Coming into Pesach, what Haggadah are you using this year for the Seder?
Shirat Miriam, Rabbi Tzvi Rimon’s Haggadah
What’s your favorite part of the seder?
My favorite part of the seder is “Shifoch Chamascha” and beyond. It’s when I begin to feel the emotions of a new Geulah coming by the end of the seder.
What type of wine or grape juice do you use for the arbah kosos?
Psagot De’Vine for all 4.
What is the biggest nachas a child can do for a parent?
It Is to give the parent a window to understand how they really impact the child. It’s one thing for the child to accomplish, it’s another thing for the child to help the parent understand how they were the source of their success. It’s something that thanks the parent for helping the child become who they became.
Name someone alive that you would tell your children that they are a role model.
My wife.
Have you written any seforim?
I’m finishing the first of two volumes on tefillah.
If the rav finished the sefer (or a sefer) and you can have a haskamah from anyone since the time of tanach, who would you want the haskamah to be from?
The Maharal- My most go to source. If the Maharal thought it made sense then I’d be very happy.
What mitzvah gets you in a good mood?
What is one middah that you think all of klal Yisroel needs to work on, as a whole?
I think being “Nosei B’ol Im Chaveiro,” to really put ourselves in the shoes of other people and try to understand things from their perspective and try to help carry their burdens. Everybody is very worried about their own burdens right now, people can be “Nosei B’ol Im Chaveiro”. I think it is a good thing.
Which Matzevah that when you go to it, do you feel most connected to?
Definitely, Rabbi Akiva- I cry every time I go. I try any time I go to Tiveria to go to Rabbi Akiva. He’s my hero.
If you could be a fly on the wall & witness something from the beginning of time, you can actually be in the room when it happened. When would it be?
I’m going to go very Tzioni. I would say the founding of the state, which I was not zoche to be at. May 1948- The year they established the state.
If you can have 3 dinner guests for your Friday night Shabbos meal, anyone from the beginning of time, who would it be?
1- Yaakov Avinu
2- Elisha HaNavi 3- Rabbi Akiva
What is the biggest segulah for shalom bayis?
I think the biggest segulah for shalom bayis is not to let your shalom bayis rely on silly segulos and that your wife should be one of the three dinner guests.