Dear Rabbi and Shira,
I am dating a girl with a generalized Anxiety Disorder. She was very upfront and casually mentioned it after we da te d for a month. I appre cia te d and resp ecte d her honesty, and we have now been da ting for a half a year. We re-ally click and get along well; sharing the same lifetime goals, values and dreams. I recently told my father about her anxiety and he is flipping out. I really enjoy spending time with her and would like it to work out with her. My father wa nts me to end the relati ons hi p. Does my fathe r ha ve a rig ht to be scare d?
-Fl ipping out in Fl atbush
Dear Fli pp ing ou t, In to day’ s day and age, peop le are starting to be more op en about their per sonal men tal he alt h and BH it has even starte d to seep in to the Je wish Or thido x co mm uni ty. Kol ha ka vo d to her that she wa s willin g to share thi s per sonal inf ormat ion wit h you and Kol ha ka vo d that you are giv ing her a chan ce . There are many many people wa lking aro un d wit h a gen era lize d anxiet y di sor der , some are just to o scare d to admi t it and get treat men t due to the st ig ma and shidd uc him. Hav ing a gen era lize d anxiet y di sor der isn ’t a de at h sen ten ce . It is muc h easier to manage than bipolar or schizo phr eni a. It is pos si ble to li ve a normal balan ce d he alt h lif e. Ev er y co up le will have va rio us challen ges whic h the y will ov er co me tog et her . Un der stan din g eac h ot her is the mos t important ongo ing co nv er sat ion that you will have thr oug hout yo ur relat io ns hi p. Yo ur frien d has no do ubt been work ing wit h thi s ov er the co ur se of lif e. Don’t inter roga te her , but st rive to un der stand her . How and when do es her anxiet y ma nif es t itself? What has her treat men t for it been like? How co uld you be ther e for her when she’s exp er ien cin g it? Invite yo ur father to do some res earch about it, and sp eak wit h a thera pis t. Ask yo ur father what hi s co ncer ns are, and what do es he ne ed to hear to lay them to res t. We wish you muc h luc k wit h yo ur relat io ns hi p!
Rabbi and Shira Boshnack