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    Bilam ha’rasha was

    a novi, but at the

    same time he is

    always referred to

    as Bilam ha’rasha –

    the evil one. One

    may wonder – was

    his external appearance that of a

    novi or that of a rasha? The

    mishna in Pirkei Avos (5:19)

    describes the contrast between

    the talmidim of Avrohom Avinu

    and the talmidim of Bilam

    ha’rasha. The pesukim that

    indicate the difference are

    pesukim spoken by Bilam, not

    by his talmidim. Why doesn’t the

    mishnah draw a contrast

    between Avrohom Avinu and

    Bilam himself? Some of the

    commentaries point out that

    when one would look at Bilam

    you could be fooled to believe

    that he himself is the same type

    of person as Avrohom Avinu.

    Because he was a novi he

    dressed the part, acted the part,

    and spoke the part. You could

    only tell the difference between

    the two when you look at their

    talmidim. According to the

    haftorah of Parshas Vayishlach

    the stranger who mugged

    Yaakov Avinu in the middle of

    the night was an angel. The

    midrash explains that he was

    soro shel Eisav – Eisav’s angel.

    The gemorah (Chullin 91a) has a

    discussion regarding what this

    angel looked like. One opinion is

    that his appearance was similar

    to that of a talmid chachom.

    Looks are often deceiving – soro

    shel Eisav can dress up like a

    talmid chacham. It is known that

    the Chofetz Chaim used to dress

    like a plain ba’al ha’bayis. In fact

    there were those that referred to

    him as the “ba’al ha’bayis”. But

    we know from the influence that

    he had on so many of his

    followers that he was so much

    more than a plain ba’al ha’bayis.

    Unfortunately there are many

    rabbonim who dress the part,

    act the part, and speak the part,

    but when we look at their

    followers we realize that in

    their inner core there is

    something seriously lacking. In

    a famous teshuva written by the

    Maharshal he complains about

    the fact that in his generation

    there were many

    honest-to-goodness talmidei

    chachomim who did not have

    the minhag to wear a yarmulke

    all day long and the public

    would frown upon them. But

    any Torah scholar who would

    wear a yarmulke would be

    honored and respected even if

    his Torah knowledge and yiras

    shomayim were not up to par.

    Looks are often deceiving. The

    mishna (Pirkei Avos 4:20)

    warns us, “al tistakel b’kankan

    eleh b’mah sh’yesh bo – one

    should not judge a person merely

    based on externalities.” When one

    is deciding whom to follow as his

    rebbe, in fulfillment of the

    instructions in the mishna (Pirkei

    Avos 1:6), “asei l’cho rav”, one

    must judge whether the rabbi in

    question is the right person in his

    inner core based on the rabbi’s
