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    The Mishnah in Pirkeh
    Avot (4:22) teaches: Do
    not let your evil
    inclination assure you
    that the afterlife is your
    escape. For against your
    will you were created; against your will
    you live; against your will you will die;
    and against your will you will be judged
    by the King of kings…
    Why would anyone think that the
    afterlife is an “escape”? And what does
    this have to do with the fact that we are
    created and we die against our will?
    One of the most common ills that
    plague people is the tendency to blame
    other people. Husbands blame wives;
    wives blame husbands. Republicans
    blame Democrats; Democrats blame
    Republicans. Teachers blame students;
    students blame teachers.
    When things don’t work out, there’s
    always someone or something to blame.
    It’s society’s fault. It’s technology’s
    fault. It’s his fault. It’s her fault. It’s the
    parents. It’s the kids. It’s always

    someone or something.
    The reason we do this is because we
    all feel worried about whether or not
    our lives are a success. People are
    insecure about their success as parents,
    as children, as bread winners, as
    professionals, as religious Jews, or as a
    million other things. And the thought
    that it’s “my fault” is too hard to accept.
    It’s a terrible feeling to think that we’re
    not a success and it’s our fault.
    But the proper perspective is to focus
    not on whom or what to blame, but on
    how to move forward, what to do about
    it. Even when we’re right, and it
    FAULT, we should focus on where we
    go from here, on doing the best we can.
    When we blame others, we come
    across as very weak. When we focus on
    doing the best we can, we come across
    as strong and inspiring.
    The Mishnah is teaching us that we
    should not think that after we leave this
    world, we can escape from
    accountability by blaming our lack of

    success on other people. It’s
    not going to work that way.
    The reason is that even
    though things happen to us in
    life against our will, and there
    are many things that we do not
    want and did not choose, we
    also leave this world against
    our will. When our life is in
    any sort of danger, we
    suddenly drop all our
    complaints and desperately
    want our lives to continue. We
    will not be able to cast the
    blame on the circumstances in our lives
    – because when all is said and done, we
    like our life, and we don’t ever want to
    give it up.
    So let’s stop the blame game. Our lives
    aren’t all that bad. Sure, there are things
    we don’t like. But that’s not a good
    enough reason to blame others and not
    take responsibility.
    Blaming is not helpful, and it prevents
    us from working to make our lives

    When we stay focused on what we
    need to do, without complaining and
    without blaming, we spread happiness.
    We uplift and inspire the people around
    We don’t choose everything in our
    lives. It’s never going to be exactly
    what we wanted. But that’s ok. Rather
    than complain about and blame
    everything on what we don’t like in our
    lives, let us make the most of it and
    spread happiness and contentment all
    around us.