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    Parashat Shelah tells
    the tragic story of
    “Het Ha’meragelim”
    – the sin of the spies,
    who were sent to scout
    the Land of Israel in advance of Beneh
    Yisrael’s entry into the land. The spies
    returned and dissuaded the people from the
    entering Eretz Yisrael, telling them that the
    nations living there are too powerful, and
    that the land in any event is not worth the
    struggle it would take to capture it.
    The Torah tells us that Moshe sent the
    spies into the land, “Ve’ha’yamim Yemeh
    Bikkureh Anabim” – “and the days were
    the days of the first ripened grapes” (13:20).
    The spies embarked on their mission
    in late spring, at the time when the first
    grapes ripen in Eretz Yisrael. This detail,
    which at first seems hardly relevant, might
    actually hold the key to understanding the
    fundamental nature of the spies’ mistake.
    The word “Anabim” (“grapes”) is spelled,
    “Ayin,” “Nun,” “Bet,” “Mem.” The
    phrase “Bikkureh Anabim” may be read
    to mean “before ‘Anabim’” – referring
    to the letters that precede the four letters
    which comprise the word “Anabim.” These
    letters are “Samech,” “Mem,” “Alef,”

    “Lamed” – the letters that spell the name
    of the Satan (which we do not pronounce).
    The Torah here is indicating to us that the
    spies’ failure resulted from the fact that
    “Bikkureh Anabim” – the Satan was right
    behind the “grapes.” What does this mean?
    In several contexts throughout Tanach, the
    Jewish Nation is compared to grapes, to a
    vineyard, or to wine. Just as wine becomes
    prohibited for a Jew when it is handled by
    a non-Jew, likewise, Am Yisrael becomes
    defiled when it comes under foreign
    influence, when we imbibe values and
    follow practices which are foreign to our
    values and beliefs. This is the concept of a
    Korban, which involves the sprinkling of
    blood on the altar in the Bet Ha’mikdash.
    Wine is compared to blood, and so
    the sprinkling of blood represents our
    purification. Our “wine” has been defiled
    through sin as a result of foreign influence,
    and so we cleanse ourselves by sprinkling
    sacrificial blood on the altar.
    The way we protect ourselves from a
    condition of “Bikkureh Anabim,” whereby
    we come under the influence of Satan, is
    by maintaining clear barriers between us
    and foreign values and culture. Even as
    we engage in general society, we must

    firmly distinguish between
    the timeless values and
    traditions of the Torah, and
    those of society. We cannot
    let the Satan get too close
    to us – and so we must have
    a very clear distinction in
    our mind between what
    we know and believe to be
    true and correct, and what
    general society believes to
    be true and correct.
    And this was precisely the
    mistake of the spies.
    When they returned to the rest of the nation
    and described to the people the strength
    of the nations living in Eretz Yisrael, they
    said, “There we saw the giants… We were
    like grasshoppers in our eyes, and so we
    were in their eyes” (13:33). The spies
    were impressed and dazzled by the people
    of Canaan, and so they felt inferior, and
    intimidated. In their eyes, the people in
    Canaan were “giants,” and they were but
    tiny “grasshoppers” in comparison to these
    great nations.
    This is how we end up in a situation of
    “Bikkureh Anabim,” where we come

    under the sinful influence of the Satan –
    when we look with admiration and envy
    at foreign cultures and lifestyles, and feel
    uncomfortable with our own.
    We must never feel like “grasshoppers.” We
    must live with pride and confidence in our
    Torah beliefs and lifestyle, knowing with
    absolute certainty that we are following
    the laws given especially to us by Hashem
    so that we forge a special bond with Him.
    If we live with this confidence, instead of
    looking to foreign culture as an example for
    us to follow, we will succeed in distancing
    ourselves from negative influences, and
    living with genuine, steadfast commitment
    to G-d and His Torah.