“You have
enough, circle
the mountain,
and turn to the
north (tzafonah).”
(Devarim 2:3)
The Kli Yakar lived during a time
when the Jews enjoyed prosperity,
and he did not approve of the way
they dealt with it. He urged them to be
more discreet, to keep a low profile
and not draw attention to themselves
with ostentatious lifestyles.
He supported his exhortation with a
homiletic interpretation of Moshe’s
words to the Jewish people. “You
have enough, circle the mountain, and
turn to the north (tzafonah).” The
word tzafonah can also be translated
as “the hidden.” In other words, you
have enough material things. Now
hide them! If you’ve got it, you don’t
have to flaunt it!
Eisav has a long memory, writes the
Kli Yakar. Whenever he sees Yaakov
prosper, he believes with all his heart
that it is only because of the blessings
that he believes Yaakov stole, the
blessings that should have gone to
Yaakov himself was already worried
about this. When famine struck all of
the Middle East, everyone was forced
to run to Egypt, the only place where
large stockpiles of food existed. It was
the only way to avoid starvation.
Yaakov’s pantry, however, was well
stocked with food, and his family
could have gone a long time without a
trip to Egypt. Nonetheless, Yaakov
sent them to buy food. “Lamah
tisra’u?” he said.
“Why should you
show off?” According
to Rashi, Yaakov was
concerned about the
children of Eisav and
Yishmael. Why should
they see that you have
plenty of food while
they are starving? That
would be a foolish
thing to do.
Living in the United
States, which is so
liberal, so tolerant, we tend to forget
this important lesson. Regardless of
how benign American society is, it is
still exile. We still live among non-
Jews, not all of whom share the full
measure of tolerance which has made
this country the superpower that it is
today. We still need to watch our step.
If we have been blessed with
prosperity — money, real estate, nice
homes, automobiles and clothing —
there is no need to flaunt our wealth.
“Why do you show off?” said Yaakov.
It is impolite. It is unwise. It is even