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    Last week, we pondered the question of why the sages chose to call the

    megillah Megillas Esther instead of

    Megillas Mordechai v’Esther or Megillas

    Purim. An interesting reason

    for the choice of this name is in a very

    different understanding of the words

    ‘Megillas’ and ‘Esther’ which can be

    translated, “Revealing that which is

    hidden.” In order to understand this

    concept, we must answer another

    great puzzle. Why is Hashem’s Name

    absent from the entire megillah? In

    general, even in casual speech this is

    almost unheard of. A Torah Jew always

    has Hashem’s Name upon his or

    her lips. When something good occurs,

    it’s ‘boruch Hashem’ or ‘adank

    d’Eibishter!’ When discussing plans,

    it is ‘im yertzah Hashem,’ or ‘b’ezras

    Hashem’ or ‘b’siata d’Shmaya.’ Indeed,

    when Yaakov disguised himself

    as Eisav and asked his father for the

    blessings, Yitzchak said, “Come close

    so I can feel you and see if you are

    indeed my son Eisav.” Rashi explains

    that what made Yitzchak suspicious

    was the fact that Yaakov (rather than

    Eisav) regularly used Hashem’s Name

    in his speech, and that was the embodiment

    of Hakol kol Yaakov, the

    voice of Yaakov. So it is truly confounding

    that the megillah, whose

    primary purpose is persumei nisa, to

    broadcast the miracle, has not one single

    mention of Hashem’s Name.

    The most elementary reason

    for this omission is fact that the megillah

    was also inserted into the chronicles

    of Paras and Madai. Esther knew

    that if she would put in Hashem’s

    Name, the Persians and the Medes

    would substitute It with the names of

    their pagan deities. This would be a

    transgression of the Torah commandment,

    “V’sheim elokim acheirim lo

    saskiru – The name of other gods you

    should not cause to be mentioned.”

    The only way to avoid this was delete

    Hashem’s Name entirely from the entire


    However, a deeper reason

    why Hashem’s Name does not appear

    in the entire Megillah is to emphasize

    the fact that there was hester panim,

    a concealment of Hashem’s involvement

    throughout the drama of Purim.

    As the Gemora teaches us, “Esther

    min haTorah minayin? Where do

    we see an allusion to Esther in the

    Torah? – It says, Anochi hasteir astir

    ponai – I will surely conceal my presence.”

    The purpose of the Megillah

    is to reveal that although Hashem was

    not readily apparent, He was actually

    pulling the strings during every moment.

    Thus, because Mordechai was

    in Shushan, Achashveirosh ‘decided’

    to move his capital to Shushan. Because

    Vashti was so wicked, Achashveirosh

    could not control his drink

    and he had her executed. And the list

    goes on… Thus, another reason why

    it was called Megillas Esther is because

    it is a document that reveals that

    which is hidden. For the word megala

    means ‘to uncover,’ and the word ester

    means ‘that which is concealed.’

    Rav Avigdor Miller, Zt”l,

    Zy”a, explains yet another reasons for

    the name Megillas Esther. He says it

    is to proclaim that the great wisdom of

    Esther allowed the miracle of Purim.

    For example, when Mordechai commanded

    Esther after her initial hesitation

    that she must go in and risk her

    life to petition for her people, it was

    Esther who made the incredible suggestion

    that all the Jewish men, women,

    and even the infants of Shushan

    should fast an incredible three day,

    72 hour, fast. This

    unheard of deathdefying

    feat is what

    truly saved the Jewish

    people. The

    Chasam Sofer, Zt”l

    Zy”a, explains that

    if you spell the ineffable

    Name Y-K-V-K in malei, in

    a complete manner (as follows Yud

    = yud vav daled, Hei = hei yud, Vav

    = vav yud vav, and Hei = hei yud), it

    equals 72. These were the 72 hours of

    Esther’s fast. Furthermore, 72 is also

    the gematria of the word chesed, kindness.

    All of this was wholly Esther’s

    idea – and it saved the Jewish People.

    Another example of Esther’s

    profound wisdom was her informing

    Achashveirosh of the assassination

    plot against him and reporting it in the

    name of Mordechai. Mordechai never

    instructed her to do this. He was more

    than happy that Esther should find favor

    in the king’s eyes and thereby be

    more secure while she was with this

    madman. But, Esther wisely reported

    it in the name of Mordechai which

    was a truly critical turning point in the

    salvation of our people. Because of

    Esther’s wisdom, Charvona doomed

    Haman in front of Achashveirosh with

    the declaration, “There is also the gallows

    which Haman built to hang Mordechai,

    the same person who saved

    the king’s life!”

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