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    I. When to Recite
    One of the thankful
    and praiseful blessings
    we recite is Gomel, in
    which we thank Hashem
    in public for preserving
    us in a dangerous situation. A soldier
    engaged in combat certainly qualifies
    as emerging from danger. If he returns
    home for a few days during the war for a
    brief rest, does he recite the blessing on
    returning home even if he knows he will
    return to the battlefield? This is all subject
    to contemporary debate.
    The Gemara (Berachos 54b) lists four
    types of people who recite the Gomel
    blessing: 1) someone who travels by sea,
    2) someone who travels in the desert, 3)
    someone who was healed from an illness,
    and 4) someone who was released from
    prison. There are three main debates about
    this blessing about which Ashkenazim and
    Sephardim generally disagree. The first
    disagreement is about the scope of the
    blessing. Rav Yosef Karo (16th cen., Israel)
    says that anyone who survives a dangerous
    experience outside the four case listed
    above should, at most, say the blessing

    without Hashem’s name (Shulchan Aruch,
    Orach Chaim 219:9). This is the Sephardic
    practice. Rav Yisrael Kagan (20th cen.,
    Poland) says that Ashkenazic practice is to
    recite the full Gomel blessing on surviving
    any life-threatening experience (Mishnah
    Berurah 219:32).
    The second disagreement is that Rav Karo
    says that Jews from France and Germany
    (i.e. Ashkenazim) do not recite the Gomel
    blessing when traveling from one city
    to another. In other words, Ashkenazim
    restrict category 3 to strictly desert
    travel. In contrast, Jews from Spain (i.e.
    Sephardim) recite the blessing on intercity
    travel because at the time it was very
    dangerous (Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim
    219:7). The third disagreement is that Rav
    Karo says that anyone who is so sick that
    he needs to lie down in bed (some add: for
    three days) recites Gomel, even if his life
    was never in danger (ibid., 8). In contrast,
    Rav Moshe Isserles (16th cen., Poland)
    says that the blessing is only recited after
    recovery from a deadly illness (ad loc.). In
    other words, Sephardim who follow Rav
    Karo do not require deadly danger for the
    Gomel blessing while Ashkenazim who
    follow Rav Isserles do.

    II. Returning Home
    From War
    Does a soldier recite
    the Gomel blessing
    on returning home
    from war? According
    to Ashkenazic
    practice, if the soldier
    experienced combat
    then he survived
    a life-threatening
    situation and should
    recite the blessing.
    However, according
    to Sephardic practice,
    the combat does not
    fall into any of the
    four specific situations
    and therefore the soldier should only recite
    the blessing without Hashem’s name. Rav
    Chaim David Halevi, the Sephardic Chief
    Rabbi of Tel Aviv in the late twentieth
    century, points out that a soldier certainly
    travels from city to city. Therefore, by
    traditional Sephardic practice, he should
    recite the Gomel blessing over the
    dangerous intercity travel. However, since
    intercity travel is different than it was in
    pre-Modern times, it is not clear whether
    anyone should recite a blessing on intercity
    travel. It is best that a Sephardic soldier
    recite the Gomel blessing having in mind
    both the intercity travel and the combat,
    so that there are two arguments to permit
    the full blessing (Mekor Chaim, vol. 2
    What if the soldier is merely on leave
    and will return to the battlefield? Does
    he recite the Gomel each time he returns
    home or only after his war service is
    complete? Rav Nachum Rabinovitch
    (21st cen., Israel) points out that Rambam
    writes that the Gomel blessing is recited
    by someone who travels by sea when
    he alights and someone which travels in
    the desert when he reaches a settlement
    (Mishneh Torah, Hilchos Berachos 10:8).
    Rambam sees the blessing as appropriate
    only when the experience is completely
    over. Rav Rabinovitch also quotes Rav
    Yechiel Michel Epstein (19th cen., Russia)
    who says that someone who is released
    from jail but is on bail does not recite the
    Gomel blessing because he is not yet fully
    free (Aruch Ha-Shulchan, Orach Chaim
    219:5). It would appear from this that a
    soldier on leave who will return to battle
    should not recite the Gomel blessing.
    However, Rav Rabinovitch quotes Rav
    Chizkiyahu Medini (19th cen., Crimea)
    who notes the practice of charity collectors
    from Israel who would recite the Gomel
    blessing each time they arrived in a new

    country by boat (Sdei Chemed, Asifas
    Dinim, Ma’areches Berachos 2:11). Even
    though these emissaries would travel from
    place to place and then return to Israel, they
    would recite the blessing at each stop. Rav
    Medini argues that because each stop is
    intended as a destination, it merits a blessing
    even if they are additional destinations. If
    so, Rav Rabinovitch argues, a rest at home
    from battle is also an intended destination
    and merits a Gomel blessing. According to
    this, a soldier should recite Gomel every
    time her returns home on leave from battle.
    However, Rav Rabinovitch points out
    that contemporary practice is not to recite
    the blessing and that should be followed,
    particularly when dealing with a rabbinic
    blessing (Melumedei Milchamah, no. 33).
    Rav Simcha Rabinowitz (cont., Israel)
    follows Rav Rabinovitch’s logic without
    his deferral to common practice (Piskei
    Teshuvos 219:7 n. 32).
    Similarly, Rav Eliezer Melamed (cont.,
    Israel) seems to say that a soldier who
    returns home from a specific mission should
    recite Gomel even if after his leave he will
    continue to another dangerous mission
    (Peninei Halachah, Berachos 16:10). The
    Dirshu Mishnah Berurah (219:1 n. 1)
    quotes Rav Shmuel Wosner (21st cen.,

    Israel) as ruling similarly (Shevet Ha-
    Levi, vol. 9, no. 45). Rav Shlomo Aviner

    (cont., Israel) quotes Rav Ovadiah Yosef
    (21st cen., Israel) as saying that a soldier
    should recite Gomel every time he returns
    home on leave but Rav Aviner says that
    Ashkenazim should only recite Gomel
    at the end of one’s service (Rav Aviner’s
    edition of Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, 61:1,
    vol. 2, p. 257).
    I asked on social media what people are
    seeing in shuls in Israel when soldiers
    return on leave from the war in Gaza. The
    response is mixed: some soldiers recite
    Gomel each time they return home on leave
    and some wait until the end of their service.