Chazal tell us,
“Who is wealthy?
He who is satisfied
with his lot.” That
is true wealth.
As we wrote,
“Hashem blessed
Avraham with
everything.” The
Midrash states
that “everything”
means Hashem
showed Avraham
the mitzvah of
What is the meaning of this Midrash?
Why is succah considered having
The Chozeh of Lublin (Avnei
Zikoron 662) zt’l explains that the
succah reminds us that we can live in
a hut, and everything will be fine.
Nothing will be lacking. Luxuries
aren’t as necessary as we think. When
we know that, we have everything.
We are satisfied with our portion.
Rebbe Yonoson Eibshitz (6:1) writes,
“Those who fear Hashem don’t live in
succos only during the yom tov
Succos. They remember throughout
the year that life is temporary.” And
with this outlook, they are happy with
their portion, whether large or small.
A wealthy person visited the Chofetz
Chaim zt’l and expressed his surprise
at how poorly furnished the Chofetz
Chaim’s home was. The Chofetz
Chaim responded, “and where is your
furniture? All I see is your horse and
The wealthy man replied, “I am just
passing by. My furniture is at home.”
Having expected that answer, the
Chofetz Chaim exclaimed, “I too, am
just passing by because this world is
merely a passageway to Olam HaBa.”
When we keep that in mind, we
won’t mind having less. We are
anyway just passing through.
It states (Tehillim 16:8), Shivisi
Hahsem L’Negdi Samid, and the Baal
Shem Tov zt’l (Keser Shem Tov)
explains, “Shivisi comes from the
word Hishtavos, the same. Whatever
happens to you, your reaction should
be the same. Whether people praise
you or disgrace you, whether you eat
delicacies or regular food… Whatever
happens to you, say, ‘If this is good in
Hashem’s eyes, it is good for me, too.
This attitude is a great madreigah.”