A fast moving blaze fire destroyed the famed Rav Felder’s shul, Bais Hamedrash Bais Aharon, in Boro Park. The blaze broke out at about 8 a.m. and quickly spread throughout the red-brick structure, which is located in a house at the corner of 49th Street and 18th Avenue. Firefighters rushed to the scene in an attempt to put out the fire, but the damage had been done. The shul is located on the first floor of the house and Mekor Stam is located on the second floor. Both portions of the home were obliterated by the flames. There have been no reported injuries. Bechasdei Hashem, the Sifrei Torah survived the massive fire, but the shuls’ seforim and tashmishei kedusha were all destroyed. Misaskim encourages all Shuls and owners of Sifrei Torah to take a lesson from this horrible incident, and make sure they take proper precautions and have their Sifrei Torah in fire-proof safes. The shul’s founder was Rav Tzvi Mordechai Felder zt”l, father of Rav Shmuel Felder, noted posek in Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood, NJ, and Reb Simcha Felder, New York State Senator and former New York City Council Member.