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    Dear Rabbi and Shira ,
    I’m engaged to an awesome girl but I am not sure what to do about her work habits . She has a challenging job that keeps her busy 24/7.
    Her boss doesn’t mind if she comes to the office or does her work from home as long as the job gets done. Unfortunately, the job gets
    done when we are on dates or just in the middle of a discussion. One minute I’m having a conversation with her and the next minute she’s
    talking, voice noting, or texting on her phone completely oblivious to me and our conversation. This is obviously very hurtful. Although
    she wants to have better phone habits, she is having trouble breaking this vicious cycle and I am not sure how to help her.
    – Distracted in Ditmas

    Dear Distracted,
    Thanks for writing! Welcome to the year 2020! The
    challenges you are experiencing are the obstacles many
    face as the work force has become more mobile and as
    the world can be accessed instantly in the palm of our
    hands. While it is great that your kallah’s job is flexible
    and that she can work from home, you are learning
    that this flexibility comes with its own set of challenges.
    In terms of your Kallah’s work habits, are her sudden
    entrances into “Work mode” because she remembers
    to do something, because her job comes with a lot of
    crises, or a little of both? Have a conversation with
    her about which messages/emails are considered
    urgent, which are important, and which are neither.
    Agree on a signal, or method of communicating that

    she has entered “work mode,” to help manage the
    transitions. We think you should discuss with her how
    her spontaneous work is affecting your relationship.
    Explain how it feels to you when you are in the middle
    of a conversation and she chooses the phone instead.
    Although you say her job is consuming her 24 hours
    a day, does she need to be on call for that long? Even
    doctors have work hours. Is she fully aware of the
    amount of time she is spending on the phone? There
    is a feature called Screen Time on the iphone which
    reports how many hours a day a person spends on
    the phone. By monitoring herself, she can analyze her
    usage and begin to plan how to better use her time.
    What other boundaries can she put into place to limit
    her hours a day that she is working? Perhaps she can

    put her phone on airplane mode a few hours each day.
    What rules can you both set up to maximize your time
    together with the minimum amount of distraction?
    Think about yourself as well, are you doing this as well
    and not noticing?
    Come up with an action plan on how the two of
    will make time for each other each day with limited
    distraction. With the proper planning, you’ll be able to
    make that job’s flexibility work for the both you.
    Hatzlacha Rabah
    Rabbi Reuven and Shira Boshnack