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    The horrific October
    7 attacks were such
    a surprise and shock
    that soldiers stationed
    elsewhere or away on
    leave for the holiday
    dropped everything they
    were doing and ran to the
    south to join the fight. Soldiers who were
    not on their base went straight to the south.
    Soldiers who were in their base packed
    quickly and left. Over seven months later,
    many personal items remain on those bases
    in the north. Meanwhile other soldiers and
    reservists were sent to those bases. I was
    asked whether soldiers currently in the north
    may use some of the left items. For example,
    may they use a personal phone charger left
    at the base on October 7? What about shoe
    polish or clothing?
    I. Conquered Property
    A similar but more common question is
    whether a soldier may use personal items
    found in a house conquered/occupied during
    war. For example, Israel ordered evacuation
    of various cities during the current war.
    After the evacuation, soldiers entered the
    cities and took control. Many soldiers spent
    time in various houses and buildings. Are
    they allowed to use or take items found in
    those buildings?

    The IDF forbids soldiers from taking items
    that belong to enemy soldiers or civilians.
    However, it is valuable to discuss what
    halachah says about it, both for the sake
    of learning and also for cases where the
    IDF does not apply. Rav Ya’akov Ariel
    (cont., Israel) was asked about a unit whose
    commander determined that the IDF forbids
    only taking items but allows use of items
    within a captured building (Be-Ohalah Shel
    Torah, vol. 6, no. 58). Religious soldiers
    asked whether halachah allows them, for
    example, to heat up their food in a captured
    Rav Ariel quotes the verse which explicitly
    permits using items conquered in war:
    “and you shall eat the spoils of war” (Deut.
    20:14). While a soldier is expected to
    fight idealistically, and not for profit, there
    is room for him to acquire the items he

    conquers. Rav Avraham Dovber Kahane-
    Shapiro (20th cen., Lithuania) explores at

    length the technical mechanics of how a
    soldier acquires the conquered goods (Devar
    Avraham, vol. 1, no. 10). Regardless of these
    mechanics, a soldier acquires ownership.
    Rav Ariel asks what the effect is of the
    IDF prohibition. Does it prevent the soldier
    from acquiring the object or does it merely
    forbid the soldier from using an item that
    technically belongs to him? Meaning, is this
    a prohibition on the object (cheftza) or the

    person (gavra)? If the IDF rule prevents a
    soldier from acquiring the object then the
    soldier cannot use it at all. If the rule merely
    forbids him to take the object to which he
    is legitimately entitled, then perhaps he may
    use it within the captured building. Since the
    source of the acquisition is a biblical verse, a
    gezeiras ha-kasuv, Rav Ariel concludes that
    the IDF rule only places a limitation on the
    soldier (gavra).
    II. Temporary and Terrorist Property
    However, sometimes Israel sends the IDF to
    take over an area temporarily. The various
    wars in Gaza over the past two decades,
    including the current war, are examples of
    temporary military occupation. It is not clear
    that in a conquest of that nature, a soldier
    acquires any items. Therefore, Rav Ariel
    concludes, we must act strictly and refrain
    from taking any items in a temporarily
    conquered building. However, if it is
    common practice among IDF soldiers to
    use conquered items while in a conquered
    building, then we can assume that the IDF
    rule does not apply to this practice. Rav Ariel
    concludes that it is permitted to use the items
    although it seems to me from his arguments
    that we should conclude that it is forbidden
    to do so when the military occupations is
    Rav Yosef Tzvi Rimon (cont., Israel)
    was asked a more specific question: can
    you take items that belong to captured
    terrorists? If the IDF destroys that personal
    property, can soldiers take from it before
    it is destroyed? Rav Rimon points to the
    IDF rule forbidding soldiers from taking
    spoils of war. He adds an insight he
    heard from Rav Aharon Lichtenstein who
    explains that the Torah forbids taking
    spoils from Amalek because that war
    should be undertaken solely for divine
    purposes. When people benefit personally
    from the war, it detracts from the intent and
    transforms the the commanded military
    killings into forbidden murder. While
    this does not technically apply to current
    wars, its message remains cogent. A war
    is a national undertaking from which no
    individual should profit.
    III. Abandoned Property
    When someone finds an object, one of the
    key determinants to whether he may keep
    it is whether the original owner gave up
    on finding it (yei’ush). If the soldiers who
    evacuated their bases in the north have
    given up on retrieving their abandoned
    items, then anyone can come and take
    them. Shulchan Aruch (Choshen Mishpat
    262:3) says that if you find the item
    after you can reasonable assume that the
    original owner gave up, then you may keep
    item. However, if the item came into your
    possession before the owner had yei’ush,
    then you may not keep it. It would seem
    that we need to determine if most soldiers

    who abandoned their personal property
    gave up on those items and, if so, when.
    Without any clarity on that issue, we have
    to act strictly. I am too distant to know the
    sentiments of those soldiers.
    Items left in community property might
    be different. Both Rav Shlomo Zalman
    Auerbach (20th cen., Israel) and Rav
    Moshe Feinstein (20th cen., US) rule that
    schools may sell personal items left in
    their buildings after the term is over (cited
    in Piskei Ha-Mishpat 262:2n12). Once the
    students have left for a reasonable amount
    of time (a month or two), the school acquires
    any items remaining on the property (kinyan
    chatzer) even if they are labeled with
    individual names (although a student may
    later request reimbursement for his item). If
    so, perhaps the IDF acquired all the personal
    items abandoned on bases. According to
    this reasoning, IDF hierarchy may give
    permission to soldiers to use the items.
    Even if the original soldiers retain
    ownership of their personal items, there
    may be room for new soldiers at the base
    to use at least some of these items. Rav
    Shabsai Cohen (17th cen., Poland) offers an
    important ruling with common application.
    In his Shach commentary (Shulchan Aruch,
    Choshen Mishpat 358:1), he quotes Tosafos
    who forbid feeding someone from a friend’s
    food even if you know the friend would
    agree. According to Tosafos, the friend must
    knowingly permit you to give someone else
    his food, otherwise you are stealing it. Shach
    disagrees and says that if you are certain that
    your friend would say yes, then you may use
    the item (give away the food) without his
    explicit permission. According to the Shach,
    you do not need explicit permission to use
    someone else’s items. You just need to know
    that if asked, he would allow you to use it.
    The question then becomes whether
    soldiers from bases in the north who are now
    in Gaza would allow other soldiers to use
    their personal items. Presumably it depends
    which items. I suspect that they would object
    to someone else using their toothbrush or
    wearing their undergarments. And I suspect
    that they would gladly allow other soldiers
    to use their cellphone chargers and shoe
    polish. But, again, I am distant from the
    reality of IDF soldiers. Responsible parties
    (the IDF rabbinate?) should make these
    evaluations based on intimate knowledge of
    IDF soldiers in the field.