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    Birchos Kohanim is the
    highlight for many of
    those living outside of
    Eretz Yisrael since it is
    done only a few times a
    year. In Eretz Yisrael it
    is done on a daily basis.
    Why is this so? Which
    parts of Eretz Yisrael
    have the custom not to
    do it daily.

    This discussion will be addressed in this
    The Gemara mentions any kohen which does
    not go duchan transgressed three sins. This is
    brought in halachah as well.
    Daily The obligation for a Kohen to duchan
    is for him to do so daily.
    Eretz Yisrael
    The custom is to duchan daily in Eretz Yisrael.
    Other Communities
    The Beis Yosef mentions the custom is to
    duchan daily in Mitzrayim.
    The Ben Ish Chai mentions the custom in
    Bagdad was to duchan daily.
    The Yosef Ometz mentions a custom to
    duchan on Shabbos as well as Yom Tov.
    In the different areas of Eretz Yisrael differing
    customs persist. In some areas in the north
    of Eretz Yisrael there is duchaning only on
    Mussaf of Shabbos and Yom Tov and not
    during the week, and many have questioned
    where this came from.
    Some quote that in Tzefas the custom is
    to duchan only on Shabbos because of the
    bother to the tzibbur.
    In Kiryat Arba the custom is to duchan daily.
    The custom in Teveryah and Chaifa is to
    duchan only on Shabbos at Mussaf.
    Some explain the reason why some duchan
    only on Shabbos at Mussaf was to compromise
    instead of abolishing it and only do it on Yom
    Tov, and not to do it daily. On one hand the
    communities which do not duchan daily
    in Eretz Yisrael would wish to do so since
    why should there be a difference between
    different cities within Eretz Yisrael, but on
    the other then people are afraid to change the
    norm in this regard.
    Explanation for Some Communities in
    Eretz Yisrael
    As mentioned above some places in Eretz
    Yisrael do not practice what is done in
    Yerushalayim and other big cites in Eretz
    Yisrael. Some suggest that those cities which
    were set up by the students of the Vilna Goan
    duchan daily opposed to those set up by
    others, and the Sefardim go with the opinion
    of the Beis Yosef and duchan daily. Others
    feek that there is no adequate reason not to
    duchan daily and in the time of the Arizal in
    fact duchaning was done daily in Tzefas.
    Duchaning Outside Eretz Yisrael – Reasons
    for Leniency
    Some mention that the reason why the custom

    is not to duchan outside Eretz Yisrael daily
    is because the Kohanim had the custom to
    go to the mikvah before duchaning and the
    countries outside of Eretz Yisrael are cold
    and the kohanim can not duchan due to the
    weather, so therefore the custom came to
    duchan only on Yom Tov.
    The Beis Yosef comments on this that this is
    not a good reason to exempt the duchaning
    each days since it going to the mikvah is a
    chumra and it does not say anywhere in the
    gemara that they have to go before duchaning.
    Because of this concern they are causing
    themselves to lose out on duchaning and it is
    not correct.
    The Kol Bo mentions perhaps the reason to
    refrain from duchaning daily is because it is a
    bother for the tzibbiur.
    The Darchei Moshe mentions since the
    Kohanim are busy with work and providing
    food for their families they are not joyous so
    do not duchan during the week. On Shabbos
    they are busy thinking about past and future
    business and are not really joyous either.
    Since on Yom Tov we are joyous as it says
    “v’somachta b’chageicha” the custom is to
    duchan then.
    The Beis Ephraim mentions the reason why
    duchaning is limited outside of Eretz Yisrael
    is because the status of the Kohen is in doubt
    today, if they are real kohanim.
    The Magen Avraham mentions that since the
    custom outside Eretz Yisrael is to recite the
    Ribbono Shel Olam, and we do not recite
    personal requests on Shabbos, we do not
    duchan on Shabbos, but only on Yom Tov.
    (However, this reason does not address why
    we don’t say it during the week on a daily
    The Chasam Sofer mentions the reason is
    since duchaning is written in the passuk after
    mentioned the avodah – korbon. We daven
    in place of bringing a korbon and if we do
    not have concentration while doing so then
    the duchaning will not be pure. Therefore,
    during the week when we are busy with out
    livelihood it is hard to concentrate on our
    tefillos, so duchaning is reserved for Yom
    Tov when we are joyous and can concentrate
    The Divrei Yatziv mentions, the Gemara
    mentions if one has a dream and does not
    know what the dream meant he should say
    the ribbon shel olam. During the week and
    on Shabbos one can fast if he does not know
    what he dreamt, but on Yom Tov when one
    has to have simcha, fasting is not an option
    so we duchan.
    The Custom Outside Eretz Yisrael
    The Custom outside Eretz Yisrael is to duchan
    only on Yom Tov (three regalim) and only at
    Mussaf (except for Simchas Torah see later
    on) since it is the end of the tefillah and one is
    joyful over Yom Tov.
    The practice not to duchan on a daily basis
    outside of Eretz Yisrael is a very old custom.
    The Beis Ephraim in his times (he lived from
    1762-1828) mentions the custom is over 500
    years old. The custom stands even if one

    comes to a new place outside Eretz Yisrael to
    live where there was never a Jewish custom
    in this regard.
    The custom is only for Ashkenazim outside
    of Eretz Yisrael since the Sefardim do have
    the custom to duchan daily. If an Ashkenazi
    finds himself in that minyan he should duchan
    with them.
    A kohen who is Ashkenaz should not go
    duchan at a Sefardi minyan outside of Eretz
    Yisrael, but a Kohen who is from Eretz
    Yisrael who finds himself outside of Eretz
    Yisrael may do so.
    One who does not have the custom to duchan
    daily who finds himself in a place which does
    in Eretz Yisrael should duchan with them. If
    one from Eretz Yisrael is in a place which
    does not duchan daily he should duchan with
    them on the second day of Yom Tov as well.
    The custom of Harav Sholom Shwardon zt”l
    when he came from Eretz Yisrael to America
    to collect funds, he would go to a Sefardi
    minyan where they duchan daily.
    Harav Moshe Shternbuch shlit”a when
    outside Eretz Yisrael would ask two kohanim
    in Eretz Yisrael to have him in mind when
    they duchan daily.
    When Harav Shteinman zt”l would go outside
    Eretz Yisrael he would travel to a shul of
    Sefardim which duchan daily as not to lose
    out on daily duchaning
    Issues With Custom
    There are those who mention that the custom
    not to duchan daily outside Eretz Yisrael is
    really not warranted.
    yhuuhhThe Aruch Hashulchan calls it a bad
    custom but says it is like a divine voice came
    out and said this is how it is that there is no
    daily duchaning.
    Trying to Duchan Daily but Weren’t
    There have been attempts made to duchan
    daily outside of Eretz Yisrael. Most notably
    the Gra wished to do so, and the night before
    he was going to start it in his shul, he was
    taken to jail, and he looked at this as a sign
    from Hashem not to go ahead with his plan.
    Some tried and the night before it would
    be enacted half the city burned down. It
    is reported that if the Gra would be able to
    enact duchaning every day he would stop his
    learning and davening and go from city to city
    to enact this.
    The Baal Hatanya wanted to change the
    custom outside of Eretz Yisrael to a daily
    duchan but he was not successful in doing so.
    The Custom in Eretz Yisrael
    The custom in Eretz Yisrael is to duchan
    at Shacharis (during the week, and Yom
    Tov) and Mussaf (and at ne’eilah, but not at
    Chol Hamoed – Eretz Yisrael
    Many tens of thousands come to the Kosel
    Hamaravi on Chol Hamoed for birchos
    kohanim. Many times one davens in shul
    shacharis and mussaf and had birchos kohanim
    and then come to the Kosel Hamaravi and get

    Birchos Kohanim, at mussaf again, and some
    question the permissibilty of this practice.
    Yom Kippur
    There are some places which have the custom
    to duchan at Shacharis on Yom Kippur as well
    as Ne’eilah. Even though the kohan should be
    happy when they duchan, Yom Kippur is not
    a reason to refrain from duchaning because of
    the Yom Tov, since we should be joyous that
    we are meriting mechilah from our sins.
    Rosh Hashanah
    The custom is to duchan on Rosh Hashanah at
    Mussaf in and out of Eretz Yisrael.
    Hoshanah Rabbah
    Some have the custom to duchan at Mussaf
    on Hoshanah Rabbah.
    Yom Tov Which Falls on Shabbos
    There are some places which do not duchan
    when Yom Tov falls on Shabbos but the
    custom is not like this. Some mention perhaps
    it is due to the fact that we recite the Ribbono
    Shel Olam during duchaning and it should
    mot be recited on Shabbos due the fact that we
    do not ask for personal requests on Shabbos.
    Simchas Torah
    The custom is to duchan on Simchas Torah at
    Shacharis and not Mussaf, since the concern
    is the kohanim will drink and become unable
    to duchan. While some quote the practice of
    some is to duchan at mussaf, this is not the
    overwhelming custom.
    There are those who feel it is proper to daven
    straight Shacharis, and Mussaf and duchan at
    The above reason not to duchan at mussaf is
    only one reason. There are other reasons as
    well as why the practice of many is not to
    duchan at mussaf. The Mishmeres Shalom
    mentions since laining on Simchas Torah we
    read about the brachah which Moshe gave to
    the entire Klal Yisrael, and since all of Klal
    Yisrael as bentched by him there is no need
    for Birchos Kohanim after that so we do it
    before at shacharis. The Sefer Haminhagim
    mentions the reason is because there was a
    custom that fruits were bought and through to
    the children on Simchas Torah and there was
    joy involved and they did not have the mind
    set to duchan after wards at mussaf.
    Eretz Yisrael Travelers Have Their Own
    Some mention if people from Eretz Yisrael
    travel outside with their own minyan they
    may duchan at their minyan as long as it is an
    exclusive minyan.