Sefer Torah Dedication
Dear Editor:
I wish to express my outrage at the abuse of the sefer Torah dedication honoring Alan Dershowitz at 770 Eastern Parkway recently (Jewish Vues cover story, June, 19-25 issue).
The occasion was used to foist the Lubavitcher messianic agenda, promoting their late Rebbe (who passed away close to twenty five years ago) as Moshiach, upon unknowing innocent attendees.
To be more specific, here are some details. If you look at the photos in the Jewish Vues you will see, in at least three photos, Ben Brafman with a pin on his left lapel. What is that nature of that pin? Answer: It is a Moshiach pin, worn by messianic Lubavitchers. It is a yellow flag with a crown on it. I assume someone gave it to Ben and he accepted it without realizing what it signified. They used him (and at least one other man I noticed in photos online with it) to promote their messianism. Another example is that at least two sifrei Torah in the celebration, one with a green cover and the number 150 on it, commemorating one hundred fifty years since the birth of the the fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe, and another with a darker cover, with an image of 770 on the front, both have ‘yechi hamelech’ on them. These Sifrei Torah were given to non-Lubavitcher event guests who likely were not aware of what they were holding.
Those that want to see what I mean more clearly and closely can look at the event photos at
Of course, 770 as a whole is suffused with and controlled by such extreme messianism, with is why people like Lubavitcher leader R. Yudel Krinsky don’t pray there, and didn’t attend the event.
It is unfortunate that the ignorance and naiveté of attendees vis-a-vis the above was taken advantage of. This should be a cautionary lesson for people in the future. Caveat emptor – beware of where you go, and also of what you are given to hold and wear.
Sincerely yours,
A Concerned Jew
Editor’s Note: It may be true, but the fact of the matter is that it was a hakaras HaTov for Alan Deshowitz who helped Rubashkin to be released from prison.
Dear Editor:
I was a bit disturbed when I read The Country Vues the past two weeks. You see, I come from a yeshiva family in Fallsburg, NY. I usually enjoy the wheel of mazel (it’s my favorite part of The Country Vues) but the last two topics were “toy story” and “NY Mets”. I don’t really know about baseball or movies, and I bet that others don’t either. So would you please put topics in the wheel of mazel that all readers can relate to? Thank you.
R. E.
Editor‘s Note: Thank you for writing. We try to vary the topicos for the wheel of Mazel as much as we can.
Dear Editor:
On Monday, July 15th, at 5pm, I will be hosting a street co-naming ceremony in honor of fallen Jewish Police Officer Leon Fox. In 1941, Officer Fox was a patrolman assigned to the NYPD’s 60th Precinct. While escorting a theater manager to deposit his earnings of the day, Officer Fox was shot and killed in the line of duty.
More than 78 years later, another Jewish police officer who was at the time assigned to the 60th Precinct – Albert Mammon – told me Officer Fox’s story and urged me to preserve his memory and his sacrifice for the Southern Brooklyn community.
As a community that stands with the NYPD, and particularly at a time when there is a trend of NYPD suicides, it is important that we stand in support of our Finest. I encourage you to join me, along with Police Commissioner O’Neill and the 85 year old son of Officer Fox, at a ceremony honoring his service to New Yorkers.
The event will take place on Monday, July 15th at 5pm at the intersection of Surf Avenue and West 12th Street, the location where Officer Fox was gunned down in February of 1941.
Councilman Chaim Deutsch
Editor’s Note: Thank you! Keep up the good work!
Dear Editor:
It is nice to see that the Jewish community got together again and voted for Farrah Louis. Her opponent really tried divisive tactics and campaigned based on anto-semitism. Our votes count.
Sarah K
Editor‘s Note: Let us see this achdus bring us the geula sheleima.
Dear Editor:
Last week’s major frum print media weekly editions included as an insert the Summer 5779-2019 issue of the Star-K’s “Kashrus Kurrents” with a cover article by the Rabbinic Administrator, HaGaon Rav Moshe Heinemann, entitled “Electric Shavers.” This article posits that even close cutting electric shavers are halachicly permissible, based on the opinions of Maran HaGaon Rav Moshe Feinstein zt’l and Rav Heinemann’s own position.
Since this widely disseminated article omits mention of the overwhelming majority of poskim who consider all close cutting shaving machines as the halachic equivalent of a razor (and acknowledges that there are opinions which disagree with the position of the article by implication only), it would be a public service to publicize the Psak Din issued by Maran Rav Elyashiv zt’l and co-signed by the leading (non-Chassidic) Poskim and Roshei Yeshiva of our generation in 5768 regarding the status of electric shavers. [Parenthetically, it is of interest that there is a published letter from Rav Heinemann shlita in which he acknowledges that his own Rebbe, HaGaon Rav Aharon Kotler zt’l, prohibit all shaving machines, yet even this fact was omitted in this Kashrus Kurrents article. As to why all the Gedolim did not accept the opinion of Rav Moshe Feinstein zt’l concerning this issue, see:
Following is the text of the aforementioned Psak Din of the Gedolei Hador:
from the Leading Sages of our Generation
THE SEVERE BREACH OF HALACHAH INVOLVED IN THE USE OF SHAVING MACHINES is well known to all. Their use was prohibited by our Rabbis, the Gedolim of the [previous] generation, including the Chofetz Chaim and the Chazon Ish. Moreover, this [prohibition applied] even to the shavers of many years ago [when the shavers were far more primitive and did not cut hair as close to the skin as modern shavers]. Today, the shavers have been enhanced [and cut much closer to the skin] and thus the halachic issues involved are far more severe. This was also the halachic ruling of our great teacher, [the Steipler Gaon, R. Yaakov Yisrael Kanievsky] the author of Kehilas Yaakov, zt’l, and of our great teacher, R. Elazar M. Shach, zt’l. They would cite the ruling of the Chazon Ish who equated all shaving machines with a razor. For the Torah does not say: “Do not shave with a razor,” but rather “Do not destroy the edges of your beard.” Any shaving that destroys the beard is forbidden [as a razor], as is evident from Makkos 21a and Rambam, Hilchos Avodas Kochavim, ch. 12.
THEREFORE, USING ANY SHAVER that leaves the face smooth, even if it was used to remove only two hairs, violates the prohibition of “Do not destroy the edges of your beard.”
IT IS THUS OBVIOUSLY THE RESPONSIBILITY OF ALL THE ROSHEI YESHIVOS [heads of the yeshivos] to confront this issue and not allow shavers that leave the face smooth to be brought in [to the yeshivos]. This prohibition applies both to the one who shaves and the one who is shaven.
IT IS A GREAT MITZVAH TO STUDY THE SEFER TIFERES ADAM, authored by the Chofetz Chaim, zt’l, which focuses on strengthening the observance of this prohibition and explains the reward received in both this world and the next for its practice.
[signed by:]
R’ Yosef Sholom Elyashiv [Rav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv zt’l, Posek Hador, refused to sign this Psak Din in its original proposed wording, which indicated a “halachic concern.” He only agreed and signed it once the wording was changed to “a clear prohibition, as is related in the authoritative collection of Rav Elyashiv’s halachic decisions Ashrei Ha’ish Y.D. p. 143]
R’ Aharon Yehuda Leib Steinman
R’ Shmuel Halevi Wosner [When our master the Chazon Ish zt’l discussed this matter with me, I showed him that our master the Chasam Sofer had already so stated [that scissors which cut very close are halachicly equivalent to a razor], and it was obvious to him that [shaving machines] are prohibited, as I have explained with G d’s help in a responsum].
R’ Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz
R’ Chaim Kanievsky
R’ Nissim Karelitz
R’ Shmuel Auerbach
R’ Noson Tzvi Finkel
Yerachmiel Ungarisher R’ Dovid Mann
Rosh Yeshivas Beis Medrash Elyon
Rosh Yeshivas Kneses Chizkiyahu
R’ Baruch Mordechai Ezrachi R’ Shmuel Markowitz
Rosh Yeshivas Ateres Yisroel Rosh Yeshivas Ponovez
R’ Avrohom Erlanger R’ Yehoshua Neubort
M’Roshei Yeshivas Kol Torah Rosh Yeshivas Chachmas Shlomo
R’ Menachem Tzvi Berlin R’ Yehuda Ades
Rosh Yeshivas Rabeinu Chaim Ozer Rosh Yeshivas Kol Yaakov
R’ Baruch Shmuel Deutsch R’ Baruch Dov Povarsky
M’Roshei Yeshivas Kol Torah Rosh Yeshivas Ponovez
R’ Tzvi Drevkin R’ Avinoam Postavsky
Rosh Yeshivas Grodno Be’er Yaakov Rosh Yeshivas Birkas Yitzchok
R’ Moshe Hillel Hirsch R’ Aviezer Philtz
Rosh Yeshivas Slabodka Rosh Yeshivas Tifrach
R’ Baruch Weisbecker R’ Aryeh Leib Finkel
Rosh Yeshivas Beis Matisyahu Rosh Yeshivas Mir Brachfeld
R’ Tzvi Weisfish R’ Betzalel Pinchasi
Rosh Yeshivas Even Yisroel Rosh Yeshivas Birkas Efraim
R’ Amram Zaks R’ Dov Freund
Rosh Yeshivas Slabodka Rosh Yeshivas Imrei Tzvi
R’ Dovid Cohen R’ Dov Tzvi Karlinstein
Rosh Yeshivas Chevron Rosh Yeshivas Grodno
R’ Gavriel Yosef Levy R’ Yigal Rosen
Rosh Yeshivas Be’er HaTorah Rosh Yeshivas Ohr Yisroel
R’ Yissocher Meyer R’ Tzvi Rotenberg
Rosh Yeshivas Hanegev Rosh Yeshivas Beis Meir
Editor‘s Note: There are always two sides to every psak. I don’t think the Star K needs to bring down every shitta that does not hold like its Rabbinical coordinator. It just teaches us that one can’t take a psak based on articles or newspapers, but rather speak to your Rov.
Dear Editor:
Klal Yisroel lost a great man Rabbi Dovid Trenk. May his family be comforted among the mourners of Tzion.
Yudy M
Editor‘s Note: Amein
Dear Editor:
I gotta hand it to Trump! He crosses into the DMZ and shakes hands with Kim Jung Un! I wonder what is next? Iran?
Time will tell.
Editor‘s Note: Yes we know Hashem runs this world and the hearts of kings and ministers are in the hand of Hashem!
Dear Editor:
What is going on with these Democrats? I tune in to the debate on the radio and I could not understand what I was hearing. Then someone told me that they were speaking Spanish! Are the Illegal immigrants voting, or are we USA citizens voting?
John J
Editor‘s Note: I did not know they were speaking Spanish. It sounded like Greek to me. I guess they need to brush up on their Spanish.
Dear Editor:
This so called shidduch crisis has little if anything do with age gap.
The premise that girls marry at 19 and boys 23 is very enchanting and sounds wonderful, however for the vast majority of frum couples, this is not the case. Shidduchim is a difficult experience and many boys and girls start at 25, an only a minority of girls marry under 21.
The real problem boils down to stigma. I am not talking from my own experience, but also from the experience of many people I know.
In many communities the shidduch process has become so complex and insanely judgmental, that the vast majority of suggestions are rejected, even before the boy meets the girl. In some communities, the following factors can be game changers as to not whether they will get married, but meet up in the first place; Job of parents, income of parents, siblings school reports, clothing style of boy, vague reports by some witness who claimed to have seen or know the boy, city of origin of the boy, some sin he committed which Hashem forgave years ago, shoe style, glasses color, how long and what place he learned torah in. House of family. Style of family. Asthma of 2nd cousin And the list goes on and on.
Is it a wonder why so many young people are not getting married?
Instead of approaching shidduchim with openness and tolerance (within the framework of halacha of course) positivity and hope, many people coming with artillery of elimination, of judgment, misbelief and in many cases, it is the parents themselves who are rejecting one shidduch after another without even consulting the person for whom they are looking.
The answer to this crisis is to stop thinking so much and to allow dates to happen.
The problem is not lack of marriages, but lack of dates. It can typically take, in some kehillas, 20 or even 50 suggestions until a boy meets a girl. Yes, pre checks are often important, however this whole culture of judgment is ridding boys and girls of hundreds of potential matches. The vast majority, although not all, concerns, questions and thoughts will be answered during the dating itself. Genuine human interaction and emotion provides the answer to everything
Sruli M
Editor‘s Note: I think your facts are skewed. In an average Chareidi family the girs start dating under 21. We still need an answer to the shidduch crisis but this letter might not be the answer.
Dear Flatbush Neighbors,
Is it a wonder that AOC and Ilhan Omar are pushing the line constantly? Comparing border camps to concentration camps is ridiculous. Just the fact that the people at the border are there willingly and if they would want to go back to their Country they would be allowed whereas concentration camps there was no option of leaving. My problem is that the Democrats, the Nadlers, and the Schiffs and the rest of them are busy trying to investigate Trump. Here they have an open and shut case of Anti-semitism and did you hear anything from them? Me neither! Silence speaks louder than words.
Chaim K
Editor‘s Note: Could not have said it better than this. Let us remember this when it comes to elections.
Dear Editor:
The Democrats are digging their own grave by investigating and subpoenaing Mueller. After he speaks his regular double talk, the Republican Congressman will grill him and the truth will come out that this was a witch hunt.
Simchi H
Editor‘s Note: Time will tell.