Dear Vues Master:
There’s an issue that I don’t see published enough in the
local papers. It’s the issue of teachers not being paid on
time. As a teacher in the area, I can unfortunately confirm
indeed that it is true and has happened to me and several
of my colleagues. Last year half of my paychecks were
over 10 days late and one was even over a month late and
that’s far from the worst that I’ve heard. A friend of mine
was a chemistry teacher at a yeshiva and they didn’t pay
him on time. After a few months of this he quit.
My friend later visited the Rosh Yeshiva to get his pay-
check and he hid away from him. A different friend of
mine said the boss would pay his employees in order of
who had the biggest family. A secretary at the school I
work at told me she hasn’t been paid for a few months
from the previous school year! Another friend of mine
who worked there last year said he wasn’t coming back as
he hadn’t been paid for some of the sessions he did there.
The Yeshiva is run by a Rabbi who has several videos on
Torah anytime but doesn’t seem to care about the Halacha
of paying your employees on time for whatever reason. I
didn’t grow up in a religious household and this issue has
really put a bad taste in my mouth for frumkeit. If a school
can’t pay its teachers on time it’s either because they’re
bad at math or they have lax morals.
Why you would want to send your kid to that kind of
school is beyond me. The Arizal would personally bor-
row money from people to be able to pay an employee
on the proper day. Why can’t a school do the same? It’s
public knowledge that this is an issue at Beis Rivkah and
more schools should be exposed if they won’t pay their
obligations. If any school administrators would like to tell
us why this is okay, please respond back and justify these
-Captain Avious
Vues Master’s Note: How true that is!
Dear Vues Master The intention of a Presidential pardon
was to right wrongs not destroy righteousness, morality
or thwart deserved punishment. Biden has corrupted ev-
erything he touched for the last 50 years as a “public ser-
vant” – Stealing at every turn from the American people
has been his only full time job.
Vues Master’s Note: January 20th can’t come quick
Dear Vues Master:
Rav Chaim Kanievsky ztl was once awoken from anesthe-
sia and they asked him to sign his name on a blank piece
of paper to see if he was fully awake. He wrote down on
the blank paper Bava Basra daf kuf samech zayin amud
Aleph ( 167 A) where Abaya warns you never to sign a
blank paper on bottom of the page, since someone can
find it and write down on top that you owe him a cer-
tain amount of money! The Daf Yomi is now up to there
and Rav Chaim was then completely Awake! Rav Chaim
knew Kol Hatorah Kulo even though he was waking up
from anesthesia! Zchuso Yagen Aleinu !
Vues Master’s Note: Always thinking in learning!
Dear Vues Master:
I really don’t understand why people are celebrating the
regime change in Syria. It just replaced one horrible re-
gime with what will likely be another horrible regime.
The group that took over is split off from Al-Qaeda, the
group that did September 11.
Vues Master’s Note: People think change is good just like
when Obama tried selling us on change!
Dear Vues Master People, it’s really not that complicated.
When CNN constantly vilifies Israel and the BBC spreads
actual blood libels… When Sky News constantly quotes
Hamas as a reliable source and The NY Times blatantly
lies about Jews… When Amnesty publishes false reports
accusing Israel of genocide and the ICC puts out arrest
warrants for Israeli leaders… When American academic
institutions tolerate Jew hatred on campus and jihadist
hate marches are permitted in the west… Well, shuls will
burn in Australia, Jews will be assaulted in Brooklyn, ko-
sher restaurants will be vandalized in Toronto, and anti-
semitism worldwide will spike at a level we haven’t seen
since The Holocaust. Don’t pretend it came
as a surprise.
Hillel Fuld
Vues Master’s Note: I think it’s time we all
start thinking about making aliyah before it’s
too late.
Dear Vues Master:
ויאמר ה׳ זעקת סדום ועמורה כי says Torah The
רבה. Why didn’t it say צעקת ?Because there
was no “צ “in ועמורה סדום. MB
Vues Master’s Note: Good One!
Dear Vues Master: In Parshas Vayeitzei, Yaa-
kov Avina left Be’er Sheva to escape Eisov.
After learning at the Yeshiva of Sheim VEv-
er, he arrives at Har HaMoriah and he has a
dream about the iconic ladder. What is the
meaning of the ladder? Well, there are dif-
ferent answers to that but the Ba’al Ha’turim
says that Sulam is gematria to Momoin –
money. What does money have to do with
it? If you think about it, Yaakov started out
with a large fortune to entice Lavan into let-
ting him marry his daughter. What form did
this fortune take? He didn’t take along a lot
of flocks of animals. What would he do with
them while he was in Yeshiva. He wouldn’t
learn much while taking care of them. What
kind of assets would be represented by a lad-
der – going up and down? The Stock Market
. He carried a portfolio of stocks with him.
Unfortunately, Elifuzz threatened to kill him
and he had to give it to him since an Oni is
ka’meis. So Elifuzz Madeoff with his for-
tune. Yaakov comes to the well near Choron
and he meets the shepherds who were loung-
ing around. They couldn’t give their animals
to drink due to the big rock on the well.
What did these shepherds call themselves?
The Rolling Stone. After working for La-
van and marrying his daughters, Yaakov is
told it’s time to go home. He tells his wives,
Avichem Hassel Bi. He harassed him all this
time. They agree to leave and Rochel steals
Lavan’s Teraphim. What were the Tera-
phim? Actually, they weren’t really avoidah
zorah. Otherwise, how could Rochel hold on
to them? At that time, the major sport was
Machnaim. Lavan was considered the top
player in the sport and he was awarded sev-
eral MVP awards. He was very popular and
even shepherds knew who he was. Later in
his career, he switched to basketball and be-
came known as LaBron. Those were the Tro-
phies that Rochel stole and that’s why they
were so valuable to Lavan. Lavan chases
Yaakov to annihilate his family; he was the
first Lavan or White supremacist. Hashem
warns Lavan to avoid harming Yaakov and
they make a ceasefire. However, ceasefires
can be dangerous in the long run as we know.
That’s where the expression “drinking the
Gal-aid or – as it’s now known as – Kool-Aid
“ may have come from.
Vues Master’s Note: That is not how my Reb-
be taught it to us!
Dear Vues Master:
The Seforno writes, “The first part of the
the & ארץ ישראל refers הארץ word the פסוק
second part הארץ את אתן אחריך ולזרעך re-
fers to the entire Earth globe.
In the very near future the whole world will
be given to Bnei Yisrael.
Vues Master’s Note: Let us merit to see it!
Dear Vues Master:
Unfortunately, over the course of this war in
Eretz Yisrael, I started to hear very treif chat-
ter making its way through Jewish communi-
ties. People saying things such as “charedim
aren’t contributing” or “they need to share
the burden of military service” and other in-
sults to Hashem’s holy servants.
What I never seem to hear is the same chat-
terboxes complaining that all these Arab
citizens who hold Israeli ID and passports
don’t contribute either, neither militarily or
national service. There is also a huge num-
ber of Israeli leftists that don’t serve because
they come up with this excuse that they don’t
want to fight Arabs since they’re so friendly
with them. Yet when it comes to religious
people they have no problem opening their
I’m being super Dan Lekaf Zechus when I
say that this talk is coming from other types
of communities where the value of Torah is
undermined, and not this one. But if you call
yourself orthodox, it is extremely forbidden
to speak, contradicting the Gedolei Yisrael.
This means that if for whatever reason you
don’t understand their position on Army
service and your personal feelings may be
hurt, you still have no right to speak against
rabbanim that have 80 years of Torah under
them. How many do you have? How could
any other activity be more important than sit-
ting and studying the laws of Hashem? What
does that say about your belief in your own
religion if you don’t think it’s that important?
People need to do some serious cheshon
hanefesh and find out why this chatter is
permeating society from different angles.
It’s 100% assur and I’m grossed out from
hearing it. These are families that don’t have
even 1% of the luxuries that most American
families enjoy, they choose to live very poor,
and they sacrifice so much for Hashem, and
how could we stop them from such a holy
mission when we are not doing the same?
The proper attitude is to bow your head and
say I cannot speak against Rav Sternbuch,
Rav Zilberstein, Rav Landau, Rav Yitzchak
Yosef, Rav Ades, Rav Yaakov Hillel, Rav
Don Segal who are all way above me. This is
who we are and not Chas veshalom the op-
Vues Master’s Note: Biggest nisayon of our
generation can’t learn from our Gedolim!
Dear Vues Master:
Two college students were up late on the
Sunday night before the final exam and over-
slept the next morning. Too late to take the
test, they came up with a story to tell the pro-
fessor. They had gone to visit a sick friend
and got stuck on a country road for hours on
the way back with a flat tire and no spare.
The professor listened carefully and told
them that they could take a make-up the next
morning at 9:00 AM. Happy that their story
had worked, they showed up on time the next
morning. The professor handed them their
tests and placed them in two separate rooms.
The first essay question was worth five points
and was real easy. They then turned to ques-
tion two: “For 95 points, which tire was it?”
Vues Master’s Note: Ha!
Dear Vues Master:
The Maharam of Lublin, who was very
wealthy, had enemies who were jealous of
him and spread false rumors that he lent
money בריבית. Once, when he was visited by
the מהרש״א, the wife of the מהר״ם brought
out fruits and cakes on golden trays. The
מהרש״א noticed some dust on one of the
trays. “Apparently,” the מהרש״א said “this
is the אבק of רבית.” “No,” the Rebbitzen
responded. “This is the אבק of הרע לשון.“
Vues Master’s Note: Wow! She was a sharp
Dear Vues Master Seminary is over. Now
what? Graduating seminary is a tremendous
milestone in a girl’s life. As the seminary
graduate transitions from teenagerhood into
adulthood, she anticipates moving onto
the next stage in life, taking all that she’s
learned and gained in school and seminary.
She looks forward to building a home of
her own founded on the ideals and hashka-
fos she’s absorbed. The waiting time in be-
tween can sometimes turn lonely and long,
as sadly the idealism and passion she once
harbored slowly dissipate.
That’s where Lechu V’nelcha comes in.
With organized weekly shiurim, geared for
the post-seminary girl, Lechu V’nelcha en-
ables girls to maintain what they’ve gained
in their formative years and use these years
as an opportunity for further growth and
self-development. In addition, the weekly
shiur provides the post-seminary girl with a
rich social life and the chance to make new
friends, transforming what could be a some-
what lonely period into a time filled with
friends and laughter. With LVN branches
in cities across the globe, LVN touches and
enriches the lives of so many.
And then there’s the Lechu V’nelcha Shab-
baton. Girls from all over the world gather
to spend an uplifting Shabbos. The Shab-
baton provides post-seminary girls with the
unique opportunity of spending a Shabbos
with like-minded girls in the same stage
who, although from diverse backgrounds,
share the same goals.
Lechu V’nelcha will be hosting its 36th bi-
annual Shabbaton Shabbos Parshas Vayei-
shev. With attending Rabbonim including
Rav Todros Miller from Gateshead, Rav
Nechemia Grama, Rav David Greenblatt,
and Rav Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin,
as well as speakers and presenters such
as Mrs. Batya Fhima, Rebbetzin Dinah
Fink, Mrs. Debbie Greenblatt, Mrs. Slovie
Jungreis-Wolf, Rebbetzin Rochel Lubin,
and Mrs. Leah Rubashkin the Shabbaton is
sure to be of superb depth and quality. The
program will include concurrent shiurim,
workshops, question and answer sessions,
as well as the opportunity to meet with
speakers one-on-one. The Motzei Shabbos
program will include entertainment and hu-
mor by Marion Fine and a beautiful kumz-
itz lead by the talented Malky Giniger. The
Shabbaton promises to be an experience
that no girl would want to miss.
For girls who’ve experienced an LVN Shab-
baton, coming back is like coming home.
Upon entering, those attending for the first
time, are immediately enthralled by the aura
of majesty and tranquility. The beauty of
the ambiance is just a reflection of the true
beauty of what takes place at an LVN Shab-
baton. Brilliant Shiurim as well as prac-
tical and thought-provoking workshops
from choshuve Rabbonim and sought-
after speakers transform the Shabbos
into another-worldly experience. Truly
M’ein Olam Haba. Additionally, having
a variety of speakers, the Shabbaton ca-
ters to the varying interests of the many
girls present and gifts each one with the
opportunity to get in touch with her best
self. Every girl experiences the feeling that
no effort was spared to ensure she can have
the most uplifting Shabbos possible.
The care and precision with which the pro-
gram is planned, and the attention attended
to every detail, are apparent in the elevating
experience the Shabbaton proves to be. A
girl who attends an LVN Shabbaton leaves
feeling rejuvenated, refreshed, and deeply
inspired. She is ready to face the humdrum
of routine with renewed optimism and vig-
or. She is her happiest, healthiest, most em-
powered self.
For more information or to sign up for the
36th Lechu V’nelcha Shabbaton, please
visit lechuvnelcha.org or or call 718-744-