What is your favorite Pesach song?
Vehi Sheamda
Maan is supposed to taste like anything you want it to taste like, what would you want your Maan to taste like?
I don’t know I’m not into food. I want something healthy.
What is your favorite Yom Tov?
The next one! If I had to choose one, it’s probably Purim.
What is your favorite game you like to play with your family on Shabbos?
What is something you refuse to spend money on?
When the kids want to buy 4 different drinks at the airport and they’re $7.00 each and they can’t share 1 water.
What is your most prized sefer?
Chacham Ovadia Yosef’s sefer with his letter in it to me. I think it was on the Haggadah Shel Pesach.
“Aseih lecha rav” Who is your rav? Who do you ask tough sheilos to?
When he was living, Chacham Ovadiah. Today, there’s a few, Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky, Rav Shlomo Diamond in Deal, and my uncle Rabbi Shmuel Shwekey.
Name a skill you wish you had.
To play the acoustic guitar.
Which matzevah that when you go to it, you feel most connected to?
My grandmother, Adele. She was a big tzadeikes, always accomplishing things and living life to the fullest.
Name someone alive that you would call a leader?
Rav Shlomo Diamond in Deal
Name someone alive that you never met that you would like to meet before your time expires.
I don’t know if I have one.
What is your favorite Uncle Moishy song?
“Sharing is Caring”
Shnayim Mikra V’echad Targum- Which sefer or peirush do you typically go to for your weekly dvar torah on the parsha?
My rebbies sefer, Rabbi Shafier from “The Shmuz”
If you could have a chevrusa for a half hour with anybody in the history of mankind, Who would you want to learn with?
Shlomo Hamelech
Who would you put on your Mount Rushmore of Jewish singers? 4 people. Whose faces?
It’s whoever can deliver the message. I don’t think it’s 4.
What is your favorite song to sing at your Shabbos table?
Right now, its “Fadir” then “Menucha V’Simcha” The one constant song is Carlebach’s “Esah Einei.”
What is one mitzvah you have never done in your lifetime that you would like to do before your time expires?
Shiluach Hakan
What would you say is the best song for a kumzitz/farbrengen?
Who is your favorite person in Tanach?
Dovid Hamelech
If you can interview/shmooze with any Rasha (villain) in the history of mankind, who would it be?
Hitler. I would want to ask him why he would think that he can destroy a nation that the pasuk says “V’Hakadosh Baruch Hu Matzilanu Miyadam”.
What is the number one middah that someone should look for when looking for a shidduch?
Anavah (humbleness).
What is one word that describes Camp HASC?
If you could have 3 dinner guests this Friday night for Shabbat dinner, anyone from the beginning of time, who would you invite?
Avraham, Yitzchok & Yaakov
If Moshiach came today & this Friday night there will be a tisch in the Beis Hamikdash, who’s leading it?
Dovid Hamelech. I would love to be in the choir.
Fill in the blank: When Moshiach Comes______________
We Will Cry No More