Dear Vues Master:
I heard a super nice thought on Yom Kippur. My rabbi,
Rabbi Rosner shared it. You see, on Yom Kippur, one
of the most common prayers that we repeat over and
over is “Ashamnu Bagadnu”. It is a prayer in which
we list all the possible transgressions of the past year.
It is in alphabetical order. We mention them as part
of our repentance process. Ashamnu: We were guilty.
Bagadnu: We betrayed Hashem. Gazalnu: We stole.
And on and on. The rabbi, at the end of the day and
as we were nearing the final prayer, said, “Hashem,
it’s true that we were guilty of bad things, but please
don’t forget all the good things we did this past
year.” And then, he read a list that is similar to the
Ashamnu prayer, only instead of sins, he listed the
beautiful things we did this year, the mitzvot. It was
a really beautiful list and a really beautiful idea, so
I made a list of my own. Here goes. Dear Hashem,
I, we are not angels. We make mistakes and this past
year was no different. But we are also Your children
who did and do some amazing things. And I wanted
to remind you who Your beautiful children are. So
here’s my list: – Aleph: Ichadnu: We unified. – Bet:
Batachnu: We believed (in you). – Gimmel: Gadalnu:
We grew. – Daled: Dibarnu Yofi: We spoke beautifully.
– Hey: Hitpalalnu: We prayed. – Vav: Veherachnu: We
appreciated. – Zayin: Zarachnu: We shined. – Chet:
Chalamnu: We dreamed. – Tet: Tipalnu: We cared (for
others). – Yud: Yitzagnu: We represented (truth). – Kaf:
Kibadnu: We respected (others). – Lamed: Lamadnu:
We learned (your Torah). – Mem: Miharnu: We rushed
(to do mitzvot). – Nun: Nilchamnu: We fought (for
Your land) – Samech: Siparnu: We told (the truth). –
Ayin: Azarnu: We helped (each other). – Pey: Parachnu:
We grew and blossomed. – Tzadi: Tzirafnu: We joined
together. – Kuf: Kiravnu: We brought (others) closer.
– Reish: Raeenu: We saw (the good) – Shin: Shiratnu:
We served (you and the country). – Taf: Taramnu: We
donated (to charity) While this past year was one of
the hardest in our history, it was also one of the most
beautiful. The Jewish people came together like never
before. The Jewish people had more moral clarity than
ever before. This past year, there was so much beauty.
All you had to do was open your eyes; and you’d see
it. So, as Rabbi Rosner said, Hashem, while you’re
judging us and deciding what will be this coming year,
please remember all the good we did, all the amazing
things Your Children did this past year.
Vues Master’s Note: Let us hope it continues into
Dear Vues Master:
The great Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev was
very calm when Yom Kippur falls on Shabbos. When
asked why, he explained that it is known that we are
commanded to not write on Shabbos, but for saving
a life one is allowed to write. And therefore G-d can
only write us in for a year of life as writing is only
permitted for saving lives but for no other exception.
We will surely be blessed and inscribed and sealed for
a great year filled with all good both physically and
Vues Master’s Note: Your mouth to Hashem’s ears
Dear Vues Master:
Osama dead! Nesrallah dead! The fake Hashem,
DEAD! Indeed, we need to thank the REAL
HASHEM! If anyone would have the gall to name
their child Hashem, that individual would be required
to emulate HASHEM’S loving ways. I have NEVER
heard anyone naming their child Hashem or changing
their name to “Hashem?” This recent
Hezbollah leader had the chutzpah to be
named as Hashem. His future plans or
plans carried out in the past, was to kill the
REAL HASHEM’S first born children,
Jews, all of us. It needs to be said publicly
as I did on the “1st” Shabbos at a Kiddush
after ROSH Hashanah, “I am so thankful
the REAL HASHEM using the IDF
killed the “fake” Hashem on Shabbos!”
Shabbos given to us by Hashem providing
us this great news allowing us some
“refreshment and rest for our souls.” All
of us MUST continue to pray daily to the
REAL Hashem to liberate alive the 101
Hostages that still remain in Gaza hidden
either in those dreaded deep tunnels in
Gaza or above them in some buildings.
We cannot give up on the Hostages. We
MUST remain vigilant and hopeful that
all or many remain alive. I will continue to
plead to our powerful and loving Hashem
daily(one year now), to set the captives
FREE and return ALL of them alive to
Israel. I will continue to pray daily to
Hashem to protect the IDF and decimate
EVERY TERRORIST and enemy of our
people. If the millions of antisemites don’t
do Teshuva, may Hashem deal with them
too. YES-We need to thank the REAL
HASHEM! Shana Tova 5785- the last 2
Hebrew letters of this New Year is Pei and
Hei=Peh-with our mouth we will continue
to praise Hashem!
Vues Master’s Note: Same to you!
Dear Vues Master:
Martin Lewis converted and became a
priest. He gave his first Mass in front
of a number of high ranking priests who
came for the occasion. At the end of the
new priest’s sermon, a cardinal went up to
congratulate him. “Pastor Lewis,” he said,
“That was very well done, you were just
perfect. But next time, please don’t start
your sermon with, “My Fellow Goyim…”
Vues Master’s Note: Once a Jew always
a Jew!
Dear Vues Master:
A new student came to Yeshiva and at
שחרית saw the other boys davening with
great fervor and saying out loud: “Hashem
I know I’m a nothing, but please listen
to my tefillos and have mercy on me.”
Trying to fit in, the new boy also said “I
know I’m a nothing, but השם please listen
to my tefillos.” Immediately, one of the
boys said to another: “Who does he think
he is? He just came to the Yeshiva and
already he thinks he’s a nothing.”
Vues Master’s Note: Famous! Slabodka at
its best!
Dear Vues Master:
There are a few things that I want to bring
to everybody’s attention. 1) by birchas
kohanim the kohanim should wait a little
bit so everybody could finish the prayer
2)i daven in a big shul and a lot of people
daven there and a lot of teenagers dont
have places where to sit so they stand the
entire davining and its not right because
they are not married doesnt mean that they
should stand the entire prayer so people
should be nice and let the bauchrim sit
by their place for a few minutes it will
be a big zechus for everybody kisiva
vachasima toiva
Vues Master’s Note: Thanks for the alert!
Dear Vues Master:
Two אבלים in Brisk were constantly
arguing over who would get to be the שליח
ציבור. One day, the exchange of words got
so heated that the men actually came to
blows. Seeing this, בר יוסי רבי observed:
“The תורה tells us in תולדות פרשת that
יקרבו ימי אבל אבי ואהרגה את said עשו
יעקב. This presents the question why was
עשו willing to be patient and wait until
after his father died? What was restraining
him? Apparently, even עשו didn’t want to
appear as a cold blooded killer. He figured
that when his father dies, arguments will
erupt between him and his brother over
who gets to be the תפילה בעל and in the
heat of that battle he will be able to rise up
and kill his brother. FE
Vues Master’s Note: This is so sad! Their
father died making them orphans not
Baalei Tefillah!
Dear Vues Master:
When השם created the world, he turned
to the angels and said “I’m creating Israel
as the land for my chosen people. It
will be a land of milk and honey, full of
opportunity, spiritual heights and material
satisfaction.” “But,” the angels responded,
“Don’t You think that You are being too
good to them?” “No,” השם replied. “Wait
till you see the neighbors I’m going to
give them.”
Vues Master’s Note: With Neighbors like
these who need enemies! Chances are it
won’t help!!
Dear Vues Master:
Here is a leter I saw on Matzav. As
a recent retiree who has joined the
masses and relocated to Lakewood, I
have encountered many situations that
amaze me. However, what I recently
experienced, although not unique to this
community, compels me to speak out. I
am not one who usually raises issues in
protest, nor do I desire to be a mekatreg
before the Yomim Noraim—I have never
written before. But please, help me
understand! Recently, I had the occasion
to participate in a Shabbos kiddush for a
simcha. It was a warm summer day, and
we walked approximately 45 minutes in
each direction to join in the celebration. I
am a senior in my seventies, and I arrived
after the kiddush had already begun. To
my astonishment, not a single young
member of the family, nor any of the next
generation of children, who were gathered
around the table immersed in their kugel
and cholent, offered me a seat, asked if
I needed a drink, or invited me to make
kiddush. I eventually found a seat and
helped myself to cups of water. (They
were aware of the distance I had walked.)
My shock at the total lack of derech
eretz and basic mentchlichkeit shook me
to my core! The yeshivos dismiss this
as the parents’ responsibility, while the
parents have long abdicated their role to
the chadarim and yeshivos. The bottom
line is that we have raised generations
of children who live in their own selfish
worlds, without any concern for basic
derech eretz. Last I checked, the Chazal
of Derech Eretz Kodmoh L’Torah still
holds true in Maseches Avos. Please refer
to the Gemara in Kiddushin regarding the
obligation of Mipnei Seivah Tokum and
Rashi’s strong words for one who ignores
or fails to notice a senior. Another recent
incident: I daven and learn in a shul that is
quite comfortable and not overly crowded.
The seats are plush, the beis midrash is
well-lit, and there is an ample supply of
seforim. Recently, during davening, a
teenager who was apparently dissatisfied
with a regular padded seat decided to
switch to a more comfortable chair. Fine.
However, after switching chairs, he left
his original seat smack in the middle of the
aisle, leaving the task of clearing the way
to someone else. Perhaps he was one of the
children from the kiddush who had grown
up quickly! As I mentioned earlier, this
situation is not unique to Lakewood. Years
ago, in a different community, I attended
my shul’s kiddush downstairs. A group of
young boys sat around a table, enjoying
themselves. There was an empty seat,
which I moved to take, only to be told in
strong terms that it was reserved. I replied
that it was indeed reserved—for me—and
proceeded to sit. The incredulous looks
on their faces seemed to say, “This fellow
must have recently landed from Mars!”
Or, better yet, “The nerve of this man!”
Vues Master’s Note: It seems like you feel
that everything revolves around you!
Dear Vues Master:
We are in trouble! Hizballah figured out
a way to shoot drones that can not be
detected. This is terrible, we already had
some casualties. We need tefillos big time!
Vues Master’s Note: Hashem will help as
he always does just we need to daven and
daven even more!
Dear Vues Master:
What is going on? City hall is full of
corruption! All they can do is impose
more fines for trash and require us to have
a Science degree to separate compost
from non compost garbage. Requiring
us to buy special cans of garbage. If
you want us to have special cans supply
it or rent it like Trash companies do!
The Mayor and City Council are full of
garbage constantly looking for ways to
collect more taxes and fines and camera
Vues Master’s Note: You are so right!
Tov. I know that there are rabbis that say
you can & rabbis that say you can’t. My
wife wants me to shower because I smell
too much after going a few days without
a shower & I never took a shower on Yom
Tov growing up. What should I do?
Vues Master’s Note: Chances are it won’t
Dear Vues Master
For some reason every year I do tashlich
on Chol Hamoed. I don’t remember the
last time I did tashlich on Rosh Hashana.
I always do kaparos on time & go to the
mikvah on time. Why did chazal give
us until Hoshana Raba to do tashlich? If
they just told us we had to do it on Rosh
Hashana I would have done it then.
Vues Master’s Note: Zerizim Makdimin
Dear Vues Master:
For the sin we have committed by
Allowing addiction to social media to
control our lives. For the sin we have
committed by Broadcasting personal
conflicts publicly. For the sin we
have committed by Cyberbullying
and harassment. For the sin we have
committed by Disseminating fake news
and misinformation. For the sin we have
committed by Excessive selfpromotion
and narcissism. For the sin we have
committed by Fostering online hate and
hostility. For the sin we have committed
by Giving in to the allure of clickbait. For
the sin we have committed by Harboring
envy and jealousy from comparison.
For the sin we have committed by
Ignoring privacy and sharing sensitive
information. For the sin we have
committed by Joining in online echo
chambers. For the sin we have committed
by Keeping a constant, unhealthy online
presence. For the sin we have committed
by Liking, sharing, or endorsing harmful
content. For the sin we have committed
by Misrepresenting ourselves online. For
the sin we have committed by Neglecting
real-life relationships for virtual ones.
For the sin we have committed by Over-
sharing personal details. For the sin we
have committed by Posting hurtful or
offensive comments. For the sin we have
committed by Quoting out of context
or cherry-picking information. For the
sin we have committed by Retaliating
against online criticism with hostility. For
the sin we have committed by Spreading
rumors and gossip. For the sin we have
committed by Trolling and provoking
others intentionally. For the sin we have
committed by Using social media as a
platform for bragging. For the sin we
have committed by Violating copyright
and intellectual property rights. For
the sin we have committed by Wasting
excessive time on social media. For the
sin we have committed by Xenophobic
or prejudiced remarks online. For the
sin we have committed by Yielding to
the pressure of seeking validation. For
the sin we have committed by Zealously
defending one’s online persona, even at
the cost of authenticity.
Vues Master’s Note: Oy! What
is this world coming to?
Dear Vues Master
This past Rosh Hashana the
entire shul sang the tune along
with the Kohanim when they were
duchaning. Is that allowed? I feel like it
takes away from the Kohanims job.
Vues Master’s Note: I think that’s nice. It
doesn’t sound good when all the kohanim
are singing different tunes.
Dear Vues Master
Is it true that you’re not supposed
to sleep on Rosh Hashana
afternoon because you will have a
sleepy year? I like getting a nap on
Rosh Hashana afternoon because
it gives me energy to daven better.
People in my family were giving
me a hard time when I took a nap.
Vues Master’s Note: Rav Shlomo
Zalman Auerbach says that if you
need a nap to daven better, then do
it. But (in a footnote) it says that
he encouraged young people not to
nap and that he personally didn’t
nap until he was 40.
Dear Vues Master:
I love this time of year. Everyone is
busy doing mitzvos & chesed. The
streets are busy selling everything
for yom tov.I wish that we all can
be this way all year long!
Vues Master’s Note: In my
neighborhood it is like this every
week L’Kovod Shabbos! It’s all the
way you look at it!
Dear Vues Master:
quote מגן אברהם & באר היטב The
from the מהריל, not to fast or say תחנון,
between Yom Kippur and Succos, because
they are happy days. We commemorate
the המזבח חנוכת in the times of Shlomo
Hamelech. The לבוש writes Hashem
doesn’t count the sins until the first-day
סוכות.* Now you understand the סוד
(secret) of “ Git Kvittel” 🙂
Vues Master’s Note: I would want to win
in Kvitlach!