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    Dear Vues Master
    It’s about time! Baruch Hashem, the airline Arkia announced

    tahis past Monday that it has launched a new flight route be-
    tween Tel Aviv and New York. According to the announcement,

    there will be three weekly flights, which will operate using the
    Airbus 330-900NEO planes. The flights will operate between
    JFK in New York and Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion International

    Airport, beginning on February 8, 2025. The planes offer per-
    sonal screens and two kosher meals. Prices start at $1,199 for

    a round-trip ticket including one checked back weighing up to
    20 kg. Flights from Tel Aviv to New York will take off Saturday
    nights at 11:30 p.m., and Monday and Wednesday at 12:00 p.m.
    Flights from New York to Tel Aviv will depart on Sunday and
    Tuesday at 3:00 p.m., and on Thursdays at 4:00 p.m. LP
    Vues Master’s Note: It’s about time EL AL has a competition.
    Maybe they will lower their prices a little.

    Dear Vues Master
    Rabbi Yaakov Bender, Rosh Yeshiva of Darchei Torah in Far

    Rockaway, has written part 2 of a column addressing the ex-
    tremely challenging tuition crisis. Writing in the Monsey Mev-
    aser, Rabbi Bender responded to a parent who described a

    highly unpleasant experience, begging for a tuition break. The
    parent wrote the following: “We have the unfortunate pleasure
    of having to expose our private financial situation and we also
    get to undergo a humiliating and degrading process and beg
    for scholarships with five different administrations and tuition
    committees. None of them seem to care about how or what we
    arrange with the others, each of them wants only for themselves.
    “For instance, when I tell them that the total dollars I can pay
    for all of my tuitions is x and I would like to divide that equally
    per child, I am told “no way” and that they can only worry about
    their bottom line and I will have to deal with the other schools
    however I’d like to. (Does my obligation of Talmud Torah for
    my boys means yeshivos deserve more than Bais Yaakovs?)
    At one point the parent also wrote: “One board member of a

    school (who serves on the board of another school as well) ac-
    tually told us that choosing their school is like buying a Lexus

    and if you want the best, you will have to “One school set up
    appointments for all those who wanted scholarships to come
    the same night, causing the parents to be embarrassed sitting
    together in a waiting room. Sadly, there are more stories like
    these. “What should the schools do? Is there an answer? Who
    can parents go to if they feel hurt by how the school treats
    them? Please help. Please offer ideas and suggestions on what

    can be done on a community level and what can or should be
    done on a personal level.” Again, Rabbi Bender responded with

    great empathy, and emphasized that in his yeshiva and his com-
    munity, parents are treated with respect, dignity, and a great

    deal of compassion.
    The Rosh Yeshiva’s response read, in part: There is no excuse

    for some of the horror stories mentioned. In our neighbor-
    hood, the schools compete for students and dollars just like

    everywhere else, but the directors of all the schools meet every
    once in a while. There are not usually major policy issues to
    be ironed out. That’s not the point-though the give and take is
    often enlightening. The point is that the directors are on a first
    name, cordial basis with each other; and it often happens that
    one will pick up the phone and call his counterpart to work out
    jointly a tuition package for the needy family.
    The Rosh Yeshiva also wrote: “Allowing applicants to meet
    each other should be anathema to any school administration
    with a modicum of decency. Best would be not having to meet
    at all. There is bound to be embarrassment in the presence of the
    committee members, irrespective of other applicants. We have
    found it more productive at first with specific questions posed
    over the phone. A meeting is a last resort…”
    Vues Master’s Note: People should not be embarrassed if they

    need to ask for financial aid. Unfortunately many of the yeshi-
    vas make the entire process very difficult & embarrassing.

    Dear Vues Master Nations are formed and sustained through

    shared values, cultures, and a vision for the future. Citizens re-
    main connected with each other because of the shared value

    of living on the land called home, a place where people raise
    and nurture a family, the only really meaningful thing in this
    world. The dream of law-abiding citizens is when people can
    work day in and day out, and come back at the end of the day

    to a home and a happy family, unburdened by bureaucratic ty-
    rants. Such a societal dream, however, can only be maintained

    if its people are willing to unite behind the values that their
    community was founded upon; if they abandon it, their identity

    is bound to change. When outsiders start invading and dictat-
    ing what people should value, the entire society is inevitably

    threatened. Disunity and chaos ensue while the society’s very
    existence remains on the brink of dissolution. A society can get
    through such challenges if the people are strong and resilient,
    but those that fail to stay strong, cease to exist. In societies
    that do survive, the vanquished outsiders are taught to never
    threaten the society’s ideals again with a constant threat that

    more intense consequences could ensue. With-
    out this response, bad influences will continue to

    make communities vulnerable, because without
    accountability for bad people, chaos and doom
    take over.
    Despite the American people being barely two
    months after a historic election that has redefined
    the political landscape for a generation, vital

    events about the past four years are being dis-
    missed. Four years ago, the media and the estab-
    lishment tarred Donald Trump and his movement

    with allegations about January 6th, COVID-19,
    and the 2020 election. Their allegations were
    false and exaggerated but were stated out of a

    sense of hate to disqualify Trump and his move-
    ment from legitimacy. Months of endless propa-
    ganda on news stations and social media weren’t

    enough however, as censorship became the next
    weapon they would activate. Their first step was
    banning Donald Trump from talking to his 90
    million supporters on Twitter, then they created
    rules against conservatives with a risk of being
    suspended from the site. MAGA was on retreat,
    but the other side was only beginning their wave
    of persecution.
    Next, they got district attorneys to investigate

    Trump and his political allies for “crimes”. Co-
    incidentally, criminal indictments started pouring

    into the headlines. First, they locked up former
    Trump White House advisors Steve Bannon and

    Peter Navarro, then they indicted dozens of asso-
    ciates of Trump for promoting the MAGA move-
    ment. Then they used January 6th as an excuse to

    lock up hundreds of innocent people who had a
    connection with that day, while labeling MAGA

    supporters as “domestic terrorists.” The prosecu-
    tors claimed they released these indictments be-
    cause “no one is above the law”, while willfully

    ignoring the crimes of murderers, robbers, and

    druggies looting the streets of cities and com-
    munities. Criminal justice meant to them that

    crime was legal, but supporting Trump wasn’t.
    The story of these political witch hunts don’t end
    there, however, because they finally launched the
    movement to take down the man himself.
    It was April of 2023 when phones around the
    world buzzed with the notification, “Former
    President Donald Trump indicted by a NYC
    Grand Jury.” “It is over for Donald Trump and
    the MAGA movement,” the other side declared
    with gleeful hatred. “The man responsible for
    January 6th has had justice finally been brought

    to him”, they lectured for months on end. Coin-
    cidentally, three more criminal indictments were

    handed down to Trump months apart from each

    other. Of course, to the rational person, these in-
    dictments had nothing to do with justice; it was

    banana-republic business. But the other side

    needed reasonable people to be convinced oth-
    erwise, so they dragged Trump down to Atlanta,

    took his mugshot like a murderer once would
    have gotten, and labeled him a “convicted felon.”
    Simultaneously, other upstanding prosecutors
    fined Trump hundreds of millions of dollars for

    made-up laws all in the name of defeating Or-
    ange Hitler! The legal cases weren’t working,

    however, as Donald Trump surged in the polls.
    Consequently, the other side had no choice but
    for the sake of democracy, to resort to the only
    remaining solution: assassination.
    We all remember where we were on July 13th,

    2024. We heard that Trump got shot by an assas-
    sin and heroically responded with a fist, defiantly

    in the air, shouting, “Fight! Fight! Fight!” The
    famous picture of a blood-stained, fist-pumping
    Trump will go down in history as heroic, but the
    other side wanted it to go down in infamy for
    different reasons than you and I. A month later,
    we got another notification on our phones, “2nd
    Assassination Attempt at Donald Trump Fails.”
    They tried to do it again, but thank G-d they
    failed miserably because two months later, the

    man they tried to kill was elected the 47th Presi-
    dent of the United States of America.

    The election of Donald Trump in 2024 is not
    only a remarkable political comeback, it is the

    American people’s response to the unprecedent-
    ed persecution that occurred over the past few

    years. There are no excuses for what the other

    side did to the American people, and no Repub-
    lican should accept the calls for unity we hear

    from “our friends, on the other side of the aisle”;

    these people are not our friends, they are our en-
    emies. A few years ago, such rhetoric would have

    rightfully been considered extreme, because in
    politics, there were no enemies, there were only
    opponents. “Our enemies are those that want to
    destroy the United States like China or Russia,”

    rational people once said, but tragically, not any-
    more. The other side persecuted not only Trump

    but hundreds of his supporters for made-up in-
    fractions, putting an overhanging threat to the

    millions of other MAGA “domestic terrorists.”
    The correct reaction to the results of an election
    is for both sides to come together, but not when

    one side tries to destroy the other outside the po-
    litical arena. Saying to “rise above it” is naive

    to what the other side has done to the American

    people. President-elect Trump and his adminis-
    tration must resist the natural impulse of unifying

    with people who cannot be trusted because as in
    a fistfight, one shouldn’t tolerate getting punched
    repeatedly while refusing to fight back unless
    they want to get beaten again. The consequences
    of uprooting the lives of millions of Americans
    must be made clear!
    Donny Simcha Guttman

    Dear Vues Master

    As rumors are spreading of Trump pressuring Is-
    rael to agree to a horrendous deal that allows our

    Islamonazi enemies to believe kidnapping and
    massacring innocent Jews is good business for
    them, understand, deal or no deal is not the issue.
    If Israel agrees to end this war without remaining
    in full control of Gaza forever then we lost the
    war with our Islamona*zi enemies knowing we
    are not strong enough to stand up for ourselves
    against the pressure, and they can continue to
    live on and threaten us, murder us, and kidnap

    us, with global support. Reconquering
    Gaza and making Gaza Jewish again is
    the only just, moral and correct way to
    end this war. Otherwise all of our dead
    and injured soldiers would have died in
    vain, until the next round of Islamon*zi

    terror rises up against us to kill and kid-
    nap even more of us. And that is a hor-
    rendous appeasement that endangers

    freedom-loving people from genocidal

    Islamic jihad all over the world. Re-
    gardless of what happens with this deal,

    the Jewish people in Israel are waking

    up slowly and recognizing that our en-
    emies only care about land and the only

    way to protect ourselves is to liberate
    and take away they lands they attacked
    us from. Despite the world pressure,
    we will be reconquering our Biblical

    homeland and remaining there. Obvi-
    ously, the sooner the better with the

    least amount of losses. This isn’t just
    about saving our hostages in Gaza today, this is
    also about ensuring we never have massacres and
    more hostages taken ever again! AA
    Vues Master’s Note: I couldn’t have said it better
    myself! Thanks for sharing.

    Dear Vues Master
    Since there isn’t any evidence to prove Israel is
    committing genocide in Gaza, what’s the next
    best thing? Invent a new kind of “cide” and see

    how many scholars are gullible enough, or ma-
    levolent enough, to go along with it.

    That, it seems, is the strategy of former PLO of-
    ficial Karma Nabulsi, who recently invented the

    term “scholasticide” to describe damage Israel
    has caused to college campuses in Gaza. From

    1977 to 1990, Nabulsi was an official represen-
    tative of a terrorist organization that murdered

    or maimed countless Israelis (and many Ameri-
    cans), and sought Israel’s destruction. Now she

    teaches at the University of Oxford.
    Nabulsi’s strategy is working. By a vote of 428

    to 88, members of the American Historical As-
    sociation last week adopted a resolution accusing

    Israel of committing “scholasticide” through an
    “intentional effort” to damage universities and

    other schools and thereby “obliterate Gaza’s edu-
    cational system.”

    There is not a stitch of evidence demonstrating
    any such intent by the Israelis. Lack of evidence
    ordinarily would stop an historian dead in his or
    her tracks. But in this case, the facts, sources, and
    standards upon which historians ordinarily rely
    were thrown out the window. By a large majority,
    those who are supposed to be the gatekeepers of
    the historical record have embraced a libel.
    The damage to college campuses in Gaza is
    not the result of an Israeli plot. It’s the result of

    Hamas using those campuses as operational cen-
    ters for terrorism and storehouses for weapons.

    In November 2023, Israeli soldiers found weap-
    ons and other terrorist equipment in Gaza’s Al-
    Quds University. The following month, Israeli

    forces discovered explosives and rockets in Al-
    Azhar University, in northern Gaza, as well as a

    half mile-long tunnel under the university’s yard.
    The site resembled “a military base,” a sergeant
    told the New York Times; only “if you look

    closely, you can see it’s a university.” In Janu-
    ary, troops searching the campus of Islamic Uni-
    versity, in Khan Younis, discovered hundreds of

    mortars, explosive devices, grenades, AK-47 as-
    sault rifles, ammunition, Hamas flags, and safes

    stuffed with cash in the classrooms.

    In February, Israeli troops found a tunnel un-
    derneath Israa University, in Zahra City. In June,

    they discovered quantities of weapons on the

    campus of the University College of Applied Sci-
    ences, in central Gaza; the army said Hamas used

    the college “as a command and control center.”
    Soon after that, terrorists in a building at Islamic
    University launched anti-tank missiles at Israeli
    None of that information is mentioned in the
    AHA resolution. In fact, Hamas itself is never
    mentioned. That’s like describing World War II
    without mentioning Nazi Germany.
    The hypocrisy of the accusers is egregious.
    While these historians denounce Israel, they have
    said nothing when Israeli universities have been
    victimized by genocidal terrorists.

    Sapir Academic College, the largest public col-
    lege in Israel, is just a few miles from the Gaza

    border. The only thing saving it from mass blood-
    shed during the Hamas invasion of October 7,

    2023, was that the campus was closed and nearly
    empty because of the Simchat Torah holiday.
    Nonetheless, terrorists cut through its fences and
    shot at the guard booths and buildings.
    Dozens of Sapir faculty members, students and
    staff who reside near the campus were murdered,
    wounded, or kidnapped. Some are still being held
    hostage in Gaza. Yet the AHA has not protested.
    More than 1,000 Sapir students and nearly 300

    staff members and their families became refu-
    gees. The AHA has said nothing about them.

    That was not the first Pales-
    tinian Arab violence against

    Israeli universities. In 2002,

    terrorists bombed the He-
    brew University campus,

    in Jerusalem, killing nine—
    five of them Americans—
    and wounding more than
    100. A previous bombing
    at Hebrew University, in

    1969, left thirty-six stu-
    dents injured. The AHA

    said nothing about either of
    those attacks.
    History shows that victims

    of aggression have some-
    times damaged university

    campuses in the course of
    defending themselves, as

    in World War II. The Al-
    lies’ bombing of Hamburg

    in July 1943 caused major
    damage to the University of Hamburg. Allied
    bombers destroyed the main building on the

    campus of Munich’s Ludwig Maximillian Uni-
    versity in July 1944. Allied strikes on Bonn in

    October 1944 completely destroyed the main
    building at the University of Bonn. More than

    three-fourths of the buildings of the Techni-
    cal University of Aachen were leveled in that

    month’s bombings as well. The University of

    Greifswald was so badly damaged by the Al-
    lies that it had to be rebuilt on a different site.

    The University of Rostock’s medical clinic, der-
    matological clinic, and hygiene institute were

    completely destroyed in Allied bombings, and
    additional buildings were badly damaged.

    The proceedings of the AHA’s annual meet-
    ings during World War II do not mention any

    resolutions condemning President Franklin D.
    Roosevelt or Prime Minister Winston Churchill

    for damaging German universities. One won-
    ders if the current generation of AHA members

    would have viewed those events differently.
    Would they have pointed an accusing finger at
    the Allies, just as they now unjustly heap blame
    on Israel? Would they have branded FDR and
    Churchill guilty of “scholasticide” ?
    Unless the AHA leadership intervenes, the
    “scholasticide” resolution will soon go to the
    association’s full membership for ratification. If
    adopted, the new official position of the AHA
    would contravene its own mission statement.

    Instead of “promoting historical work and his-
    torical thinking in public life,” the AHA would

    be on record as discarding historical thinking in
    favor of extremist political posturing.
    According to the AHA’s by-laws, however, its
    leaders could step in and veto the resolution. To

    preserve the association’s credibility and to re-
    main true to its mission, they should do so.

    Rafael Medoff

    Vues Master’s Note: Thanks for the history les-

    Dear Vues Master:
    FULL DISCLOSURE: The following story is

    100% true (except for some minor exaggera-
    tions, literary embellishments, and factual am-

    Last week I was approached by a Gabbai be-
    fore the Torah reading, and was kindly offered

    to do P’sicha. I didn’t have to think for even a
    moment before politely declining the honor. He
    looked at me strangely, like, what chutzpah, but

    then shrugged and turned and offered it to some-
    body else. It might have been the first time in

    his 30 year “Gabbaihood” that somebody turned
    him down! I saw him whisper something to the
    Rabbi, who gave me a dirty look, but I didn’t
    care. Little did he know there was a good reason
    for my seeming disrespect! You see, last year I
    was davening in a crowded Young Israel minyan

    with over 800 mispallelim in Florida one Shab-
    bos when I was approached by a well-meaning

    Gabbai asking me to do P’sicha. Naturally, I was
    honored and quickly agreed. Then, at the proper
    time, I strode up to the Aron Kodesh, stood on
    the right side of the huge, embroidered, velvet
    curtain, and looked for the cord to pull on, and
    thereby slide the “Paroches” to the side. But to
    my chagrin there was no cord to pull! I quickly
    looked behind the curtain, but no luck. I thought,
    perhaps it was on the other side for some reason,
    so I walked quickly to the left side of the curtain

    and searched – to no avail! NO CORD! A mur-
    mur went up from the crowd. I was holding up

    the Davening! The Chazzan was already stand-
    ing there nervously tapping his foot, waiting for

    me to give him the Sefer Torah. He was staring
    daggers at me! My face started to turn a bright

    crimson just like the velvet curtain that was giv-
    ing me such problems. I turned around, looking

    for help, but no one was coming to my aid. Then
    I had a brilliant idea! I recalled that in some
    shuls the Aron didn’t have any cords to pull.

    You had to slide the curtain to the side
    with your hand. Sheepishly smiling, but
    now, with a growing confidence that I
    had solved the problem, I tried pushing
    the curtain to the side. But it wouldn’t

    budge! It was big and heavy, and hard-
    ly moved. Aha, I thought to myself, I

    probably have to push it not from left to
    right but from right to left. Beaming at
    my brilliance, I quickly jumped to the
    other side and tried pushing it that way.
    But again it wouldn’t budge an inch!
    By now the murmuring had turned into
    angry shouts, hooting and laughter!
    SHOIN!” I started to panic! The blood

    drained from my face! For a brief sec-
    ond, I thought of bolting off the stage,

    out of the Shul and running home. But
    then I had a brilliant idea. I turned and
    picked up the curtain from the bottom
    and raised it over my head and dropped
    it behind me. So now I was invisible to the
    deafening crowd and had access to the Aron. I
    thought, perhaps, this was a new security feature

    to protect against anyone seeing the combina-
    tion used to open the Aron. At this point, the agi-
    tated shouting and insults ( Meshugeneh, Shli-
    mazel”) were mostly muffled, but now I could

    hear footsteps approaching me. The Gabbai had
    finally come to my rescue. He lifted the curtain
    and guided me back to the proper position on

    the right side of the curtain. Now, utterly morti-
    fied, I half turned to see the devastation I had

    unleashed.To my horror there was utter chaos
    in the shul. 800 exceedingly agitated, starving
    men were calling for my head. I thought at any
    moment I would be rushed, bound and quartered
    by the crazed crowd already salivating from the
    scent of pickled herring, Cholent and Kishkeh
    wafting in from the lobby. The rabbi’s face had

    turned a deep, royal purple with embarrass-
    ment! The aging president was apoplectic, his

    whole body was twitching uncontrollably and
    his mouth was convoluted and twisted with an
    expression I’d never seen on a living person
    before. The Gabbai looked up and gently lifted
    my hand above my head. Perplexed I too looked
    way up and lo and behold I couldn’t believe my
    eyes! There, hanging about three feet above my
    head was the beautiful, blessed, triple braided,
    tasseled cord! I’d have to have been 8 feet tall
    to have seen it but there it was. I

    quickly pulled it down and the cur-
    tain smoothly slid to the side. The

    cacophony quickly subsided and I
    handed the Torah to the Chazzan.
    I then followed closely behind him
    for protection as he carried it to the
    Bimah and to the audible sound of
    snickering laughter I quickly left
    the Shul. I haven’t gone back there
    since! End of story? Hardly! A year
    later I was davening in a Shteeble

    this time when once again I was approached by
    a well meaning Gabbai offering me… P’sicha.

    What it is about my face that makes me the per-
    fect candidate for P’sicha I’ll never know. By

    this time the pain and anguish of the first sordid
    affair had somewhat dissipated and I figured

    what can possibly go wrong? I reluctantly ac-
    cepted! As I approached the curtain I was hor-
    rified once again to see there was no cord! I

    don’t know who designs these things, but they
    should be shot! Horrible memories flooded my
    mind nearly paralyzing my muscles! I ran to the
    other side- still no cord! Remembering the last
    time, I looked up to the ceiling-but this time still
    no blessed cord! Nervous murmurs and giggles
    rose from the congregation. I began to sweat

    profusely! Thankfully the rabbi saw my predica-
    ment and made a swiping motion with his hand.

    I quickly got the message and swiped the cur-
    tain. It slid easily to the side. Whew! Now I only

    had to open the two heavy, gray metal doors.
    Should be easy shmeazy, right? But as hard as
    I tried I couldn’t get them to swing open! Each
    door must’ve weighed 100 pounds! I couldn’t
    even turn the handles! Some men started yelling
    out instructions from the back of the shul. Turn
    them to the left, turn them to the right, pull, push
    – nothing worked! The room began spinning!
    Pandemonium broke out as my heart started
    palpitating and I felt a dizzying nausea rise from
    my bowels! My nightmare scenario was coming
    true… once again! I swooned and collapsed to
    the floor! A Hatzolah member jumped out of his
    seat, pulled out his walkie-talkie and proceeded
    to rip open my shirt! But before he could reach
    for the defibrillator, someone shouted, “it’s
    open!” I looked up from the floor and the two
    iron doors were wide open, and the beautiful
    Torahs stood majestically within, waiting to be
    taken out. I immediately felt better, got up and
    handed the Torah to the Chazzan. As I slowly

    made my way back to my seat people were pat-
    ting my back and wishing me well but right then

    and there I made a solemn vow – never to accept
    P’sicha again! So all you Gabbies reading this
    out there. If you see me in shul be forewarned:
    I’ll accept any Aliyah, Hagbah, Glilah or even
    Maftir but please, please no P’sicha!!!
    Country Yossi Toiv
    Vues Master’s Note: I hope you open up! Don’t
    pull the curtain on your act? It seems like the
    Gabai is pulling some strings!