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    Dear Rabbi and Shira,
    Thanks for your column. I look forward to reading it each week in The Jewish Vues.
    Here is my issue. At what point should a person start dating? My parents are starting to intimate that it’s time
    by sending me not so subtle hints. “Oh Mrs. Cohen’s son started dating, wasn’t he in your class? Mrs. Klein called
    asking when you’re dating. What about Mrs. Weiss’ daughter? She’s dating now.” I am only 22. How do I know I’m
    ready? -Ready or Not on in the Rockaways

    Dear Ready or Not,
    There are many ways to date and find your spouse. There are
    some communities which date once or twice and then they
    marry. There are others who date for a bit longer and will go
    out 10-12 times. Then there are communities which assign
    no specific number to the amount of dates. It is important to
    consider the community’s guidelines, especially when dating
    in that community. In a community where it is done rather
    quickly, one should keep in mind that he can be engaged just a
    few months after starting the dating process. At the same time,
    it is important to remember that while there are guidelines
    each person is different, and some individuals need more or
    less time than others to decide.
    The most important question you should ask yourself before
    starting to date is, “are you ready share your world with
    someone else?” This question can be split in two components.
    Do you have the emotional sensitivities to begin caring for
    someone else and do you have a financial plan?
    In terms of finances, do you have concrete plans? Did you go

    to college? Graduate school or a trade school? Did you get an
    apprenticeship for a specific career? Do you have your own
    business or are you working for someone else? In other words,
    are you ready to support yourself and your significant other?
    Do you have any savings? Are your parents in a position to
    help if you are not ready to support your family? If so, are you
    interested in receiving assistance? Have you considered the
    expectations which might come along with familial financial
    Even after the financial angle has been discussed, you
    must consider the emotional portion as well as it is just as
    important. Are you prepared to share space and time with
    someone else? For example, how do you feel about someone
    eating the last piece of pizza? Finishing the soda? Have you
    ever shared a room and space with someone else? What was
    your experience? Can you welcome someone else into your
    How are your communication skills? Do you know how to
    speak about your feelings, needs and expectations? If you

    are not the best communicator, are you ready to learn how.
    Are you prepared to listen and accept an opinion which is
    different to yours? How do you act and react when things
    don’t go according to your plans? Are you ready to make
    decisions with someone else that could impact you and your
    family for years to come? If you feel you need help in any of the
    areas mentioned, speak to a therapist for guidance. Are there
    outstanding mental health or emotional issues which you have
    not resolved? Have you begun to see someone about them?
    You do not need to have the answers to all the questions.
    What’s important is that you need to begin thinking about
    them seriously keeping in mind some of the questions may
    take a lifetime to master. These questions will help you
    understand yourself and what you will need to do in order to
    prepare for the next stage in life.
    We wish you much Hatzlacha!
    Rabbi Reuven and Shira Boshnack.