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    A professor was giv-
    ing a big test one day

    to his students. He
    handed out all of the
    tests and went back to
    his desk to wait. Once the test was over, the
    students all handed the tests back in. The
    professor noticed that one of the students
    had attached a $100 bill to his test with a
    note saying, “A dollar per poin.”
    At the next class, the professor handed the
    tests back out. This student got back his test
    and $56 change.
    The Talmud relates the following episode:

    When our father Jacob was on his death-
    bed, surrounded by all of his children, he

    suddenly felt that the Divine presence, the

    Shechinah, departed from him. He was over-
    taken by dread and fear that one of his chil-
    dren present in the room was living an im-
    moral life, and that is why the Shechinah has

    left him. The old father confronted his chil-
    dren asking if perhaps one of them has cor-
    rupted his ways, betraying the values he,

    Jacob, had attempted to inculcate within

    His sons responded with the most famous
    Jewish declaration: “Shema Yisrael Hashem

    Elokenu Hashem Echad.” Listen Israel – Ja-
    cob’s name was Israel — the Lord is Our

    G-d, the Lord is One. Kishem Sh’ein
    B’libcha Ela Echad, Kach Ein B’libeinu Ela
    Echad. Just as in YOUR heart there is only
    One, so too, in OUR heart there is only
    At that moment Jacob responded and said,
    “Boruch Shem Kevod Malchuto Le’olam
    Va’ed. Blessed be the honorable name of His

    kingdom forever and ever.” (Talmud Pesa-
    chim 56a).

    Their response raises a question. Let’s lis-
    ten to their words carefully: “Just as in

    YOUR heart there is only One, so too, in
    OUR heart there is only One.” The first half
    of their statement seems superfluous. We
    know that in Jacob’s heart there was only
    One G-d. That was not up for discussion; no

    one was suspecting Jacob’s heart. The ques-
    tion was what was going on in THEIR heart.

    All they needed to say was, “Listen father, in
    OUR heart there is only One!”?
    The answer is that in this very expression
    they have encapsulated one of the great
    themes of education. The first half of their

    sentence was not superfluous. Jacob’s chil-
    dren were explaining why their father

    need not fear about his children’s moral
    destiny. “Jacob our father, if there is One

    in your heart,” the children told their fa-
    ther, “you can be assured that in our

    hearts, too, there is only One.” Children
    are the mirror of their parents’ hearts, not
    of their words. Since in your heart there
    was one, our heart too is saturated with
    the one living G-d.
    All too often, parents think that they can

    impart values to their children without in-
    ternalizing these values in their own daily

    lives. They teach their children about in-
    tegrity, faith, love, and discipline, but they

    do not necessarily embody these princi-
    ples themselves. They preach of one G-d,

    but that G-d does not challenge them in
    their personal lives. They will speak up

    against anger, animosity, envy, and selfish-
    ness, but they themselves fall prey to these

    This usually does not do the trick. Children
    do not respond to what the parents say as
    much as to who they are. Values are like
    colds: they are caught, not taught. If in your
    heart there is One – in his heart, there will
    also be One. When your child experiences
    consciously and subconsciously your purity
    and integrity, it is likely that the values that
    shaped the parents will continue in the lives
    of their children. It may take some years
    or sometimes decades, but the seeds
    planted by your heart in the heart of your
    children will produce the results.
    Political scientists have long found that

    four out of five people with a party pref-
    erence grow up to vote the way their par-
    ents voted. In fact, while many people

    experience a temporary rejection of their
    parents’ politics in very early adulthood,
    virtually nothing is more predictive of
    your political ideology than that of your

    parents—it’s more of a determining fac-
    tor than income, education, or any other

    societal yardstick.

    When asked about the greatest chal-
    lenge he faces today, the principal of one

    of the largest Jewish high schools in the

    United States related this thought: Par-
    ents spend thousands of dollars a year in

    tuition to send their children to our
    school where, along with calculus and
    chemistry, we are expected to teach
    some basic ethics. Then, on Sunday, the
    parents take their child to an amusement
    park and lie about his age in order to
    save five dollars on the admission fee. To
    save five bucks they destroy a $25,000
    Most parents and teachers realize that
    values and perspectives must be planted

    by personal example. However, in prac-
    tice, we sometimes try to build into our

    childrens’ and students’ behavioral rou-
    tines that we personally have not yet

    mastered. We insist that our children eat

    properly, even though we survive on cof-
    fee and donuts. We insist that they don’t

    sit by the TV for hours, while we fall short of
    these expectations. In short, we find it easier
    to work on our children than on ourselves,
    and so that is sometimes what we do.
    This hypocrisy has disastrous results: Too

    many children legitimately view their par-
    ents and teachers as insincere. Disrespect

    burgeons slowly until, around ages 12-15, it
    shreds the parent-child or teacher-student
    trust and relationship. Then children reject
    the moral authority of the adults in their
    lives. They isolate themselves emotionally

    from parents and teachers, and begin mak-
    ing their own (often self-destructive) deci-

    In a famous study regarding the transmis-
    sion of values from parents to children, the

    following question was asked of many chil-
    dren: What do your parents want you to be

    when you grow up—rich, smart, famous or
    good? Most of the children — from a variety
    of demographic and cultural sectors —

    ranked rich, smart, or famous as most im-
    portant. And the characteristic that ranked

    lowest was being ‘good.’ Ironically, parents
    across the same sectors responded that they

    favored ‘good’ as the preferred characteris-
    tic for their child.

    Why was there this disconnect between the
    desire of the parents and the perception of
    their children?

    The answer may be that preaching to chil-
    dren demands parallel practice by parents.

    True goodness is not taught in books, it is
    transmitted by living example. Parents may
    tell their children that they want them to be

    good people above all, but what are the chil-
    dren experiencing from their parents? Are

    they—the parents—placing goodness above
    all other comforts?
    If you want to touch the heart of your child,
    make sure that your own heart was touched.
    And work not just on your conscious, but
    also on your unconscious identity. Children
    often respond to the unconscious of their

    parents even more than to their parents’ con-
    scious selves.

    This was the message of Jacob’s children
    to their father: The reason there is in our
    heart only One, is because our hearts reflect
    and mirror YOUR heart, and in your heart,
    there is only One. This is true concerning
    every parent and teacher.