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    This week’s parsha, Emor, tells us about
    HaShem’s eternal gift to Bnei Yisroel. The gift
    of Shabbos.
    “Sheishes yomim tay’aseh melacha, Six days
    you shall do work, u’vayom ha’shvii Shabbos
    Shabboson mikra kodesh, and the seventh
    day, a day of complete rest, a holy day….
    Shabbos hu l’HaShem b’chol moshvoseichem,
    a Shabbos for HaShem, in all your dwellings.”
    (Vayikra 23:3)
    Six days we are busy with the daily grind of
    living. Work, appointments, keeping up with
    our emails, texts, WhatsApp messages, etc.
    Come Shabbos, we put it all to rest. We have
    one day a week to elevate ourselves, to
    envelope ourselves in spirituality, to connect
    to HaShem.
    Shabbos is spelled shin-beis-tuff. Within the
    word Shabbos, we find the word “shov – shin,
    beis”, to return. A message to us. With
    Shabbos comes the opportunity for the
    neshama to soar, to reach the heavens, to
    return and reconnect to HaShem. A bond that
    fuels us all week long.
    Achad Ha’am is famously quoted as saying,

    “More than the Jewish people have kept
    Shabbos, Shabbos has kept the Jew.” The late
    Senator Joseph Lieberman was once asked,
    “How can you be a senator and still keep
    Shabbos?” to which he replied, “I don’t think
    I could be a senator and not keep Shabbos.”
    Rabbi Shimshon Pincus zt”l teaches that we
    prepare for Shabbos as if we are welcoming
    royalty into our home. We set a beautiful
    table, dress in special Shabbos clothes, and
    serve the finest foods. Our discussions are
    elevated, and we sing heartwarming z’miros.
    We bless our children, and encourage them to
    share the Torah teachings of the past week. It’s
    not just about doing for Shabbos; it’s also
    about breaking away from the mundane and
    giving our minds a twenty-four hour rest from
    the pressures of our week.
    All for the seventh day. All for Shabbos.
    We even speak as if Shabbos itself is our
    guest. We’re shopping, cooking, preparing
    “for Shabbos”. For on Shabbos, we welcome
    the Shabbos Queen.
    Leil Shabbos. Friday night. Time for Kabbolas
    Shabbos, welcoming the Shabbos. We sing the
    words of Lecha Dodi, Come my Beloved.
    Likras Shabbos l’chu v’neilcha, To welcome
    Shabbos, come, let us go. Kee hee m’kor

    ha’bracha, For it is the source of
    At the Shabbos daytime seudah, many
    sing the tune Kee eshmerah Shabbos,
    If I guard and protect Shabbos, Keil
    yishmereinee, HaShem will protect
    me. Shabbos not only elevates us, but
    protects us.
    Prime Minister Menachem Begin
    understood this message well. It was
    May 3, 1982. While still in pain from a
    recent hip surgery, the Prime Minister
    made his way to Knesset, prepared to
    deliver a powerful message. A message that
    cemented a new policy that remains to this
    day. A message that brought the entire nation
    to understand the importance and holiness of
    Shabbos. A message about El Al, the national
    airline of Israel.
    “Forty years ago, I returned from exile to
    Eretz Yisroel,” he said. “Engraved in my
    memory are the lives of millions of Jews,
    simple, ordinary folk, eking out a livelihood
    in that forlorn Diaspora, where the storms of
    anti-Semitism raged. They were not permitted
    to work on the Christian day of rest, and they
    refused to work on their day of rest. For they
    lived by the commandment, ‘Remember the
    Sabbath day, to keep it holy.’ Each week,
    they forswore two whole days of hard-won
    bread. This meant destitution for many. But
    they would not desecrate the Sabbath day.”
    Despite the hissing and jeering from secular
    opposition members of the Knesset, and
    many in the public gallery, Begin was not
    deterred. He continued, “Shabbat is one of
    the loftiest values in all of humanity. It
    originated with us. It is all sours. No other
    civilization in history knew of a day of rest.
    Ancient Egypt had a great culture whose
    treasures are on view to this day, yet the
    Egypt of antiquity did not know a day of
    rest. The Greeks of old exceled in
    philosophy and the arts, yet they did not
    know of a day of rest. Rome established
    mighty empires, and instituted a system of
    law still relevant to this day, yet they did not
    know of a day of rest. Neither did the
    civilizations of Assyria, Babylon, Persia,
    India, China – none of them knew of a day
    of rest. One nation alone sanctified the
    Shabbat. A small nation, the nation that
    heard the voice at Sinai. Ours was the nation
    that enthroned Shabbat as our sovereign
    The jeering intensified, but the approving
    voices of those who were about to make
    history overtook them. Begin’s voice
    reached a crescendo, and he was not going
    to be intimidated from delivering his
    message. He was a man on a sacred mission,
    about to drop the gauntlet. “So, are we, in

    our own Jewish state, to allow our blue and
    white El Al planes to fly about, broadcasting
    to the world that there is no Shabbat in Israel?
    Should we now deliver a message to all,
    through our blue and white El Al planes – ‘No,
    don’t remember the Shabbat! Forget the
    Shabbat! Desecrate the Shabbat!’ I shudder at
    the thought.”
    “Know this,” Begin told his audience, “We
    cannot assess the religious, national, social,
    historical and ethical values of Shabbat by the
    yardstick of financial loss or gain. In our
    revived Jewish state, we cannot engage in
    such calculations when dealing with an eternal
    and cardinal value of the Jewish people –
    Shabbat – for which our ancestors were ready
    to give their lives.”
    Begin ended with an enduring statement.
    “One thing more. One need not to be a pious
    Jew to accept this principle. One need only to
    be a proud Jew.”
    The Prime Minister’s motion was put to a
    vote. The tally was 58 in favor, 54 opposed.
    Menachem Begin breathed a sigh of relief, as
    he limped his way out of Knesset. He had
    made history. El Al would no longer fly on the
    Shabbos and Yomim Tovim.
    My mother, the Rebbetzin a”h had the
    privilege of meeting with Prime Minister
    Begin on several occasions. At one such
    meeting he said to her: “Kavod HaRabbanit,”
    I want to share my most personal tefilla
    (prayer) with you. When I daven to Hashem in
    my most serious moments, I always make sure
    to use the words of Tehillim, asking and
    beseeching the Master of the world with the
    prayer, ‘V’ruach kadshecha al tikach mimeni.’
    Pease do not remove the spirit of Your holiness
    from me.’ ” This prayer was certainly on the
    Prime Minister’s lips as he delivered the
    powerful “El Al speech” on that historic day.
    El Al has recently introduced a new slogan:
    Fly the Flag. Prime Minister Begin foresaw
    this over forty years ago, when he declared
    that the flag of the Jewish nation would not be
    in the skies on Shabbos.
    Yehi zichro boruch. May his memory be for a