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    As Israel and the
    Jewish people face
    the horrors of
    October 7th, 2023, I
    wish to share the
    story of a fascinating
    9-11 diary (capturing
    a significant theme of the weekly Torah
    portion of Shemini). This diary can shed
    light on the ongoing struggle between Israel,
    the West, and radical Islam.September 11,
    1941: The world is swimming in Adolf
    Hitler’s bloodbath. In a few days, the
    Germans will capture Kyiv, the capital of
    Ukraine, and massacre 100,000 innocent
    human beings in a ravine named Babi Yar.
    On this day—9/11 1941—in Arlington,
    Virginia, the U.S. Department of Defense
    starts construction on its new headquarters,
    the Pentagon.
    On the same day, a middle-aged new
    immigrant to the shores of the United States,
    Menachem Mendel Schneersohn, later to
    become known as the Lubavitcher Rebbe,
    writes an entry in his private journal
    concerning two traits that make for a moral
    and productive human being: “fins” and
    Nobody imagines that sixty years later, on
    9/11 2001, the free world would be struck
    again. Radical Islamists would crash planes
    into the Pentagon and the Twin Towers,
    murdering thousands. A new era of global
    terror would descend on our planet.
    The Journal
    The idea the Lubavitcher Rebbe presented
    in his journal on this day is worth reflecting
    on today.
    The Torah states in this week’s portion
    (Parshas Shmini as well as Reah): “This
    may you eat of all that is in the waters:
    everything that has fins and scales, you may
    eat. But anything that has no fins and scales,
    you may not eat.” For a fish to be kosher, it
    needs both fins and scales.
    The Talmud states a fascinating fact: “All
    [fish] that have scales also have fins [and are
    thus kosher]; but there are [fish] that have
    fins but do not have scales [and are thus
    “If so,” asks the Talmud, “the Torah could
    have written only ‘scales,’ without having to
    also write ‘fins?’” If a fish that has scales
    inevitably has fins, why is there a need for
    both signs? The Talmud answers: “Said
    Rabbi Abahu, and so it was learned in the
    study house of Rabbi Ishmael: “This is so
    that the Torah should be increased and made
    great.” This is a strange answer. Where is the

    logic in presenting fins as an identifying sign
    for kosher fish when it is totally irrelevant
    and inconsequential since scaled fish
    inevitably have fins as well? How does this
    make the Torah greater?
    Also, why are fins and scales the
    characteristics that distinguish kosher fish?
    What is special about these two identifying
    signs to deem fish suitable for Jewish
    Food’s Force
    The Rabbis and Mystics teach that the
    physical attributes of fish, and of all animals,
    reflect their psychological and spiritual
    qualities. They further explain that the food
    a person consumes has a profound effect on
    his or her psyche. Therefore, when one eats
    the flesh of a particular creature, the
    “personality” of that creature affects the
    person in some way.
    Fins and scales too embody two qualities
    embedded in the souls of these types of fish
    that are necessary for the healthy
    development of human character. When the
    Jew consumes the substance of such fish, he
    becomes a more “kosher” and refined human
    being. When he consumes fish lacking these
    characteristics, it may dampen some of these
    vital qualities.
    Drive & Direction
    Scales, the “armor” that shields and protects
    the body of the fish, represent the quality of
    integrity, which protects us from falling prey
    to the many pitfalls that life presents. A
    person of integrity will not deceive his
    customers, despite the apparent financial
    profits involved. He will not tell a lie to a
    friend, despite the short-term comfort gained
    by doing so. He will not cheat on his spouse
    despite the tremendous temptations.
    Integrity means that you have absolute
    standards of right and wrong and that you
    are committed to a morality that transcends
    your moods and temptations. Integrity
    preserves and protects your life and your
    Fins, the wing-like organs that propel fish
    forward, represent ambition. A healthy sense
    of ambition, knowing one’s strengths and
    wanting to utilize them in full, gives a person
    the impetus to traverse the turbulent sea of
    life and to maximize his or her G-d-given
    potential. It propels us to fulfill our dreams
    and leave our unique imprint on the world.
    What Is Our Priority?
    Which of these two qualities is more
    important to cultivate in life—fins or scales?
    What ought to be the main function of

    education? Should we concentrate primarily
    on providing our children with the
    confidence and skills necessary for them to
    become productive and accomplished
    human beings? Or ought we to focus more
    intensely on raising children of high moral
    standing, concentrating more on how they
    will live than on how they will make a
    The Talmud teaches that all fish that have
    scales also have fins. But some fish have fins

    but do not have scales and are thus non-
    kosher. On a deeper level, this symbolizes

    the idea that a human being who possesses
    fins may still lack scales and thus remain
    “non-kosher.” He might swim and frolic
    through large seas and oceans with his talent
    and genius, but his achievements may be
    corrupt, hurting others in the process.
    Creating ambitious and confident children
    does not guarantee their moral uprightness
    and integrity. In our times, we have seen the
    result of people who had fins but no scales.
    On the other hand, the Talmud tells us that
    all fish with scales have fins. If you teach
    your children to approach life with truth and
    honesty, with an unyielding commitment to
    morality and decency, this child will
    certainly succeed and develop “fins” as well.
    Regardless of his or her degree of intellectual
    prowess, they will find the “fins” with which
    to advance in their learning and their
    achievements to make the world a more
    beautiful place.
    To Change the World
    “If so,” asks the Talmud, “the Torah could
    have written only ‘scales,’ without having to
    also write ‘fins’.” On a deeper level, the
    Talmud is asking, why is it important to
    emphasize the need for fins in developing a
    “kosher” human being? Why does an
    emphasis on ambition constitute part of a
    moral and “kosher” education? Why not just
    focus on integrity and ethics?
    The Talmud’s answer is marvelous: “This
    is so that ‘Torah be increased and made
    great.’” This means that our spiritual mission
    consists not only of professing integrity and
    morality but also of developing our full
    potential materially and spiritually. G-d
    wants us to be good; but He also wants us to
    be successful and shine; to utilize all of our
    talents and resources to transform the
    landscape of our planet into an abode for the
    Divine; to make the Torah “great and large.”
    The light, majesty and depth of Torah must
    penetrate the entire world and turn it into an
    oasis of goodness and holiness.
    Cruel Ambition; Deadly Surrender

    The events of September 2001, like those
    of September 1941, dramatically altered our
    view of the world. Both ushered in a new era
    of violence, bloodshed, grief and terror. The
    first was by Nazi Germany; the second was
    by radical Islamists. Yet the roots of the two
    wars were very different: The Germans
    personified a culture possessing fins but no
    scales. Their ambitions, achievements, and
    love of life were impressive, yet their

    morality and sense of ethics were horrifically
    skewed. While they loved and nurtured their
    dogs, appreciated poetry, philosophy, and
    scientific advancement, they sent millions to
    die in gas chambers.
    September 11, 2001, on the other hand, was
    perpetrated by people with a deep faith and
    commitment to the will of Allah, yet with a
    hatred for all progress and advancement, and
    a desire to destroy all who do not adhere to
    their dark vision of the world. They died for
    what they believed to be the ultimate in
    morality and holiness; yet their perception of
    G-d was horrifically skewed: theirs was a
    god who wanted them to die, as long as they
    can kill others.
    People somehow delude themselves into
    thinking that Hamas and the people living in
    Gaza are two distinct entities and that Hamas
    took control of Gazans. They forget that
    Hamas does not control Gaza; rather, Gaza
    thinks Hamas. Hamas was elected by the
    people of Gaza in 2006, and more than 70
    percent of Arabs living in Gaza and in the
    West Bank support the murders of October
    7th, 2023.
    Many young Muslims are being taught
    today to develop scales but no fins: to
    surrender their lives to Allah, without
    appreciating that G-d wants them to live, and
    not to die; to build the world, not destroy it,
    and to respect other peoples, not blow them
    up. To create a “kosher” world, we need
    scales, but we also need fins. Muslim
    leaders, parents and educators must begin to
    teach their youth to love their own lives
    more than they hate the lives of others.
    They must discover that the love of G-d
    does not require a love for blood.
    Israel and the Jewish people stand at the
    forefront of this conflict. This is not a time to
    back down but to stand with unwavering
    commitment to the sacredness of life and the
    fight against those who gleefully want to see
    us dead. With clarity, we ought to call out the
    evil we are facing and fight to eradicate it.