The issue of bal
tashchis is a common
problem. May one
discard the remnants of
his drink? How to
dispose of the leftovers
of a simcha? What to
do with the leftover
challah after a Shabbos
meal? People often
spend money on
nonsense and in a sense
throw away their
money. These and
other such issues will
be discussed at length
in this issue. The main halachos of bal tashchis
applies to destroying a fruit tree. This topic was
discussed in an earlier issue of Halachically
Speaking and will not be covered in depth in this
issue. In addition, we discussed treating food
with the proper respect, which is also an aspect
of bal tashchis.
Yaakov and the Jugs
Yaakov Ovinu went to retrieve some small jugs
that he had forgotten, and he was left alone with
the malach of Eisav. The Gemorah infers that
tzaddikim cherish their money more than their
own bodies, for they abstain from any form of
theft. Some explain that they look at everything
they have as a gift from Hashem. Therefore, any
item in their possession has a purpose, and they
do not want it to go to waste. Based on this, it is
praiseworthy not to leave items unattended in
vulnerable places.
The Chinuch says that the purpose of this
mitzvah (of not destroying tree and other things)
is to teach people to love and respect good
things. This love will help ensure that they will
keep away from bad, destructive things. The
way of good people is to be happy with the
world and not to destroy even a mustard seed. In
addition, throwing food away shows that one
does not want the goodness Hashem showed
him by giving him food. The Hemek Daver says
that anything which is meant to be used for our
enjoyment should be used and not destroyed.
D’oraisa or D’rabbbanan
The issur of destroying a fruit tree is certainly
d’oraisa. It is a dispute whether other areas of
bal tashchis (destroying clothing, utensils) are
d’oraisa or d’rabbanan.
Some Heterim
By non-food items as long as it is a tzorech (a
need) it is not bal tashchis. Food may be thrown
out if it is to satisfy the need of a person (tzorech
adom) and it is normal (derech ha’olom) to use
the food in that manner. One should not carve
out the inside of a cucumber to hold chrein. This
is prohibited since it is not derech ha’olom.
Additionally, the cucumber is discarded
One may cut down a fruit tree or other forms of
destruction in order to do a mitzvah with the
property or object.
Bal Tashchis with Hefker
There is a discussion in the poskim if bal
tashchis applies to items which do not have an
owner (hefker). Practically, one should treat
hefker items in the same manner that he treats
his own possessions.
Less than a Pruta
Bal tashchis issues very often apply to items
worth less than a pruta. A common example
would be a toothpaste tube that is nearly empty.
The same is true regarding a drop of liquid in a
cup, or a small amount of spread in the
container. In addition, one might want to discard
a small piece of chicken or strike a match for fun
and throw it out afterwards. L’maseh, one
should try to avoid throwing out or wasting
items which are less than a pruta. Although this
may not be required by the letter of the law, one
should adhere to this whenever possible. Some
say that if one does not want to throw out the
remaining food and he does not want to eat it,
then he can leave it to rot outside of the
Other Areas
Just as bal tashchis applies to destroying clothes
or utensils, it also applies to destroying a house,
throwing away money, or any other destructive
One may remove tzitzis from one garment and
place them on another. One may also replace the
tzitzis strings on a garment. However, if the
tzitzis are complete and it is not a bother to untie
them, then one should so, as cutting them and
throwing them out would be wasting the tzitzis.
Placing a Drink in Mouth / Swallowing Food
One who forgot and placed a drink in his mouth
before reciting a berachah should swallow the
drink. No berachah rishona is recited, as the
mitzvah is lost once he swallowed the liquid. If
one drank a shiur reviis, then a berachah achrona
is recited. However, if one has other liquids to
drink, then he should spit out the drink in order
not to have enjoyment from food without a
berachah and it would not be bal tashchis.
Throwing Out Bread
May one throw stale bread in the garbage?
It is permitted to discard crumbs which are not a
k’zayis in size in a respectful manner. However,
doing so disrespectfully may lead to poverty.
Throwing crumbs into the water would be
permitted. One may not throw out crumbs which
are a k’zayis even if they will not get stepped on.
Some are also careful if there are enough
crumbs that would equal a k’zayis when
combined. Food which is unfit for human
consumption may be destroyed even in a
disrespectful manner. Based on these halachos,
some poskim say one should not throw leftover
bread which is larger than a k’zayis directly into
a garbage can with other dirty things. Rather, the
bread should be wrapped separately before
discarding it. Some apply this same rule to bread
which is smaller than a k’zayis. One is not
required to wrap up tiny crumbs before throwing
them out.
Mayim Achronim
Leftover liquid in one’s cup may be used for
mayim achronim and there is no problem of
wasting the food, since it is going to be thrown
away. If there is no water, one may use any
liquid that cleans the hands, such as milk,
orange juice, snow, etc. Wine may not be used
to wash for mayim achronim because of the
importance of wine.
In earlier years when one did not pay for water it
was not bal tashchis if one threw out water.
However, today that one pays for water
throwing water out is bal tashchis.
Lag B’omer in Meron
Some have the minhag in Meron to throw
garments in the fire on Lag B’omer. Some
explain that Rav Shimon Bar Yochai did not
wear clothes when he was in the cave, and
would cover his body in sand when he wanted to
learn. Those who permit this say that there is no
bal tashchis by throwing the garments in the
fire, while others prohibit this practice.
Breaking a Glass Under the Chuppah
The custom is that the chosson breaks a glass
under the chuppah as a zecher l’churban. The
glass is broken with the right foot. The reason
that the chosson breaks the glass but not the
plate at the t’nayim is that his simcha is not yet
complete at the t’nayim. The glass is wrapped in
a napkin in order to prevent the chosson from
hurting his foot. There is no concern of bal
tashchis with breaking the glass because it is
being done for mitzvah purposes.
Throwing Flowers to a Kallah
Some people throw flowers to the kallah after
the chuppah. Since this is done in order to make
the kallah happy, it is permitted and is not a
concern of bal tashchis.
During some Purim songs, the participants pour
liquid on each other as a sign of simcha. Some
say that since there are poskim who permit
certain dress on Purim (i.e. man wearing a ladies
garment) it is permitted to do this as well.
However, one should avoid this behavior (the
same is true for booths at carnivals where liquid
is spilled on one another).
Pas Yisroel vs. Pas Paltar
One who is careful to avoid pas paltar and is
traveling where there is no pas yisroel available
for seventy-two minutes of travel (even by car),
may eat pas paltar. Some say that one need only
wait if he traveling in the direction where pas
yisroel will be available, but does not need to
take a detour to obtain pas yisroel. Others say
that one must detour up to eighteen minutes of
travel time. One who bought pas paltar in the
above situation and returns home with some
leftover bread may eat it if he cannot obtain pas
yisroel (the bakeries are closed). Based on the
above, if pas yisroel is available when one
returns home, then he may allow the pas paltar
to spoil. There is no concern of bal tashchis
since he is not destroying it with his hands. In
addition, he can give it to a non-Jew, someone
who is not makpid on pas yisroel, or a bird. This
ruling follows the opinion of the Shulchan
Aruch who says that pas paltar is only permitted
if there is no pas yisroel available. According to
the Rama who permits pas paltar in all cases,
one does not have to wait at all.
Hashgacha Which is not Acceptable
Certain hashgachos are not accepted because of
their low standards. If one accidentally buys a
product from a company which has those lower
standards or receives it as a present, he should
give it away. It should not be discarded because
it is bal tashchis.
Insects in Food / Produce
If a specific food or fruit is infested with insects
and it is a bother to remove them, or one is
disgusted by the insects, the food may be thrown
out and it is not bal tashchis.
Ripping one’s Garment for a Relative
R’’l when certain relatives are niftar, one has to
rip his garment. There is no concern of bal
tashchis, as the mitzvah of ripping overrides the
halacha of bal tashchis. Others explain that there
is a need to rip one’s garments. Whenever there
is a need, there is no concern of bal tashchis.
Many times a caterer after a large function will
have a lot of food left over. This food should not
be discarded since it can be given to poor
people. Caterers claim that would take up a lot
of time to sort through the leftovers and put
them away. The custom in any case is to be
lenient. However, some Gedolim stress that this
still falls under bal tashchis. In addition, some
caterers have the practice of carving fruit in a
unique shape and throwing out the rest of the
fruit. Furthermore, many times the soup is
served in a bowl made out of bread and the bowl
is thrown out afterwards. Before a caterer
wishes to do the above he should ask the person
who is giving the hashgacha on his
establishment if this is permitted practice.
Bal Teshuva
A bal teshuva who used to wear garments that
were not modest may discard those garments.
There is no concern of bal tashchis since it is
done for mitzvah purposes.
Old Things
One may throw out objects which do not work
anymore (i.e. old air conditioner) since there is
no use for it and one is not wasting it.
Old Paper
Defaced paper that is not fit to be written on may
be given to a child to scribble on or tear into
little pieces. There is no concern of bal tashchis
even though the paper may be fit for other
purposes (i.e. wrapping paper), as the child
derives pleasure by playing with it.
Worn Out Clothing
Often one has an abundance of shoes or suits,
and he has no one to give them to. In this
situation, some say that he can leave the items in
a hefker place (in the street). There is no concern
of bal tashchis since he did not destroy them
directly and it is possible that someone will take
In the Street
Some say that the entire prohibition of bal
tashchis is limited to destroying items with your
hands. Leaving items in front of one’s home is
not bal tashchis, since one is not destroying
anything directly, and it possible that someone
may take the items.
Children to Listen
One may destroy an object if his goal is to shock
his children into listening. Others suggest that
one use a broken utensil for this purpose.
Glass in Wine / Food
Sometimes, a small shard of glass breaks off the
neck of a wine bottle when it is opened.
Similarly, if a glass breaks at the table one might
be concerned about the presence of glass in his
food. If there is any possibility of danger, then
the wine and food may be discarded.
One should not induce vomiting because it is
destroying the food. If one is in pain then doing
so is permitted by hand (as opposed to
medicine) even on Shabbos.
Protests often result in vandalism, such as
lighting cars on fire, breaking store windows,
ruining store furniture, etc. Unfortunately, these
acts are done by Jews in some areas. The
question which must be addressed is whether
such behavior falls into the category of bal
tashschis (We will not discuss whether these
demonstrations is advisable or not). One should
be careful, as destroying property, especially
someone else’s, transgresses the halacha of bal
tashchis. People who protest by destroying
objects do not ask Rabbonim before doing so,
and it just makes a chilul Hashem.
Destroying one’s Money
As mentioned above, money is included in the
halachos of bal tashchis. We will proceed to
discuss some of the areas where it is common
for one to spend his money in a wasteful
There is nothing we can do to avoid paying
utility bills. We use electricity and heat and we
have to pay for it, but there are things we can do
to make sure we do not waste money and pay
more than necessary. Simple things like
extinguishing lights when we do not need them
can save us money. The same is true for heat or
air conditioning. There are many other things
which people can do to minimize their expenses.
Candles Burning Longer
Sometimes people will add oil to the wick on
Erev Shabbos or Yom Tov and the candles will
burn late into the night or the next day. One
should not do so since there is no need for light
during the early morning or daytime. One who
does this is wasting his money on the oil. Those
who light long wick candles (or a lot of oil) in a
shul or for a niftar may do so since it is done for
the honor of the shul or the deceased.
Sometimes a Rebbe will fine a boy for coming
late too many times to class. This is permitted
since it is done to teach the boy a lesson. There
is no concern of bal tashchis in this situation.
There is a discussion in the poskim whether
hunting is an issue of bal tashchis (they also
discuss the tzar balei chaim issue which we will
not be discussing). The poskim say that there is
no issue of bal tashchis since one has use for the
animal after it is hunted (caught). One should
not go fishing if he does not plan on eating the