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    A French TV
    channel recently
    fell for a viral
    hoax, reporting a
    rumor that Iranian
    President Ebrahim
    Raisi had been killed by an Israeli agent
    named “Eli Kopter.” This fictitious
    story originated from an account linked
    to Hamas’ military wing, which falsely

    claimed on the Telegram channel “Al-
    Qassam Correspondent” that an Israeli

    Mossad agent was behind a helicopter
    crash in Iran’s Bam Rural District.
    The misinformation quickly spread,
    even though Iran has stated that the
    cause of the crash was severe weather
    and not sabotage. The crash occurred in
    foggy, mountainous terrain in Iran’s
    East Azerbaijan province and resulted
    in the deaths of all eight passengers,
    including Raisi and Iranian Foreign
    Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian.
    The hoax gained traction after the
    Hamas-affiliated channel initially

    accused the Israeli Secret Intelligence
    Service of being responsible. However,
    it was soon debunked, with the state-run
    IRNA news agency reporting the crash
    without mentioning any foreign agents.
    The viral joke fooled many, including
    an ally of Russian President Vladimir
    Putin, but it has since been clarified as
    However, those who observe current
    events can’t help but conclude that these
    rumors are accurate, asserting that “Eli
    Kopter” was indeed the pilot involved.
    It is interesting to note that this pilot
    seems to act every time the Jewish
    people are at risk or being threatened.
    The latest incident occurred while the
    Iranian president was meeting with the
    President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
    This meeting was believed to be focused
    on expanding Iranian influence in the
    region against the state of Israel.
    After the meeting, the president took off
    in a helicopter, which shortly afterward
    crashed due to harsh weather conditions.

    It is believed that foul play was indeed
    involved, carried out by the Israeli agent
    reputed to maneuver a helicopter into
    foggy or stormy areas undetected.
    This incident also occurred just a few
    short weeks after a massive Iranian
    rocket attack on Israel.
    Further investigation into this agent
    reveals that he possesses extraordinary
    abilities, including the talent to create
    fog around the helicopter as it flies. This
    advanced technology and skill set are
    said to be unknown to other world
    leaders or intelligence agencies, leading
    them to mistakenly attribute the crash to
    adverse weather conditions.
    The technology employed by the pilot
    “Eli Kopter” is believed to be so
    advanced that he can control not just the
    fog around the aircraft, but other
    weather conditions as well. How he
    achieves this remains unknown, even to
    those familiar with him and his abilities.
    The specifics of his methods are still
    shrouded in mystery.
    Indeed, many experts dismiss these
    claims as a delusional myth. They argue
    that such abilities are implausible. The
    mystery deepens, as it is known who the
    actual pilot was, and it was not someone
    named Eli Kopter working for the
    Israelis. This has led some to speculate
    that the supposed pilot not only has
    supernatural powers but is also invisible.
    They claim that the visible pilot might
    not even realize that an invisible entity
    is actually in full control of the
    Sources also blame “Eli Kopter” for the
    sudden death of a Turkish politician
    who was delivering a venomous speech
    against Israel in the Turkish parliament
    on December 12. 2023. He warned
    Israel of “the wrath of Allah,” but as
    soon as he finished his speech and
    curses, he suffered a massive heart
    attack on camera. The world was
    shocked by the instant retribution for
    his words.
    Moreover, after the head of the Lebanese
    terrorist group Hezbollah, Hassan
    Nasrallah, sent a warning to Israel last
    Friday with the message, “Expect more
    surprises,” “Eli Kopter” allegedly
    sprang into action. The next day,

    Nasrallah lost his mother. It seems
    implausible to view all these events as
    coincidental rather than the work of a
    mysterious hand retaliating on behalf of
    the Israeli or Jewish people.
    It is interesting to read in our parsha
    (Bechukotai) that Hashem promises if
    we keep His laws, He will make the rain
    come down in its season, so the earth
    shall yield its produce and the trees of
    the field their fruit. In other words,
    Hashem tells us here that He controls
    the climate, the weather, the atmosphere,
    and all natural events on the globe.
    Upon reading this, a thought comes to
    mind. Is the Israeli invisible agent with
    supernatural powers named “Eli” the
    same as the God of Israel who claims to
    control the climate and is the protector
    of Israel, who is also referred to as