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    When we pray, we
    talk to the King of
    kings. In that spirit,
    we should dress as
    if we are meeting a
    king (see Shulchan
    Aruch, Orach Chaim
    91:5). Most people today are not as
    strict about this as they can be. It is
    rare to find men who wear a suit and
    tie for every prayer service — three
    times a day — even though they
    certainly would dress that way if they
    would meet a king or other dignitary.
    However, many make sure to wear at
    least a jacket when praying.
    I once forgot to bring my hat and
    jacket to shul when I went to learn
    at night. I only realized just before
    Ma’ariv. I asked Rav Mordechai
    Marcus zt”l whether I should run
    home and get my hat and jacket, even
    though I would end up davening
    without a minyan. Does the rule to

    dress properly override the desire to
    pray with a minyan? Additionally,
    if it is my minhag to wear a hat and
    jacket for prayer, and a minhag is
    binding as a vow, does that mean I am
    biblically obligated to wear a hat and
    jacket for prayer? This last argument
    is suggested based on rulings of the
    Chasam Sofer. Rav Marcus told me
    that no, it is better to pray with a
    minyan without a hat and jacket than
    to pray alone with a hat and jacket. A
    minhag does not override a halachah,
    the Chasam Sofer notwithstanding.
    I have since seen that Rav Shlomo
    Zalman Auerbach (Halichos Shlomo,
    Tefillah 2:15) and Rav Yosef Shalom

    Elyashiv (quoted in Tefillah Ke-
    Hilchasah, ch. 7 n. 80) rule likewise.

    What should a soldier do if he is just
    back from an operation or an exercise
    and his uniform is dirty? Should
    he change into a clean uniform and
    miss the minyan or pray with a dirty

    uniform? In a short book
    on army uniforms, titled
    Hilchos Madei Tzahal (p.
    36), Rav Shlomo Aviner
    answers that ideally a
    soldier should change his
    uniform. However, if he
    is unable to do so then
    he should pray as he is
    because the dirt, the stains,
    are “mitzvah stains.”
    The book’s editor, Rav
    Mordechai Tzion, quotes
    a short entry from Rav Aharon
    Ziegler’s Halachic Positions of Rav
    Joseph B. Soloveitchik that was
    published on Torah Musings, July
    31, 2014. Rav Soloveitchik was
    once asked by a student serving in
    the IDF whose job was cleaning and
    maintaining tanks whether he had to
    change his clothes before praying
    Minchah. Rav Soloveitchik replied,
    “Why would you need to change?
    You are wearing bigdei Kodesh,
    holy clothes!”
    Rav Tzion further quotes an
    amazing passage from Rav
    Yitzchak Zilberstein’s introduction
    to his Chashukei Cheimed on

    Eruvin. Rav Zilberstein’s father-
    in-law, Rav Yosef Shalom

    Elyashiv, once got his clothes dirty
    while searching for chametz. One
    of the grandsons came to wipe off
    the dirt, knowing how strongly
    his grandfather felt about wearing
    clean clothes. Rav Elyashiv
    stopped him, saying that this was
    a “mitzvah stain.” Just like the
    Gemara (Pesachim 65b) praises
    the priests who got dirty from
    the blood of sacrifices, so too we
    should be proud to get dirty from
    doing mitzvos.
    Rav Zilberstein continues that
    presumably this thinking also
    applies to a rabbi who dirties his
    clothing while checking and fixing
    the local eruv. Often, that involves
    walking in mud and climbing up
    poles. While normally a rabbi

    must be careful not to wear dirty or
    stained clothing, this does not apply
    to dirt and stains from checking an
    eruv. Rav Zilberstein also quotes
    his brother-in-law, Rav Chaim
    Kanievsky, who applied this to
    someone painting a shul. Even if his
    clothing gets dirty with paint, he can
    pray in that dirty clothing because
    the stains come from the mitzvah of
    beautifying a shul.
    So, too, suggests Rav Tzion, a
    soldier in a uniform that is dirty from
    IDF activity. Because the soldier is
    engaged in a mitzvah, the dirty on
    his uniform is a “mitzvah stain” just
    like someone checking for chametz,
    fixing an eruv or painting a shul.
    Perhaps, I suggest, even more so,
    because the soldier is engaged in
    piku’ach nefesh, saving lives, which
    is so great a mitzvah that it overrides
    all other mitzvos. While it is always
    best to wear clean clothing when
    praying, it is perfectly acceptable to
    pray while wearing an IDF uniform
    with “mitzvah stains.”