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    The tfilah Elokai N’ztor
    continues with, “V’chol
    hachosh’vim alai ra’ah,
    meheirah hafeir atzasam
    v’kalkeil machashavtam
    – All those who plot evil
    against me, may their
    plans be quickly foiled
    and their machinations be
    ruined.” The Avudraham beautifully explains
    that this request follows our previous petition,
    “Uv’mitzvosecha tirdof nafshi – May our
    souls be motivated to pursue Your mitzvos.”
    Therefore, we ask Hashem, measure for
    measure in the merit of pursuing His mitzvos,
    He should cancel out the schemes of those who
    would pursue us. The Machzor Kolbo reveals
    that in the phrase ‘all those who plot evil
    against me’ is included the yeitzer hara, the
    evil inclination, who is constantly attempting
    to bring about our spiritual downfall. We are
    asking for Hashem’s assistance in negating his
    Then, we ask Hashem a fourfold request.
    “Aseih l’ma’an Sh’mecha, aseih l’ma’an
    yiminecha, aseih l’ma’an kidushasecha, aseih
    l’ma’an Torasecha – Do it for the sake of Your
    Name, do it for the sake of Your right hand, do
    it for the sake of Your holiness, do it for the
    sake of Your Torah.” This is a very enigmatic
    series of requests. Imagine if, after 120 years,
    Label goes up to Heaven and meets Hashem.
    Hashem asks Label, “By the way, three times a

    day, you asked me, ‘Do it for the sake of Your
    Name, …Your right hand, …Your holiness, …
    Your Torah.’ Do what exactly? What were you
    really asking for?” Label started to phumpher
    and stammered, “Hashem, do what is best!”
    However, Hashem persisted. “What were
    you asking Me to do?” With embarrassment,
    Label shrugs and has no answer.
    It’s interesting to note that the Siddur
    Meforesh explains the word aseih with the
    words, “Aseih na es bakoshosai – Please fulfil
    all my requests.” This however, in my humble
    opinion, is a very difficult interpretation.
    What does the fulfilling of the requests
    have to do with His holiness and His Torah?
    Furthermore, the Shulchan Orech [227:3]
    says, “Kol ha’omer daled devorim halalu,
    zoche u’mikabel Pnei haShechinah – Whoever
    says these four requests will merit the Divine
    Presence.” What does my asking for a new
    car or paying my mortgage have to do with the
    Divine Presence? It is therefore more likely
    explained as Rabbi Birnbaum adds in his
    Pathways To Prayer, “Save us from the exile.”
    This fits with what nusach Sefard inserts
    before these four requests, a nusach which is
    cited in the Tur (ibid). “Bnei Ir’cha, yaseid
    Beisecha, v’shachleil Heichalecha, v’kabeitz
    kibutz galuyos, u’ph’dei tzonecha v’samach
    adosecha – Rebuild Your city (Yerushalayim),
    rebuild Your House (the Beis HaMikdash),
    reinstitute Your Temple, gather in the exiles,
    redeem Your flock, and cause Your people

    to rejoice.” It then follows perfectly, “Do it
    for the sake of Your Name…,” that is being
    desecrated with defilement on Your Temple
    Mount, “Do it for the sake of Your might…,”
    (symbolized by Your right hand) since people
    are saying that You’re not strong enough
    to remove the gold mosque from the place
    of Your Temple, “Do it for the sake of Your
    holiness,” so It can once again reside in the
    Beis HaMikdash, and “Do it for the sake of
    Your Torah,” which will be more magnified
    with the restoration of Your Presence in the
    Temple. It then also follows smoothly why we
    will merit to greet the Shechinah, for whoever
    mourns over Yerushalayim of old will merit to
    see it in its joy.
    The ensuing requests also fit nicely for we
    follow this up with the request, “L’ma’am
    yeichal’tzun yididecha – In order that You
    deliver Your friends.” Like the Olas Tomid and
    the Siddur Meforesh, I translated yeichal’tzun
    as ‘to deliver.’ They are comparing it to the
    word chalitzah which means ‘to remove the
    shoe.’ So too, here it means to remove us
    from galus. The Eitz Yosef translates it, ‘to
    strengthen your friends.’ which is similar to the
    word heichaltzu, which means ‘to strengthen
    and gird the troops.’ The Eitz Yosef explains it
    to mean that we should be granted courage and
    be strengthened with bitachon, trust, during
    the golus. We cap it off by saying, “Hoshi’ah
    y’minecha va’aneini – Save us with Your right
    hand (which symbolizes midas hachesed, the

    attribute of kindness) and answer me.”
    In the merit of our petitions for redemption
    may Hashem bless us with long life, good
    health, everything wonderful, and the coming
    of Moshiach, speedily in our days.