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    The Gemara in
    Masechet Kiddushin teaches us,

    the reward for observing
    mitzvot comes not in
    this world, but rather in the next world.

    Commentators raised the question of
    how Hashem can delay our reward to
    the next world. After all, there is a
    command in the Torah forbidding an
    employer from delaying payment to his
    worker. If somebody was hired to work
    for a day, the employer is required by
    the Torah to pay the worker right away,
    at the end of the day (unless the worker
    agrees to a different arrangement).
    How, then, can Hashem delay our
    “payment” for our mitzvot until after we
    depart from this world? Why doesn’t
    He repay us for our “work” immediately?
    Some commentators answer this
    question based on the distinction drawn
    in halachah between workers hired
    directly by the employer, and workers
    hired by the employer’s agent. An
    employer is required to pay workers

    immediately only if he hired them
    directly. But if he appointed someone
    – like a manager – to hire the workers
    on his behalf, then he is not required to
    pay them right away at the end of the
    We were “hired” to perform the mitzvot
    by Hashem’s agent – Moshe Rabbenu.
    He is the one who taught us the mitzvot.
    Therefore, Hashem does not pay us
    right away for the mitzvot we perform.
    We receive our “wages” only in the next
    However, there are two commands
    which we heard directly from Hashem
    at Mount Sinai – the first two of the Ten
    Commandments. These are the command of 

    believing in Hashem – and the prohibition of

    not to worship other gods. These mitzvot were heard
    from Hashem directly when He revealed
    Himself at Mount Sinai. Therefore,
    Hashem rewards us for obeying these
    commands – for having faith in Him –
    immediately, in this world. We will not
    have to wait to be rewarded for our

    emunah (faith).
    However, we must remember what
    emunah means – that we place our
    faith only in Hashem, and not in any
    other “gods.” It means that we place
    our faith only in Him, and not in our
    boss, our business, a client, a product,
    an investment, our intelligence, our
    talents, our skills, a political figure, or
    anything or anyone else. It means
    relying solely and exclusively on
    Hashem. If we do this, then we are
    rewarded immediately, right away.
    This explains the promise made by
    Hashem in Parashat Behar of the reward
    for observing the mitzvah of shemittah.
    Every seven years, farmers are to refrain
    from working the land, and leave all the
    produce for anyone who wants it.
    Observing this mitzvah requires a great
    deal of emunah – trusting that Hashem
    will take care of them even though they
    will “close the shop” for an entire year,
    and let anyone who wants come and
    take the “merchandise” for free.
    Hashem promises that if Beneh Yisrael
    observe this mitzvah, then He will

    reward them with great prosperity, and
    the land will produce extra food. In
    reward for our emunah, we are rewarded
    right away.
    Although we do not observe the
    mitzvah of shemittah here in the United
    States, its message is no less relevant to
    us than it is to farmers in Israel. Even
    though we can and should work hard to
    earn a living, we need to always
    remember that Hashem alone gives us
    everything we have, and we should be
    relying on Him, and only Him, at all
    times. We need to place our trust in
    Him, and not in any other “gods,” and
    rely on His promise of reward even in
    this world for our emunah.