    party. To the delight of the young man, the
    Chazon Ish promised to attend the party.
    When R’ Yehoshua Heschel arrived at the
    Chazon Ish’s home to accompany him
    to the party, the elderly sage was sitting
    with a young couple engaged in earnest
    conversation. The Rav continued to talk
    with this couple for over an hour while R’
    Yehoshua Heschel fidgeted and agitated
    outside the room. Finally, the Chazon Ish
    concluded his discussion with the young
    couple and escorted them to the door.

    He explained to R’ Yehoshua Heschel as
    they left for the engagement party that the
    young couple with whom he had spent so
    much time were Holocaust survivors who
    had married in a DP camp and just recently
    arrived in the Holy Land. They had very
    little money and needed advice on how
    to establish themselves in business. They
    were about to open a haberdashery store
    and detailed to the Chazon Ish each and
    every purchase that they were about to
    make to stock their new store. The Rav told
    R’ Yehoshua Heschel that he understood
    that he was keeping many people waiting
    by spending so much time with the couple.
    But the many individuals at the party were
    equally responsible for this young couple’s
    welfare, he said. By waiting patiently, they
    too were sharing in the mitzvah of ensuring
    the financial security of these two battered
    survivors who were alone in the world. R’
    Yehoshua Heschel explained to his family
    that upon entering the widow’s house and
    grasping the situation, he knew that he had
    to take care of their needs by conducting
    their seder. It wasn’t his responsibility
    alone, he said, but rather the shared
    responsibility of his family. By keeping
    their own seder on hold until the bereaved
    woman and her orphans were taken care
    of, the entire family played an important
    role in bringing the joy of Yom Tov to the
    grieving family.
    Vues Master’s Note: The zchus should be a
    meilitz Yosher!

    Dear Vues Master:
    Tom walks into his boss’ office and tells
    him, “Sir, I know things aren’t going the
    best around here but I have three companies
    that have contacted me recently. I would
    like a raise.” His boss agrees and after
    debating the amount for a while they agree
    on a 5 percent raise. When Tom gets up to
    leave his boss asks him, “What companies
    contacted you?” Tom smiles and says, “The
    cable, electric, and water companies.”
    Vues Master’s Note: Good for him!

    Dear Vues Master:
    During the Knessia Gedola (Agudah) in
    1936, there was a heated debate among
    the Gedolim about accepting the Peel
    Commission for the partition of Palestine.
    The Polish (Chasidic) Gedolim supported
    the חלוקה, thus advocating for a Jewish
    state in part of Palestine. However, the
    Litvishe and Hungarian Gedolim opposed
    the הארץ חלוקת proposal. R. M. Sternbuch
    that noted) תשובות והנהגות ב‘: ק“מ) Shlita
    he heard this from R. Y.B. Soloveichik zt”l

    (Yerushalayim) and recorded it as told. R.
    Elchonon Wasserman and R. Ahron Kotler
    zt”l were deeply upset and considered
    leaving the Knessia & Agudah, but
    R.Chaim Ozer zt”l persuaded them to stay.
    The Brisker Rav zt”l was also irate about
    even discussing the issue, arguing that
    establishing a State could lead to bloodshed.
    R.A. Kalmenowitz zt”l questioned him
    about his strong reaction, pointing out that
    the British Government was indifferent
    to the Rabonim’s decision at the Knessia
    and couldn’t care less. The Brisker Rav
    responded, stating that according to the
    gemara, the Ribono Shel Olam governs
    the world based on the psak of the רוב.
    At the Knessia, רוב of the הדור גדולי were
    gathered & debated whether to accept part
    or to insist on the entirety of Eretz Yisroel,
    but all concurred on the establishment of
    a Jewish State. The Brisker Rav feared
    that the Ribono Shel Olam would make it
    happen, resulting in the birth of a Jewish

    Vues Master’s Note: Look at the far-
    reaching vision of these Gedolim!

    Dear Vues Master:
    I think I’ve already said it here many times
    but sometimes people have to read the
    message more than once for it to sink in.
    The more I learn the halachos, the more
    I start to notice the mistakes we are all
    making. For example, many people think
    that tearing and breaking is automatically
    allowed for food as long as the letters are
    avoided. However, the type of tearing/
    breaking that is permitted is only the type
    that will destroy the packaging. Because
    we are not allowed to tear for a constructive
    purpose. So for example with many types
    of containers, if you break the corner piece
    that allows the cover to be taken off, you
    are going to use this dip or herring in the
    container until it’s finished. That wouldn’t
    be considered destructive. There is also
    another melacha called “makeh bepatish”
    that is also very frequent when it comes to
    these things. It means putting the finishing
    touch on something for it to be ready for use.
    That is why some people still don’t open
    new soda bottles because of that problem,
    it creates a functioning cap. Although there
    are authorities that have allowed this, most
    recommend being strict when it comes to
    metal caps and rings as that is not getting
    the same leniency. Therefore if you see
    those Pellegrino, Saratoga, and often some
    sparkling grape juice bottles you should
    be extra careful that those are pre-opened.
    Orange juice containers as well contain a
    plastic pull ring that should not be pulled
    off on Shabbos. This creates a fashioned

    opening which is not allowed under
    Boneh, makeh bepatish, and korayah.
    Many types of pastry, candy, kichel
    containers have this plastic strip that is
    ripped off first in order to access the plastic
    tabs to open the container. Since your plan
    is generally to use the container, this is
    also not considered destructive tearing.
    Words also have to avoid being ripped
    on any labels. It is highly recommended
    that you spend a little time Friday making
    sure your Shabbos things are opened and
    that you can know with a clear head that
    there aren’t any questions with halacha.
    Unfortunately at kiddushes if there isn’t
    non-jewish staff dealing with this, it is
    very likely that many things aren’t being
    opened properly and it is time that we start
    to learn the laws carefully and make sure
    that our events are being done k’halacha.
    To show I’m leading by example, I often
    waiter a small kiddush here and there, and
    I make it my business to show up for a
    few minutes late Friday to make sure that
    questionable things are pre-opened, as
    well as the obligation of doing something
    prior to Shabbos in order to make payment
    acceptable. Any Jewish waiter must
    do something before or after Shabbos
    connected to the job they are doing or
    the payment is invalid! (unless they also
    worked Fri night starting before shabbos
    began). If anyone is interested in learning
    how to become a true knowledgeable
    Shomer Shabbos, free books are available
    one at a time on www.shabbosdaily.org on
    condition you complete the book.
    Vues Master’s Note: One of the most
    important topics to learn!

    Dear Vues Master:
    On the outskirts of Cairo, on a blistering
    hot afternoon in May 1942, British Army
    chaplain Rabbi Louis Rabinowitz ordered
    the driver of his military transport truck to
    pull over for a group of uniformed women
    who were hitchhiking. “We want to go
    as far as the Pyramids,” one of the women
    explained. The rabbi later recalled: “Her
    accent betrays that she is not English,
    and instantly I realize that they are the
    Jewish Palestinian A.T.S. [volunteers in
    the British armed forces], the first Jewish
    Amazons in history! With a grin, I lapse
    into Hebrew.” (Imagine the woman’s
    surprise.) “ ‘I shall be very glad indeed to
    take you,’ I say.” It would be the most
    remarkable Lag B’Omer he would ever
    experience. Some 30,000 Jewish men
    and 4,350 Jewish women from Mandatory
    Palestine volunteered to serve in the British
    Army during World War II. Although
    horrified by the British White Paper that

    cut off most Jewish immigration to the
    Holy Land, they were anxious to take part
    in the Allies’ war effort against the Nazis.
    The women served in units known as the
    Palestine Auxiliary Territorial Service
    (A.T.S.). Some were assigned to British
    positions in Egypt where, along with
    their male comrades, they played an
    important role in bolstering the British
    fight to halt the German advance across
    North Africa. One of the most famous
    missions carried out by these Palestinian
    Jewish soldiers was described in the 1943
    book The Forgotten Ally, by the renowned
    journalist (and Christian Zionist) Pierre
    van Paassen. Twenty soldiers who were
    German Jewish refugees donned German
    military uniforms and, with their flawless
    accents, managed to infiltrate Nazi lines in
    western Egypt. When their true identities
    were discovered, the saboteurs opened
    fire on the enemy and—according to the
    sole survivor—managed to kill more than
    one hundred Germans. The women
    hitchhikers for whom Rabbi Rabinowitz
    stopped were on their way to meet up
    with comrades at the pyramids for a
    Lag B’Omer celebration. “The Galilean
    village of Meron [site of the most famous
    Lag B’Omer festivities] transported to
    Gizeh [in Egypt],” the rabbi marveled,
    “and Palestinian songs and dances in the
    shades of the Pyramids.” They arrived
    to find dozens of young Jewish soldiers
    igniting a huge bonfire. “Round and round
    they danced the Horah with increasing
    enthusiasm and tempo,” the rabbi recalled.
    “ ‘Ben Yohai!,’ ‘El Yivne Hagalil!’, ‘Anu
    Olim Artzah!’ The flames throw the eager,
    laughing, joyous faces into vivid relief.
    From time to time, a figure would detach
    itself from the whirling circle, and with
    an ecstatic cry of triumph would leap
    high over the burning pile, to land safely
    and triumphantly on the other side.”
    Standing there in the silhouette of the
    Pyramids, Rabbi Rabinowitz was moved
    to offer a Dvar Torah with a message that
    uniquely linked past to present: “I spoke
    of Bar Kochba and of Rabbi Akiva, of
    his disciple, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai,
    who is so intimately connected with Lag
    B’Omer; of [Bar Kochba’s] war for Jewish
    independence; of the long and weary exile
    of the Jewish people; of the significant fact
    that from that time, we had not, until the
    present day, seen Palestinian Jews enrolled
    and organized to fight for the freedom of
    humanity and their own future.” But
    the connection to Pharaoh, builder of the
    pyramids, was even more significant,
    the rabbi emphasized. Pharaoh, after
    all, had ordered the murder of all Jewish
    male babies for fear they would grow up
    to be soldiers who would turn against

    him; but he let the Jewish female babies
    live. “What possible military value could
    there be in women?,” the Egyptian ruler
    reasoned. Surely girls posed no threat of
    becoming Jewish fighters. “And now,
    4,000 years after,” Rabbi Rabinowitz
    declared, “these Palestinian A.T.S. were
    showing, in no uncertain way, within sight
    of these Pyramids,” that they, too, could
    fight for the Jewish nation. These “Jewish
    Amazons,” as the rabbi proudly called
    them, were living proof of the failure of the
    enemies of the Jewish people. “As I left
    them that evening,” he later wrote, “my
    mind was filled with the vivid conviction-
    -these mighty Pyramids will crumble to
    dust before the Jewish people will perish.”
    Rabinowitz was very much a part of the
    Jewish national revival. An outspoken
    Zionist, he publicly renounced his
    wartime military decorations in 1947, as a
    protest against Britain’s harsh anti-Jewish
    policies in Palestine. That act may have
    later cost him his chance at becoming chief
    rabbi of the United Kingdom, although his
    controversial opposition to South African
    apartheid—when he was that country’s
    chief rabbi—probably didn’t help, either.
    In the 1970s, Rabbi Rabinowitz served
    as deputy mayor of reunified Jerusalem.
    The idea that he might become the deputy

    mayor of the Jewish people’s 3,000 year-
    old capital city must have seemed like a

    distant dream for much of Rabinowitz’s
    life. But his chance encounter with the
    remarkable “Jewish Amazons” on Lag
    B’Omer in 1942 offered a hopeful sign
    that the rebirth of Jewish sovereignty was,
    in fact, not so far off.
    Rafael Medoff
    Vues Master’s Note: Thanks for your
    Jewish History lesson!

    Dear Vues Master:
    I went to Columbia and had to sign
    a paper at registration in 1980 that I
    wouldn’t participate in any subversive
    activities! I was bewildered, as a young
    woman from out of state! Then I learned
    about what had happened in the 1960s
    when students took faculty and staff as
    hostages to protest the war in Vietnam,
    necessitating this form to be signed. I
    wonder if students are still required to
    sign this declaration! Shame on them! On
    Google, you can find Facebook groups
    and organizations that fight and alert
    people about campus antisemitism such
    as https://notoleranceforantisemitism.adl.
    Vues Master’s Note: Anti-Semitism came
    down on us at Mount Sinai!

    Dear Vues Master:
    I have a serious question. Call me a
    conspiracy theorist, but doesn’t it strike
    anyone else as strange that Biden is trying
    so hard to prevent the IDF from going into
    Rafah? First he tells Israel not to. Then
    he threatens Israel that if they go in, he’ll
    cut off aid. And now he is offering Israel
    intel about where the Hamas leadership is
    hiding in exchange for not going in. Why
    is he trying so hard to stop this operation?
    This pressure is unprecedented. There has
    to be a reason beyond his regular charade
    of worrying about innocent lives. What
    am I missing? Why does he care so much?
    Hillel Fuld
    Vues Master’s Note: He wants to keep
    some Hamas child alive so he can kill a
    Jew when he grows up!

    Dear Vues Master
    A new NY Times poll shows that 30% of
    Biden supporters won’t be voting for him
    again because of his treatment of Israel.
    17% of those people said they won’t vote
    for Biden because of his abandonment of
    Israel. 13% of them said they won’t vote
    for him because of his support of Israel.
    (What is wrong with you people that you
    think standing with pedos and rapists is
    the moral thing to do? Who are you and
    where did your moral compass disappear
    to?) Looks like Joe backed the wrong
    horse. As I’ve said a million times, those
    who bless the Jews and stand with them in
    their time of need will be blessed. Those
    who curse the Jews and abandon them
    in their time of need will be cursed. Mr.
    Biden, you have made a historically bad
    decision and now you’ll pay the price.
    Enjoy your last few months in the White
    Hillel Fuld
    Vues Mster’s Note: Biden & Schumer
    continue to betray us…..