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    This week’s parsha
    contains the terrible
    Tochacha – the 98
    curses delineated in
    graphic detail,
    through which the
    Almighty warns us of
    what we will be
    subject to if we do not
    keep His Torah. Before the Tochacha begins,
    the Torah provides some “good news”.
    Namely, “If you will keep all my
    commandments then you will have abundant
    blessing…” [Devarim 28:1-14]
    Immediately following the “good news”, the
    Torah launches into a description of what will
    happen “If we do not listen to the
    commandments of the L-rd our G-d…” The
    curses contain the mirror image of the
    blessings. Rather than being “blessed in the
    city and blessed in the country, blessed in our
    coming in and blessed in our going out” we
    will be “cursed in the city and cursed in the
    country, cursed in our going in and cursed in
    our going out”.
    The Targum Yonasan Ben Uziel translates the
    pasuk “Cursed will you be when you come in
    and cursed will you be when you go out”
    [28:19] as follows: “You will be cursed when
    you come in” means “you will be cursed when
    you come into the theaters and when you come

    into the circuses – because you wasted your
    time on frivolous entertainment rather than
    spending it learning Torah.” “You will be
    cursed when you go out” as “you will be
    cursed when you go out to make a living”.
    Rav Pam zt”l asked, what is wrong with
    making a living? A Jew needs to support his
    family and earn a living. This is implicit in the
    pasuk “and you shall gather in your produce”
    [Devarim 11:14]. We can understand the curse
    associated with lewd or inappropriate forms of
    entertainment, but what is the meaning of the
    curse associated with one’s trying to earn a
    The Gemara in Gittin [34a] discusses the
    concept of “Ones B’Gittin”. A person has
    granted a conditional divorce (I hereby divorce
    you with this ‘get’ document on the condition
    that I do not return within 30 days) and then is
    prevented by circumstances beyond his control
    from returning. The Hafla-ah in Maseches
    Kesubos writes that the whole discussion in
    Tractate Gittin is only about a case where a
    person wanted to return but was prevented
    from doing so by external circumstances (e.g.
    – an airline strike). However, in a case where
    the person would not have come back anyway,
    then the external circumstance that also
    prevented him from returning is not a valid
    claim to nullify the divorce.

    Rav Pam zt”l said that there is nothing wrong
    with earning a living and that earning a living
    is not in and of itself ‘bitul Torah’, because one
    is obligated to support a family. However,
    people do not work 16 hours a day. What does
    he do with his leisure time? If he spends his
    free time learning, spending time with his
    family, and helping around the house, that
    demonstrates that he only spent time working
    because he was forced to do so (ones).
    However, if learning or attending a shiur is on
    the bottom of the totem pole, it proves that the
    time at work was also not just because he had
    to but was because he would rather be doing
    anything other than learning. He will find any
    excuse not to learn. It is about such a person
    that we say “Cursed are you when you come in
    (to the theaters and circuses) and cursed are
    you when you go out (even to earn your
    living)”. A person must earn a living. However,
    he must have the attitude that whenever I have
    the opportunity to do so, I want to use my time
    wisely from a spiritual perspective.
    Rav Henkin, zt”l, once met the Chazon Ish
    when they were both yet in Europe. At the
    time, he did not even know the Chazon Ish and
    he certainly did not realize his greatness. They
    were both coincidentally in the parlor of a
    certain Rabbi, waiting to see the Rav and
    began talking with one another. Rav Henkin
    asked the Chazon Ish “What’s your name?”

    and he replied “My name is Avraham Yeshaya
    Karelitz.” “What do you do? ” inquired Rav
    Henkin. “I own a store”, replied Rav Karelitz.
    (This was true because the Chazon Ish’s wife
    ran a store and that is how he earned a living.”
    Rav Henkin then asked, “Do you set aside
    fixed times for learning Torah daily?” The
    Chazon Ish responded, “When I have time I
    Later, when Rav Henkin got in to see the Rav
    who he was waiting to talk to, the Rabbi told
    him that he was about to leave his position for
    several months and travel to Russia. He was
    planning on leaving his community in the
    interim with the gentleman in the parlor named
    Rabbi Avraham Yeshaya Karelitz, who was
    proficient in all areas of Talmud.” What the
    Chazon Ish told Rav Henkin was absolutely
    true. Whenever he had time, he learned! That
    is why he became the Chazon Ish.