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    Rebbe Dovid
    Lelover zt’l said: Had
    Korach known that
    he can serve Hashem
    from behind the oven
    [where the simple
    Yidden used to sit] and
    his avodah will be as
    precious as the avodah
    of the kohen gadol, he
    wouldn’t have started a
    Korach wanted to
    serve Hashem in the
    best possible way,
    which is why he wanted
    to be the kohen gadol. But he didn’t realize
    that everyone could serve Hashem in his
    own unique way. There is no reason to be
    jealous of others – just do the avodah that
    Hashem expects from you, and it will be as
    precious to Hashem as the service of the
    kohen gadol.
    The Gemara (Pesachim 50.) tells that Rav
    Yosef, the son of Reb Yehoshua Ben Levi,
    was niftar and then returned to life. His
    father asked him what he saw in heaven. He
    replied, “I saw an upside-down world.
    Those on top here were at the bottom there,
    and vice versa.”

    His father corrected him, “You saw a true
    Rashi explains that in this world, people
    honor wealth, but in heaven, honor is
    accorded to those who study Torah.
    The Mabit (introduction to Beis Elokim)
    disagrees with this explanation because Rav
    Yosef wouldn’t have been surprised by
    seeing that only Torah study is important in
    heaven. Therefore, the Mabit explains that
    Rav Yosef was referring to the way we
    perceive the servants of Hashem in this
    world. There are ovdei Hashem who are
    very respected in this world but less so in
    Olam HaBa and visa-versa – people who we
    think are mediocre or less in their spiritual
    practices but are highly honored in heaven.
    This is because Hashem measures each
    person according to his abilities and the
    level of mesirus nefesh he has in serving
    This was Korach’s error. He thought he
    must have the most prestigious position in
    this world to earn the highest place in Gan
    Eden, but it isn’t so. With the position,
    challenges, and services that Hashem
    arranges for each individual in this world,
    he can attain the highest place in Gan Eden.
    The Arugos HaBosem (Chayei Sarah)

    quotes the Gemara (Rosh Hashanah 11.)
    “Everything in creation was created
    according to their agreement and consent.”
    This means that the earth also agreed to be
    created as it was. Indeed, it is called Eretz,
    from the word Ratzah, want, because the
    earth wanted to do Hashem’s will and was
    willing to be created this way, although it
    seems that it would be so much loftier if it
    were made like the heavens and not a coarse
    gashmiyus earth. This is because heaven
    and earth are indeed the same because they
    both serve Hashem as Hashem wants from
    Therefore, the Arugas HaBosem explains,
    no one should complain, “Why can’t I be
    like him? If I had a sharper mind and lived
    under better circumstances, I would also be
    a genius in Torah!” Don’t say that, because
    Hashem created you the way you are
    because this is the only way you can reach
    It states (Tehillim 101:6), Einai B’neemani
    Eretz. The Arugos HaBosem explains that
    Hashem’s eyes are with those who have
    emunah like the earth and are prepared to do
    Hashem’s will, even when they think there
    are more prestigious deeds to do for
    Korach was on a high spiritual level. As a

    Levi, Korach was bestowed with the honor
    of carrying the aron. Arizal taught that in the
    era of techiyas hameisim, Korach will be the
    kohen gadol. The Chidushei HaRim zt’l
    says that if it weren’t for this machlokes,
    Korach would have become the levi gadol
    — an extremely great honor, which so far,
    no one has ever received.
    But he wanted more. He wanted to serve
    Hashem in the most perfect way. And his
    error was that he failed to understand that he
    had the potential to be the greatest tzaddik in
    his position, with the portion Hashem gave
    The Arugas HaBosem explains that the
    earth swallowed Korach because it was the
    earth that understood that one should only
    want and focus on the portion Hashem set
    out for him.