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    The Beis Aharon
    (p.45:) said, “Once,
    on Zos Chanukah,
    my father [Rebbe
    Asher of Stolin zt’l]
    asked his chassidim to
    sing, ‘We will return
    to you, masechta
    Chanukah, and return
    to us, masechta
    Chanukah.’” The Beis
    Aharon adds, “Who
    am I to explain my
    father’s words?”
    We certainly aren’t on the level to grasp
    the depths of Rebbe Asher of Stolin’s
    ideas and lessons, but one aspect of it
    could be to draw the impression of
    Chanukah for the rest of the year. At the
    end of Zos Chanukah, we have completed
    all the mitzvos of the holiday. We pray
    that the light of Chanukah should return
    to us. The spiritual impressions we
    gained on Chanukah and the miracles we
    attained should return and remain with
    us all year long.

    The Sfas Emes (Chanukah 5637)
    teaches that the purpose of miracles is so
    we can never forget that Hashem loves us
    and leads us in a special, unique way
    beyond the rules of nature. Hashem could
    save us from all troubles without
    performing miracles, but Hashem prefers
    to perform miracles at times so we can
    remember our special connection with
    Hashem. When the impression and
    inspiration from a miracle weaken over
    time, Hashem brings on another problem
    and then another miracle and salvation,
    so we will always remember Hashem’s
    love for us.
    The Chanukah miracle is the final
    miracle (see an indication to this from
    Yoma 29.). The Sfas Emes says that this
    means we don’t need another miracle to
    receive inspiration. There is enough
    inspiration and awareness of Hashem’s
    love for us from the Chanukah miracle to
    last us throughout the long galus.
    We quote the Sfas Emes:
    “Hashem doesn’t necessarily need to
    perform miracles to save us because

    Hashem can make that the
    enemies don’t harm us…
    Rather, the miracles’ purpose
    is to show Bnei Yisrael that
    Hashem leads them…above
    the rules of nature. The
    miracles are uniquely the
    portion of Bnei Yisrael. The
    four malchiyos (galus) are so
    that Bnei Yisrael will always
    need miracles. And when
    Hakadosh Baruch Hu
    performed a miracle for our
    forefathers, they received
    chiyus, inspiration, from it.
    [They recognized that
    Hashem protects them and
    leads them with rules above nature.]
    When the inspiration from one miracle
    wore off (the miracle became old to them
    due to the heavy galus), they needed
    another miracle (and Hashem performed
    another miracle for them). This was the
    pattern that recurred repeatedly in galus.
    After the Chanukah miracle, Hakadosh
    Baruch Hu didn’t perform another
    revealed miracle for Bnei Yisrael. This

    proves that the inspiration from the
    Chanukah miracles continue to shine…
    The miracle of Chanukah has new
    inspiration for us, until the coming of
    Moshiach, speedily in our days, when
    Hakadosh Baruch Hu will perform new
    miracles for us. Chanukkah, from the
    word Chinoch means newness, because
    this miracle is always new to us until
    Moshiach comes, speedily in our days.”