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    As we approach a
    string of three three-day
    yamim tovim, people
    are thinking about their
    hygiene and comfort,
    including showering
    and brushing teeth. I
    will discuss here the
    longstanding debate about the permissibility
    of brushing teeth on Shabbos and Yom Tov.
    Before we proceed, I want to make clear that,
    from my experience, most people follow the
    strict view of Rav Moshe Feinstein even
    though we will come across more lenient
    views. Of course, everyone should follow
    your family custom and/or ask their local
    I. Bleeding
    There are a few potential halachic problems
    with using a toothbrush on Shabbos.
    The first is whether you may use a dry
    toothbrush because if can cause bleeding.
    Causing bleeding is prohibited on Shabbos.
    Therefore, brushing with a toothbrush should
    be forbidden unless you are fairly certain
    that it will not cause bleeding. This is the
    position of the Minchas Yitzchak (3:48, 50).
    However, the Seridei Esh (2:28) argues that
    you have to differentiate between an action
    that will definitely cause a forbidden result,
    which is a pesik reisheih and is forbidden,
    and an action that might cause a forbidden
    result, which is permitted. For example,
    the Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chaim 303:
    27) forbids brushing your hair because the
    brush will definitely pull out hair but the
    Rema allows you to brush with your fingers
    because that does not necessarily pull out
    hair. For most people, brushing teeth does
    not always cause bleeding and is therefore
    permissible like brushing your hair with your
    II. Squeezing
    Another issue is using water on a toothbrush.
    The concern is that brushing with a wet
    toothbrush causes the water to be squeezed
    out, and squeezing (sechitah) is prohibited
    on Shabbos. The Minchas Yitzchak (ibid.)
    accepts this reason. Rav Moshe Feinstein
    (Iggeros Moshe, Orach Chaim 1:112) merely
    writes that it is best to be concerned for this
    position. The Seridei Esh writes that there is
    no issue of squeezing for a few reasons. First
    of all, the nylon bristles of a toothbrush do
    not absorb water so the prohibition is only
    on a rabbinic level, like hair (Shabbos 128b).
    Therefore, the inevitable act of “squeezing”
    during brushing is a pesik reisheih on a
    rabbinic prohibition which, the Seridei
    Esh says, is permitted based on Magen
    Avraham (253:1). Rav Chaim Regensburg
    (Mishmeres Chaim, no. 9), the posek of the
    Skokie Yeshiva, goes even further and says
    that in our case, which is a double rabbinic
    prohibition (squeezing a non-absorbent item

    in an indirect way–ki-l’achar yad), everyone
    should agree that it is permitted.
    Additionally, the Seridei Esh argues, there
    are two types of prohibited squeezing on
    Shabbos: 1) squeezing that is a subcategory
    of extracting (mefarek) and 2) that is a
    subcategory of cleaning (melaben). When
    squeezing as an act of cleaning, it is
    problematic and does not matter that the water
    is subsequently unused because regardless
    the cleaning was still done. However,
    when squeezing as an act of extracting, the
    discarding of the water is important and
    renders the act permissible (Shulchan Aruch,
    Orach Chaim 230:18). When brushing teeth,
    the water is not used to clean the toothbrush
    and is quickly discarded. Therefore, it should
    be permissible.
    III. More Squeezing
    There is a further reason to permit and that
    is the case of a sponge. You may not use a
    sponge because of squeezing, unless it has a
    handle (Shabbos 143b). Rashi and Rambam
    explain that the handle enables a user to
    utilize the sponge without squeezing out
    water. However, Ra’avad explains that even
    if you squeeze with this kind of sponge it is
    permissible for another reason. The Seridei
    Esh points out that according to the Ra’avad
    you may use a toothbrush with a handle.
    However, the Minchas Yitzchak disputes
    his understanding of the Ra’avad based on
    a Chazon Ish.
    The Seridei Esh cites the case of a towel
    (Shabbos 40b) that is permissible to use
    and we are not concerned about potential
    squeezing because, as the Rishonim explain,
    if so we would prevent all washing on
    Shabbos. Just like most people cannot handle
    being unable to wash at all on Shabbos, so
    too they cannot handle being unable to
    brush their teeth on Shabbos and therefore
    we should permit using a toothbrush. Rav
    Regensburg points out that the two cases
    are dissimilar in that the towel is only about
    allowing regular use and being unconcerned
    with potential squeezing while with the
    toothbrush the essence of the regular use is
    the squeezing.
    Rav Regensburg notes that we permit
    something that is prohibited by a double
    rabbinic prohibition (shevus di-shevus)
    when there is great public need (Shulchan
    Aruch, Orach Chaim 307:5). The public, he
    argues, has a great need to brush their teeth
    and therefore the double rabbinic prohibition
    of squeezing a non-absorbent item in an
    indirect way should be permitted.
    Rav Regensburg also points out that the
    Avnei Nezer (1:157) proves that according
    to Rashi and Rabbenu Tam, there is not
    even a rabbinic prohibition to squeeze a
    non-absorbent substance. On a rabbinic
    prohibition, he argues, we can be lenient like

    their position.
    IV. Spreading
    Rav Moshe Feinstein (Iggeros Moshe,
    Orach Chaim vol. 1 no. 112) writes that it
    is forbidden to use toothpaste on Shabbos
    because it consists of the labor of smoothing
    (memachek). Rav Yosef Dov Soloveitchik
    strongly disagreed with this application.
    Consider a rough surface that you wish to
    smooth. You can sand it down, which would
    be smoothing (memachek). Or you can
    spread plaster over it to fill in the grooves and
    create a smooth surface on top, which would
    be spreading (memarei’ach). Brushing teeth
    with toothpaste conforms to neither of these
    descriptions (Nefesh Ha-Rav, pp. 168-169).
    Rav Chaim Regensburg (Mishmeres Chaim,
    no. 9) and Rav Ovadiah Yosef (Yabi’a
    Omer, vol. 4 Orach Chaim 27:2) explain the
    prohibition similarly.
    When brushing teeth, you use the
    toothbrush, toothpaste and water to remove
    dirt/plaque from on top of the teeth without
    removing (sanding down) anything from
    the teeth. Therefore it does not fall under
    either smoothing or spreading. However, it
    could be suggested that you are spreading
    toothpaste on top of the teeth before spitting
    it out with the dirt. Rav Regensburg responds
    that brushing is not a careful spreading but
    a forceful brushing and no smooth layer is
    created on top. There is a rabbinic prohibition
    of spreading that applies to spreading
    thick honey (Shabbos 146b), which would
    seem similar to toothpaste. However, the
    application of toothpaste to teeth is so
    temporary, because it is quickly rinsed off,
    that it cannot be called spreading at all.
    The Tzitz Eliezer (7:30:8) counters that
    there is no minimum time requirement for
    spreading and therefore even spreading
    the toothpaste for a moment is prohibited.
    Rav Ovadiah Yosef adds a postscript to his
    multiple responsa (or long responsum) on
    this subject in which he notes the positions
    of a number of his contemporaries, including
    the Tzitz Eliezer, and states that he does not
    find their arguments convincing. Rav Hershel
    Schachter once mentioned to me that he very
    much liked Rav Regensburg’s responsum on
    this subject.
    There are a few other potential issues,
    such as doing a “weekday activity” (uvdin
    de-chol) and cleaning a toothbrush after
    use as a form of forbidden preparing for
    after Shabbos. Most authorities dismiss the
    former, although Rav Chaim Na’eh (Ketzos
    Ha-Shulchan, vol. 7 p. 99) accepts it. And
    while Rav Moshe Feinstein adopts the
    latter simply, Rav Ovadiah Yosef dismisses
    the preparation as minor (see Yalkut Yosef,
    Shabbos vol. 326:13 n. 27) but nevertheless
    forbids washing off a toothbrush after use
    because there is no longer a need and you
    should therefore be strict on the issue of

    squeezing due to cleaning. There is also a

    potential issue of molid by turning the semi-
    solid toothpaste into foam and liquid, but

    this is almost unanimously dismissed by
    V. Bottom Line

    The following is an admittedly non-
    comprehensive list of positions on this

    • Rav Moshe Feinstein: Only use a dry
    toothbrush without toothpaste
    • Rav Eliezer Waldenberg (Tzitz
    Eliezer): No toothpaste (no position on
    • Rav Yitzchak Ya’akov Weiss (Minchas
    Yitzchak): No toothpaste and no
    • Rav Yechiel Ya’akov Weinberg (Seridei
    Esh): A wet toothbrush is allowed but
    not toothpaste
    • Rav Chaim Na’eh: Toothpaste is
    allowed but not a toothbrush (use your
    • Rav Ovadiah Yosef: If you feel a need,
    you may use a toothbrush (designated
    for Shabbos) and toothpaste but not
    clean the toothbrush afterwards
    • Rav Chaim Regensburg: You may use a
    toothbrush and toothpaste (no position
    offered on cleaning the toothbrush)
    • Rav Yosef Dov Soloveitchik: You may
    use a toothbrush, toothpaste and clean
    the toothbrush
    • R. Shlomo Zalman Auerbach: Using
    a toothbrush without toothpaste is
    technically permitted but people
    accepted the binding practice not to do
    so (in a letter published in Seridei Esh

    and as quoted in Shemiras Shabbos Ke-
    Hilchasah ch. 14 n. 9)

    It seems to me that the general custom in
    the US is to follow Rav Moshe Feinstein on
    this unless you have a specific custom to the