26 Jul From the Desk of the Publisher…
For the last 25 years it has been my honor and privilege working with Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss, having him on our staff and publishing his weekly articles.
Over this time we have both grown tremendously. His name has grown to the point that he is now one of the “gedolai hador”, writing articles, books and giving shiurim all over the country and on the internet.
Many of you started picking up our paper because of Rabbi Weiss’s articles and many of you discovered Rabbi Weiss through our paper.
The Rabbi’s writings have touched on every subject and have influenced all of our lives. Whether it’s been his articles on shalom bayis or his stories of Rav Moshe Feinstein zt”l or Rabbi Avigdor Miller zt”l, they have touched us all.
My favorite article was on why not to be afraid to take on daf yomi, it also played a tremendous influence on my life. It was the Rabbis inspiring words on not being afraid to miss one daf or to not understand every daf and how easy it would become as soon as you made the commitment which helped me make the plunge over 10 years ago. A decision I have been happy with every day.
I meet people in the street every day and they tell me what they enjoy most about The Vues and The Country Vues one of the top three things everyone says is Rabbi Weiss’ articles.
People call our office almost every day for back articles.
The articles are all thought provoking and show a tremendous amount of knowledge and research.
I can only hope that we continue this relationship for many
years to come with good health to his entire family.
Alan Hirsch